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Web development
Learning Apache Thrift. Make applications cross-communicate using Apache Thrift!
Krzysztof Rakowski, Diwaker Gupta
With modern software systems being increasingly complex, providing a scalable communication architecture for applications in different languages is tedious. The Apache Thrift framework is the solution to this problem! It helps build efficient and easy-to-maintain services and offers a plethora of options matching your application type by supporting several popular programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml, and Delphi.This book will help you set aside the basics of service-oriented systems through your first Apache Thrift-powered app. Then, progressing to more complex examples, it will provide you with tips for running large-scale applications in production environments.You will learn how to assess when Apache Thrift is the best tool to be used. To start with, you will run a simple example application, learning the framework's structure along the way; you will quickly advance to more complex systems that will help you solve various real-life problems. Moreover, you will be able to add a communication layer to every application written in one of the popular programming languages, with support for various data types and error handling. Further, you will learn how pre-eminent companies use Apache Thrift in their popular applications.This book is a great starting point if you want to use one of the best tools available to develop cross-language applications in service-oriented architectures.
Vincent Vandenbussche, Akin Osman Kazakci
Regularization is an infallible way to produce accurate results with unseen data, however, applying regularization is challenging as it is available in multiple forms and applying the appropriate technique to every model is a must. The Regularization Cookbook provides you with the appropriate tools and methods to handle any case, with ready-to-use working codes as well as theoretical explanations. After an introduction to regularization and methods to diagnose when to use it, you’ll start implementing regularization techniques on linear models, such as linear and logistic regression, and tree-based models, such as random forest and gradient boosting. You’ll then be introduced to specific regularization methods based on data, high cardinality features, and imbalanced datasets. In the last five chapters, you’ll discover regularization for deep learning models. After reviewing general methods that apply to any type of neural network, you’ll dive into more NLP-specific methods for RNNs and transformers, as well as using BERT or GPT-3. By the end, you’ll explore regularization for computer vision, covering CNN specifics, along with the use of generative models such as stable diffusion and Dall-E.By the end of this book, you’ll be armed with different regularization techniques to apply to your ML and DL models.
Get ready to unlock the full potential of the open-source Grafana observability platform, ideal for analyzing and monitoring time-series data with this updated second edition. This beginners guide will help you get up to speed with Grafana’s latest features for querying, visualizing, and exploring logs and metrics, no matter where they are stored.Starting with the basics, this book demonstrates how to quickly install and set up a Grafana server using Docker. You’ll then be introduced to the main components of the Grafana interface before learning how to analyze and visualize data from sources such as InfluxDB, Telegraf, Prometheus, Logstash, and Elasticsearch. The book extensively covers key panel visualizations in Grafana, including Time Series, Stat, Table, Bar Gauge, and Text, and guides you in using Python to pipeline data, transformations to facilitate analytics, and templating to build dynamic dashboards. Exploring real-time data streaming with Telegraf, Promtail, and Loki, you’ll work with observability features like alerting rules and integration with PagerDuty and Slack. As you progress, the book addresses the administrative aspects of Grafana, from configuring users and organizations to implementing user authentication with Okta and LDAP, as well as organizing dashboards into folders, and more.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained all the knowledge you need to start building interactive dashboards.
Antonio Melé, Paolo Melchiorre
If you want to learn Django by doing, this book is for you.Django 5 By Example is the fifth edition of the best-selling franchise that helps you build real-world web apps. This book will walk you through planning and creation, solving common problems, and implementing best practices using a step-by-step approach.You’ll cover a wide range of web application development topics through four different projects: a blog application, a social website, an e-commerce application, and an e-learning platform. Pick up what’s new in Django 5 as you build end-to-end Python web apps, follow detailed project plans, and understand the hows and whys of Django.This is a practical and approachable book that will have you creating web apps quickly.
Azure DevOps Explained. Get started with Azure DevOps and develop your DevOps practices
Sjoukje Zaal, Stefano Demiliani, Amit Malik
Developing applications for the cloud involves changing development methodologies and procedures. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes are a must today, but are often difficult to implement and adopt. Azure DevOps is a Microsoft Azure cloud service that enhances your application development life cycle and enables DevOps capabilities.Starting with a comprehensive product overview, this book helps you to understand Azure DevOps and apply DevOps techniques to your development projects. You'll find out how to adopt DevOps techniques for your development processes by using built-in Azure DevOps tools. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also discover how to manage a project with the help of project management techniques such as Agile and Scrum, and then progress toward development aspects such as source code management, build pipelines, code testing and artifacts, release pipelines, and GitHub integration. As you learn how to implement DevOps practices, this book will also provide you with real-world examples and scenarios of DevOps adoption.By the end of this DevOps book, you will have learned how to adopt and implement Azure DevOps features in your real-world development processes.