
The Trail of the Golden Horn

H.A. Cody

The main character, Hugo, hated the river and always kept away from it. After all, the river is a clear evil. From which many people died. Hugo will have to overcome many obstacles in its path. Overcome your fears. But will he cope with this?


The Boss of the Lazy Y

Charles Alden Seltzer

The story concerns a complicated, angry, daredevil son, Calumet Marston, who returns to his boyhood homestead to find his hated father dead and a stranger, a woman named Betty, in charge. Her family had aided his father, and now she is "the boss". He also left a testimony which states that Calumet must give a practical demonstration of reform in character if he wants to inherit his fathers money, and Betty is the one to be the judge of that. Written in the style of the early writers of the modern western, this is a vivid story of the depths to which any person can sink without discipline, charity and love. A classic story that is considered to be Seltzers best work with action and romance trailing at every turn.


Parasol Świętego Piotra

Kálmán Mikszáth

Powieść wydana w 1974 roku na Węgrzech. Interpretacja starej legendy. Książka pełna błyskotliwego humoru i baśniowego charakteru. Napisana lekko, napawająca optymizmem. Autor przekazuje czytelnikowi pozytywną energii, radość i nadzieję.


Собачье сердце (Psie serce)

Михаил Афанасиевич Булгаков, Michaił Afanasjewicz Bułhakow

201eСобачье сердце201d 2013 одно из самых любимых читателями произведений Михаила Булгакова. Вас ждет рассказ о необыкновенном эксперименте гениального ученого. Известный московский профессор Преображенский решается на эксперимент по пересадке гипофиза умершего бездомного пьяницы и хулигана Клима Чугункина милому псу Шарику, найденному на улице. Очеловечивание произошло, но эксперимент, увы, не удался. Вместо доброй собаки на свет появляется безобразный, тупой и агрессивный Полиграф Полиграфович Шариков, который унаследовал от своего «донора» лишь дурные черты. Цепкая натура дебошира и разгильдяя 2013 к несчастью, мерзкая, наглая, неблагодарная 2013 подавляет благородное собачье сердце, и профессору ничего не остается, как совершить обратное превращение...


The Secret of Dr. Kildare

Max Brand

The "Dr. Kildare" series is written by Max Brand, which was the pen name of prolific author Frederick Faust, and is from the medical genre. This series is about the many exploits of Dr. Kildare, who starts out the series as a medical intern as he works to try and become a doctor. The stories follow Dr. James "Jimmy" Kildare, an aspiring surgeon, who leaves the simple life of his parents farm to practice medicine at a big-city hospital. Brand this time has young Dr. Kildare take on a special case to force his beloved Gillespie to take a rest from the research job which is draining him. The case involves a fear neurosis in the daughter of a multimillionaire, and Kildaire uses unorthodox means to get to the bottom of it, and pulls her through.


Chance. A Tale in Two Parts

Joseph Conrad

Events revolve around the daughter of a bankrupt magnate. She is viciously attacked by her disappointed governess, who has her marriage plans for her father, and Flora takes with her the belief that she is unattractive. Psychological history that keeps the reader from beginning to end. Soon, Flora discovers that even the staff does not love her, and her situation is complicated by the selfish indignation of her father against her attachment to Anthony.


The House of Defence

E.F. Benson

Lord Thurso-Rainham is the type of vigorous man who is the victim of neuralgic headaches. He becomes addicted to the drugs he takes to counter their effects. All other attempts to cure Thurso from his addiction failed. There is one option to save his to try Christian science, in which no one believes.



O. Henry

O. Henry is the pen name of American writer William Sydney Porter (1862-1910). Porters 400 short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, characterization and the clever use of twist endings. He needs no introduction of course; the man who made the short story with the surprise ending famous. These 16 stories are all wonderful examples of his word sculpting art. They include: The Rose of Dixie, The Third Ingredient, The Hiding of Black Bill, Schools and Schools, Thimble, Thimble, Supply and Demand, Buried Treasure, To Him Who Waits, He Also Serves, The Moment of Victory, The Head-Hunter, A Poor Rule and others. O. Henry has a very unique and amusing style, with a dry sense of humor running through all the stories. Originally published in 1897, this early work is a fascinating novel of the period and still an interesting read today.