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Pat of Silver Bush

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bus (1933) portrays a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who hates changes of any kind and loves her home, Silver Bush, more than anything else in the world. The book begins when Pat is 7 years old and ends when she is 18. She is very devoted to her family: her father and mother, her brothers Joe and Sid, and her sisters Winnie and Rachel. If it were up to her, nothing there would ever change. But of course if nothing changed, shed never get a new baby sister, see her Aunt Hazels wedding, or meet the only boy who truly understands her. Yes, there is change coming for Pat some of it joyous and some of it heartbreaking. But no matter what, he favorite house in the world will always be waiting for her...



George Sand

Cest lun des romans les plus célebres. Pour quil ny ait pas de modernes, cela nous semblera moderne et intéressant. Isidora apparaît dans ce roman sous le nom de démon. Jacques ne sait pas qui choisir un ange ou un démon. Et cela le tourmente.


8 najwspanialszych tragedii. MultiBook

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (15641616) jest powszechnie uznawany za jednego z najwybitniejszych angielskich dramaturgów oraz reformatorów teatru. Napisał trzydzieści osiem sztuk, z czego około jednej czwartej to tragedie. Tragedie mistrza ze Stratfordu w naturalny sposób stanowią przeciwieństwo jego komedii. Autor, który często pozostaje wierny wzorcom klasycznym, stawia swoich bohaterów w sytuacjach bez wyjścia, ukazuje ich słabość wobec trudności losu. W utworach tych niebagatelną rolę odgrywają monologi, w których bohaterowie zadają pytania o sens istnienia. Nawołują tym samym publiczność do refleksji nad stawianymi przez nich problemami. W multibooku znalazło się 8 najwspanialszych tragedii autora, takich jak: Tytus Andronicus Romeo i Julia Juliusz Cezar Hamlet Otello Król Lear Makbet Tymon Ateńczyk


Dawn of Flame. The Stanley G. Weinbaum Memorial Volume

Stanley G. Weinbaum

After a worldwide plague breaks civilization, Joaquin Smith and his sister build an empire up the Mississippi Valley. Who would be brave or foolish enough to stand in their way? Who but a young backwoodsman named Hull Tarvish? Dawn of Flame was written in the year 1939 by Stanley Grauman Weinbaum. This book is one of the most popular novels of Stanley Grauman Weinbaum, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. After his death, Weinbaum became science fictions first cult author; Dawn of Flame appeared as the title piece of a 1936 memorial story collection, while The Black Flame was the lead feature in the January 1939 debut issue of Startling Stories.


The Sinister Man

Edgar Wallace

A mystery novel classic by Edgar Wallace with so many twists and turns it becomes utterly baffling by the end. Superintendent Wills investigates the murder of a man found floating in the River Thames, it appears the victim was a archeology Oxford professor, murdered over three small fragments of an ancient text, working on the deciphering of some very rare tablets which if they fall into the wrong hands could cause major problems for one Asian country. He had previously been studying an archeological artefact known as the Kytang Wafers, and this is now missing. Highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle!


Deutsche Herzen Deutsche Helden. Band IIV

Karl May

Die Geschichte beginnt sehr unheimlich auf einem Friedhof: Hier schwört Ibrahim Pascha Rache an der Familie von Adlerhorst, deren Oberhaupt Alban er fälschlicherweise für den Mörder seines Vaters hält. Einige Jahre später ist Alban tot und die Familie auseinandergerissen. Über zweieinhalb Jahrzehnte danach kommt es in Istanbul zu einer schicksalshaften Begegnung zwischen Lord Eagle-nest, dem Maler Paul Norman und Hermann von Adlerhorst. Zusammen mit dem schrulligen Lord Eagle-nest und dem geheimnisvollem Helden Oskar Steinbach macht sich der junge Hermann von Adlerhorst daran, die verschiedenen Mitglieder seiner Familie zu suchen, die durch eine Tragödie zwanzig Jahre zuvor in alle Welt verstreut wurden. Ihre Spuren finden sich im Orient, im Wilden Westen und in Sibirien. Während Paul Norman sich in Ibrahim Paschas Sklavin Tschita verliebt, kann Hermann von Adlerhorst dessen Lieblingssklavin Zykyma retten, als ihr Pferdegespann losgeht. Beide möchten ihre angebeteten Frauen aus dem Harem befreien, ein Unternehmen, das bei Lord Eagles-nest, einem Liebhaber von Mozarts Oper Die Entführung aus dem Serail, auf starkes Interesse stößt. Für die Freunde beginnt ein großes und gefährliches Abenteuer.


Son of the Wolf

Jack London

Jack London has always been especially reverent about the culture of the American Indians and their originality, which is why the theme of the invasion of the Indian tribes by white people from the mainland occupies a central theme in his work. Hardened by the harsh North, the brave traveler Scraf Mackenzie intends to marry a girl from the local Native American tribe of the Styx. However, he is faced with the stubborn reluctance of Indians to share their women with white aliens.


Emily Climbs

Lucy Maud Montgomery

The second book in the Emily novels, Emily Climbs tells the story of Emily moving to a high school in Shrewsbury and beginning her career as a writer with the local newspaper. Shrewsbury brings new friends, new adventures, and new enemies, and the town is scandalized by some of Emilys exploits. Perhaps the hardest trial is having to board with her Aunt Ruth. Or is it her promise to Aunt Elizabeth? But Emilys troubles are only the beginning of her climb to success... and perhaps romance. Then Emily is offered a fabulous opportunity, and she must decide if she wants to change her life forever.