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When the Gangs Came to London

Edgar Wallace

Set in the late 1920s-early 1930s, When the Gangs Came to London is rated as one of Edgar Wallaces best work by fans of his genre of crime fiction. Two rival gangs from Chicago coming to London and competing to blackmail rich men into paying up to prevent being killed. When a lull ensues, Captain Jiggs Allermain of the Chicago Detective Bureau suspects the rival gangs of forming an uneasy alliance. Suddenly a shot rings through the House of Commons, unleashing an outburst of terror even more bloody. Wallace wrote this one towards the end of his life, he may even have been in Hollywood when he wrote it which could explain the very old school Hollywood gangsters!



Edgar Wallace

Dieses Buch ist eine Sammlung von Edgar Wallace schönsten Geschichten: Der Fall Stretelli, Das Diamantenklavier, Doktor Kay, Der Selbstmörder, Indizienbeweis. Edgar Wallace hat zeigte einmal mehr seine Fähigkeiten als großer Schriftsteller.


White Fang

Jack London

The main conflict of the story is dog-nature vs. wolf-nature, or nature vs. man. What happens to White fang, and how he goes through the many troubles that he has to. Growing up in the Yukon territory of Canada during the Klondike Gold Rush, he learned the law of the Wild at an early age: kill, or be killed, eat, or be eaten. Separated from his mother and traded from master to master, White Fang never grasped the concept of love, and violence was all that he knew. Having no teacher, he learned the rules of survival by experience. Then, a cruel man buys White Fang and turns him into a pit dog forced to fight for money. He save one day, a mixed dogwolf from the hands of a cruel man, and a brave friendship develops between the two. With beautifully realistic details of the harsh realities of life in the Yukon, White Fang is a grippingly original tale about morality and redemption that still stands as an American classic.


A Daughter of Astrea

E. Phillips Oppenheim

BEHOLD! cried Sabul Ahmid, with an upward sweep of his bare, brown arm, behold the Sacred Temple of the people of Astrea! I stood up in the boat, my portfolio under my arm. High on the mountains side, crowning a thick mass of laurel undergrowth, and flanked by a grove of deep, cool, byana trees, was the building to which my servant was pointing. The material whereof it was fashioned I could not at that distance determine. Only in the broad, tropical sunlight it flashed forth, a glorious and spotless white, as flawless and perfect as the purest marble or alabaster. Little minarets rose from the flat roof; and flowering shrubs, planted along the mountain terrace above, drooped about it, a brilliant scintilla of purple coloring. My fingers began to crave for my pencil. I turned to my guide with beaming face.


The Greater Inclination

Edith Wharton

This is Edith Whartons earliest published collection of 8 short stories (1899). A selection consists: Muses Tragedy: Unrequited love between a poet and his muse. The Journey: A woman journeys with her ailing husband. The Pelican: A woman supports her son. Souls Belated: The pressure put on couples to marry. A Coward: A man recounts his cowardice past. The Twilight of the God: Past lovers meet under a husbands eye. A Cup of Cold Water: Redemption song. The Portrait: One of Whartons earliest short stories, when a painter paints your flaws. Like much of Whartons later work, they touch on themes of marriage, male/female relationships, New York society, and the nature and purpose of art. Give yourselves a treat, and read this short but unforgettable diverse collection!


Lato leśnych ludzi

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Trójka przyjaciół Rosomak, Pantera i Żuraw spędza lato w leśnej głuszy. Swój czas poświęcają pomocy zwierzętom i podziwianiu piękna krajobrazu. Doświadczonym leśnym ludziom towarzyszy młody praktykant. Jest to chłopak z miasta, który u ich boku nabiera doświadczenia i zdobywa zaszczytne miano Orlika. Lato leśnych ludzi to opis życia w głuchej puszczy jest pretekstem do ukazania piękna i siły natury. Bohaterowie doskonalą się poprzez życie w naturze i wspólną pracę.


Przygody Sindbada żeglarza

Bolesław Leśmian

Poetycka opowieść dla dzieci autorstwa Bolesława Leśmiana nawiązuje do postaci Sindbada Żeglarza z arabskiej Księgi tysiąca i jednej nocy. Jednak na kanwie wątków wschodnich poeta napisał całkiem nową historię mieszkający w Bagdadzie Sindbad za namową Diabła Morskiego udaje się w obfitującą w przygody podróż, która odmieni jego życie. Wydarzenia na granicy jawy i snu wzbudzają zachwyt w czytelnikach w każdym wieku.


Семейное счастье (Szczęście rodzinne)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

Роман Льва Толстого, посвященный теме любви и брака. Что важнее: страсть или верность любимому человеку, семейное счастье или прожигание жизни в утехах? История любви молодой девушки к другу своего покойного отца, её опекуну, их женитьбы и первых нескольких лет супружеской жизни, включающих некоторое охлаждение и ссоры.