
Szatan i Judasz (Tom 5). Szatan i Judasz. Winnetou w Afryce

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. Winnetou w Afryce to piąta część z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Szlachetny indiański wódz i tym razem pojawia się na kartach powieści, aby wraz z innymi znanymi i lubianymi bohaterami wspólnie odbywać szalone podróże, przeżywać ekscytujące przygody, podejmować ryzyko i odnosić zwycięstwo w walce z wrogimi siłami, pazernymi na skarby i czyhającymi na bezpieczeństwo bohaterów.


Die Sklavenkarawane

Karl May

Die Sklavenkarawane ist ein Abenteuerroman von Karl May. Die vorliegende Erzählung spielt in der zweiten Hälfte der 70er-Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Brüder Joseph und Emil Schwartz befinden sich auf einer wissenschaftlichen Reise im Sudan. Im Sudan unterdrücken gewissenlose Ausbeuter die Dörfer der Eingeborenen, plündern und morden und verkaufen die Bewohner an ebenso gewissenlose Händler. Da treffen sie auf Sklavenjäger und setzen alles daran, ihnen das Handwerk zu legen. Mehrere Araber vom Stamme der Homr versuchen, Emil Schwarz auf seiner Reise nach Faschoda zu ermorden. Spannungsgeladenes und ereignisreiches Reise-Abenteuer von Karl May.


The Mixer

Edgar Wallace

This is an excellent collection of short stories that include The Silk Stockings, Cinema Teaching by Post, A Gambling Raid, and many more. The Mixer is a particularly cool and resourceful scoundrel who works on the philanthropic principle of robbing only the thief and outswindling the swindler. He shows unfailing ingenuity in relieving of their ill-gotten gains the successful promoters of burglaries, sweepstakes, and financial scoops. Each chapter describes, in Mr. Wallaces best manner, some fresh exploit more daring and original than the last, and so likeable does this engaging villain become that we are positively relieved when, realizing that he has gone far enough, he finally retires from business and escapes abroad.


Red Nails

Robert E. Howard

Red Nails is the last of the stories about Conan the Cimmerian written by American author Robert E. Howard. A novella, it was originally serialized in Weird Tales magazine from July to October 1936. It is set in the pseudohistorical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan encountering a lost city in which the degenerate inhabitants are proactively resigned to their own destruction. Due to its grim themes of decay and death, the story is considered a classic of Conan lore and is often cited by Howard scholars as one of his best tales.


The Story of the Gadsby

Rudyard Kipling

A short book written as a play. It follows the young captain who is getting married, and each scene represents the different stages of the marriage. The book is written almost entirely in dialogue. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that Kipling understands the meaning of the introduction, taking into account where the story ends.


The Odyssey


A classic for the ages, The Odyssey recounts Odysseus (Ulysses) journey home after the Trojan War. After the end of the war, Ulysses and his companions decide to return home, but in the middle of the path a horrible storm deviates them from the original route. Just one more difficulty, they have to face monsters like Cyclops and Mermaids, always overcoming them with cleverness astuteness. During one of these confrontations, all his companions are murdered and Ulysses has to continue his journey alone, but a generous king and the goddess Athena helps him. He withstands the lure of the Sirens song and a trip to the Underworld, only to find his most difficult challenge at home, where treacherous suitors seek to steal his kingdom and his loyal wife, Penelope.


Deadwood Dick Jr. Branded. or Red Rover at Powder Pocket

Edward Lytton Wheeler

Deadwood Dick is a fictional character who appears in a series of stories, or dime novels, published between 1877 and 1897 by Edward Lytton Wheeler. His stories are well plotted adventures and his slang and dialect heavy narration is funny as hell. Deadwood Dick was an orphan who was adopted, mistreated and then ran away from home to become a notorious outlaw. Originally from New England, he moved to the town of Deadwood, where he became the leader of a gang of highway men, wanted dead or alive for a $500 bounty. He is handsome, valiant, charming and sarcastic and sees himself as a defender of the weak. Deadwood Dick Jr. Branded or Red Rover at Powder Pocket is a fast-paced thriller. With its colorful narrative and surprising twists, the story will keep you hooked till the very end.


Pamiątki JPana Seweryna Soplicy cześnika parnawskiego

Henryk Rzewuski

Pamiątki JPana Seweryna Soplicy cześnika parnawskiego to zbiór 25 gawęd szlacheckich, których narratorem jest fikcyjny bohater Seweryn Soplica, cześnik parnawski. Opowiada on o osobach lub zdarzeniach z czasów konfederacji barskiej i panowania króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego. Soplica jest typowym przedstawicielem swojego środowiska. Kieruje się typowym dla szlachty etosem, światopoglądem i poczuciem honoru. Opowieści prawdziwego szlachcica oddają doskonale sposób myślenia, styl życia i obyczaje prowincjonalnej szlachty Rzeczypospolitej. Zachwycają plastyką opisu, rysują barwne obrazki z życia awanturników szablą robiących.