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Eлектронна книга

This Side of Paradise

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgeralds first novel, This Side of Paradise, focuses on several themes and illustrates some social and moral changes in America during the early 20th century. This semiautobiographical story of the handsome, indulged, and idealistic Princeton student Amory Blaine received critical raves and catapulted Fitzgerald to instant fame. Amory Blaine is utterly an idealist. He indulges in every sense of his dreams, to the point that it becomes detrimental to the state of his status in life. Now, readers can enjoy the newly edited, authorized version of this early classic of the Jazz Age, based on Fitzgeralds original manuscript. In this definitive text, This Side of Paradise captures the rhythms and romance of Fitzgeralds youth and offers a poignant portrait of the Lost Generation. The novel explores the theme of love warped by greed and status-seeking.

Eлектронна книга


Karl May

Wanda oder wilde Polka ist seit Kindertagen dem Baron Eginhardt von Säumen versprochen, den sie aber nicht liebt. Aber die örtlichen Schornsteinfeger und Feuerwehrmann Emil Winter findet heraus, dass der angebliche Baron ein Hochstapler und Erbschleicher ist. Ihm gelingt es zweimal, Wanda aus Lebensgefahr zu retten, und letztlich von Säumen alias Morelly als Schurken zu überführen und dingfest zu machen. Wird sein Wunsch nach einer falschen Überzeugung Baron erfolgreich, das Herz des geliebten Vandy gewinnen?

Eлектронна книга

In den Tod geschickt

Edgar Wallace

Chicago während der Prohibition. Tony Perelli ist der Schmugglerkönig, doch geht er mit Erpressung, Schießereien und der Liquidierung unbequemer Leute zu weit? Er bekam Besuch in seinem Dachgarten hoch über den Lichtern von Chicago. Einer seiner Leute beschwerte sich darüber, dass man seinen Freund liquidiert hat. Die Folge: eine Hinrichtung ein Polizeieinsatz Maschinengewehrsalven am Stadtrand und mindestens ein Toter mehr als geplant...

Eлектронна книга

Les Voyages de Gulliver

Jonathan Swift

Ce livre raconte les trois voyages de Gulliver: les Lilliputiens, les géants et le pays étonnant des Gingnamas. Le premier voyage a Liliputia est un excellent exemple de littérature daventure pour enfants. Dans cette partie du travail, nous apprenons comment Gulliver est devenu un voyageur en général, comment il est monté sur le bateau, puis dans le pays des Lilliputiens. Tous les événements ultérieurs et les aventures extraordinaires dans ce pays sont remplis dhumour.

Eлектронна книга

Joshuas Vision

William J. Locke

During the war, Joshua Fendik became rich against his will and found for himself an entrance to social circles, completely new to him. In particular, he falls under the influence of Robins Dale, a sculptor who supports a useless husband abroad. Robins mothers Joshua and prompts him to try his hand with a chisel.

Eлектронна книга

Zaślubiny śmierci

Leo Belmont

Fabuła powieści skupia się wokół postaci Mary Vetsery. Młodziutka dziewczyna jest ukochaną arcyksięcia Rudolfa. Powieść z elementami dramatu ukazuje tragiczne losy głównej bohaterki.

Eлектронна книга

The Planet of Peril

Otis Adelbert Kline

Otis Adelbert Kline is best known for his purported novelistic feud with Edgar Rice Burroughs. In 1929, long before planetary romance became a conventional genre, he wrote Planet of Peril, a novel set on the planet Venus and written in the storytelling form of Burroughs Martian novels. He followed this with two sequels. This novel is a science-fiction adventure on a world of semi-barbaric nations, ferocious beasts, gigantic reptiles, and maidens in distress. In it, Robert Grandon of Earth exchanges his body with that of a captive Prince of the planet Venus. Of course being a earthmen he doesnt stay captive very long. Battles, swordfights, monsters, whirlwind of intrigue, danger, desperation and beautiful Queens vie for your attention as this story unfolds.

Eлектронна книга

The Father Brown Stories

G.K. Chesterton

Brown is a short, inconspicuous provincial priest in a ridiculous wide-brimmed hat and an old umbrella. It is amazing how the author twisted the plot in an incredible way, fitting such a complex structure consisting of small details and nuances into such a small amount of stories. At the same time, Father Brown finds himself in the crime scene quite by accident. Either this is a social reception, then it comes back from the funeral, then by invitation. And always his figure in the crowd causes the least interest, and, more often, the bewilderment of others. And his analytical and deductive abilities forced others to drop his jaw to the floor from an incredible denouement of history.