
Mr Blettsworthy on Rampole Island

Herbert George Wells

Often called the father of science fiction, British author Herbert George Wells literary works are notable for being some of the first titles of the science fiction genre. Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island is a 1928 novel by H. G. Wells. It tells the story of a young Englishman Arnold Blettsworthy who, after being betrayed by a business partner, is advised to go travelling in an attempt to recover from his severe disillusionment. During the voyage the ship is wrecked and Mr. Blettsworthy gets on Rampole island inhabited by unfriendly savages. However, instead of being full of relaxation and recuperation his trip is filled with nautical mutinies, cannibals, and much that is not what it seems. The novel combines several authors favorite themes, namely, love, marriage, politics, adventure and science fiction.


The Yellow Face

Fred M. White

A young, ambitious lawyer, Jack Masefield has his own problems and suspicions. He is in love with a beautiful young Clair and is convinced that her guardian, the famous criminologist Spencer Anstruther, is himself a criminal and plays some kind of mysterious game, and that posters on the streets are part of his scheme. This book captures from the start. And each page that you flip reveals new and new secrets.


The Loudwater Mystery

Edgar Jepson

This novel was first published in 1920 and is along the lines of a classic whodunnit. Lord Loudwater is brash, short tempered and always bullying people. He was loved by none, feared by many and hated by all. When he is inexplicably found fatality stabbed with a letter opener, the list of suspects seems endless. Unfortunately for Detective Flexen, who is to investigate the case, Lord Loudwater was not a very agreeable sort of fellow and almost every person in his vicinity had a motive for the crime. Was it his young wife or her lover, his former fiancé or even one of the servants? If you like the old style crime novels where you are presented with a puzzle and have to try and work out who the killer is, then you should like this.


Na kresach lasów. Powieść

Wacław Sieroszewski

Na kresach lasów to powieść Wacława Sieroszewskiego prezentująca obraz życia mieszkańców Jakucji krainy w północnej Rosji na tle syberyjskiej przyrody. Do małej wioski dociera polski zesłaniec, którego tubylcy biorą na Rosjanina. Wraz z nim poznajemy obyczaje Jakutów i przekonujemy się, jak hermetyczna jest to społeczność, jak bardzo odmienna i jak trudno czasem znaleźć zrozumienie.


As You Like It

William Shakespeare

One of the earliest comedies of Shakespeare. And at the moment one of the most relevant. The plot of the play is built on dressing a woman into a man, on the love of a man for a woman, a woman for a disguised woman, and so on. The second comedy plan shows how different family relationships can be one step from love to hate. And the fact that you are one blood does not mean anything, good relations are more important.


Na srebrnym globie. Rękopis z Księżyca

Jerzy Żuławski

Pierwsza część Trylogii księżycowej Jerzego Żuławskiego jednego z pionierów polskiej fantastyki naukowej. Napisana w formie pamiętnika z wyprawy, opowiada o misji kolonizacyjnej na Księżyc i tworzeniu tam nowego społeczeństwa. Fantastyczny sztafaż pozwala snuć refleksję o zmaganiach człowieka z własnymi słabościami i mechanizmach rządzących ludzkimi relacjami społecznymi.



Bolesław Prus

Starożytny Egipt, XI wiek przed naszą erą. Państwem zarządza młody faraon Ramzes XIII. Następca tronu zamierza przeprowadzić reformy, które poprawią los poddanych. Tymczasem skarbiec faraona jest pusty, rośnie też zadłużenie państwa pożyczającego ogromne sumy od Fenicjan. Niezbędne do reform środki młody władca zamierza zdobyć podczas wojny z bogatą Asyrią. Planom Ramzesa sprzeciwiają się jednak kapłani, którzy mają znaczący wpływ na politykę państwa i którzy posiadają bogactwa ukryte w podziemnym labiryncie. Ramzes podejmuje walkę z kapłanami, której celem jest przywrócenie pełni władzy faraonom. Nie docenia jednak wiedzy i siły swych przeciwników...


The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Charles Dickens

As in many of Dickenss greatest novels, the gulf between appearance and reality drives the action. Set in the seemingly innocuous cathedral town of Cloisterham, the story rapidly darkens with a sense of impending evil. Charles Dickenss final, unfinished novel is in many ways his most intriguing. A highly atmospheric tale of murder, The Mystery of Edwin Drood foreshadows both the detective stories of Conan Doyle and the nightmarish novels of Kafka. Though The Mystery of Edwin Drood is one of its authors darkest books, it also bustles with a vast roster of memorable-and delightfully named-minor characters: Mrs. Billikins, the landlady; the foolish Mr. Sapsea; the philanthropist, Mr. Honeythunder; and the mysterious Datchery. Several attempts have been made over the years to complete the novel and solve the mystery, but even in its unfinished state it is a gripping and haunting masterpiece.