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Swords of the Red Brotherhood

Robert E. Howard

One moment the glade lay empty; the next a man poised tensely at the edge of the bushes. No sound warned the red squirrels of his coming, but the birds that flitted about in the sunlight took sudden fright at the apparition and rose in a clamoring swarm. The man scowled and glanced quickly back the way he had come, fearing the bird-flight might have betrayed his presence. Then he started across the glade, placing his feet with caution. Tall and muscular of frame, he moved with the supple ease of a panther.


The Angel of the Revolution. A Tale of the Coming Terror

George Griffiths

This is a story about the coming terror. George Griffiths tells the story of the Great War that never happened. Airship squadrons and steam fleets clash over the worlds great kingdoms, leaving panic and devastation in their wake. Can the good side win this time? What happens to the planet? Many questions require an answer.


Gangsters Glory

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Detective Inspector John Dickins seated himself in silence. It was not the first of such conferences to which he had been summoned, but this time everyone knew that the situation was critical. He remained silent, waiting for his Chief to continue.


Fools Goal

B.M. Bower

B.M Bower had a gift for writing Westerns, weaving tales of adventure, intrigue, mystery, and romance often with surprise endings. They are historical reminiscences of pioneers among the sage and bush, clearing the way for a new America. This is one of her stories. A man travels from Montana to San Jose to show a girl how the wide West breeds wider morals. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Whether youre a first-time reader or a long-time fan, Fools Goal will surely please fans of classic Westerns.


Piczomira, królowa Branlomanii. Tragedia w trzech aktach

Aleksander Fredro

W królestwie Branlomanii królowa Piczomira wprowadza przyzwolenie na rozwiązłość kobiet, a mężczyznom nakazuje utrzymywać cnotliwość aż do ślubu. Armia mężczyzn nie może się pogodzić z nowym prawem i rozpoczyna oblężenie miasta.



Henryk Sienkiewicz

Akcja powieści toczy się w czasach wojen napoleońskich na ziemiach polskich zaboru pruskiego oraz we Włoszech, gdzie walczą polskie legiony, na których czele stoi generał Jan Henryk Dąbrowski. Marek Kwiatkowski i Stanisław Cywiński to para przyjaciół. Marek jest synem ubogiego leśnika, a Stanisław sierotą pochodzącym ze szlacheckiego rodu (opiekę nad nim i jego majątkiem sprawuje stryj szambelan). Młodzieńcy mimo młodego wieku brali przed kilku laty udział w walkach insurekcji kościuszkowskiej. Teraz postanawiają zaciągnąć się do polskich legionów, które tworzą się we Włoszech i walczą u boku Napoleona Bonapartego przeciwko Austrii.



Zane Grey

Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier, including the novel Riders of the Purple Sage, his best selling book. This is one of his stories. The story revolves around Lucy Bostil, a stable owners daughter who one day happens upon an unconscious Lin Slone. He never wants anything more than the wild stallion he calls Wildfire. When he comes to, Lin convinces Lucy to rise his horse, Wildfire in an impeding race. However, there are others who would see that the pair fail in their endeavour to win. A classic tale of adventure and daring-do, Wildfire constitutes a must-read for lovers of Western fiction.


Cunning Murrell

Arthur Morrison

Spirit of Old Essex draws together Arthur Morrisons lost treasure of a novel Cunning Murrell, a jocular tale of witchcraft, old salts, pugilists, smuggling and country life long lost, together with additional background information on Morrisons research and inspiration. Cunning Murrell is a fictionalized biography of James Murrell, also known as Cunning Murrell, who was an English cunning man, or professional folk magician. In this capacity, he reportedly employed magical means to aid in healing both humans and animals, exorcising malevolent spirits, countering witches, and restoring lost or stolen property to its owner.