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The second of the three Grandon of Venus novels. When the man who was Harry Thorne on Earth offered to swap bodies with a native of Venus, it was because he was bored with comfort and security, and craved excitement. And that was what he got more than he would have bargained for when he found that he had taken over the assassin-haunted role of a prince of a beleaguered throne in a land of ferocious beasts and inhuman foemen. With the help of the fellow interplanetary traveler Vorn Vangal he got to know the planet and the rules of it. Otis Adelbert Kline, whose work is often compared to that of Edgar Rice Burroughs, has created in The Prince of Peril another interplanetary swordplay and fantastic adventure to stand alongside his fast-selling The Planet of Peril and The Swordsman of Mars.
The Gentle Buccaneers a gang of four pirates. They were a good company, physically, if not intellectually, although Endellion himself, the leader of the expedition and the owner of the yacht, was a classic scholar and passionate admirer of Marcus Aurelius, whose philosophy he loved to translate. They liked to pose as people who were disfigured in a battle for peace. However, it soon became harder to show up in public. Everyone is starting to pay attention to them.
The Streak had blasted seven vicious killers single-handedly, tamed the wildest mustangs on the range and outsmarted the sharpest dealers in Jasper Valley. The stories about the fabulous Streak were endless. BUT ... not one of them was true! The Streak was really a harmless young man named Blondy Terrance. A series of crazy coincidences had earned him a reputation for violence he never deserved. Now, the deadliest gunslingers in the territory are after him - to put him to the ultimate test of guts in a shootout! Max Brands action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain readers throughout the world.
Hamilton Cleek is back or is he? Margot, Queen of the Apaches, the notorious French criminal gang, has been released on bail and vanished, Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard has a series of inexplicable murders to solve, there is talk of revolution in Mauravania. And Cleek is missing. The stories collected here are some of the best about the clever and resourceful private detective Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mystery in London. Hold on to your hats for another thrilling ride as spying, murder, mysterious disappearances, jewel theft and horse theft, bombs and political intrigue rear their ugly heads. The stories range from well-done mysteries involving excellent deductive reasoning to fast-paced action tales set in exotic locales with highly romanticized villains.
Putting Crime Over by Hulbert Footner. When Madame Roska Storey and her secretary are robbed, a plan is put in place to catch the robbers as well as their leader. She is the best private detective of England, but her stories are international. Her way to resolve the mystery is original and bring you in a new world. So we are introduced to the fascinating Madame Rosika Storey, fearless and intelligent, who plays cat-and-mouse with killers, goes undercover to break up criminal gangs, and unravels deadly mysteries. A strange, yet interesting tale that was actually written in the 1920s.
Frederick Schiller Faust was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. This is one of his novels. Enter the Kid who has an eye on Milmans daughter but also on the life of Milman who he blames for the death of his parents. He saves the Milman cattle because he cannot stand to see innocent cattle killed to make money. In doing so he saves Milman from ruin, wins the girl and forgives Milman. His trek down a narrow water filled canyon to break up the Shays plans is performed by superhuman efforts.
This is a late set of long stories that are read at the pace of a narrator who is in no hurry. Similarly, Locke does not tell his story to the great storyteller, an English artist named Charles Fontenay, who lives for health in the south of France in Cannes, often tells his usual storyteller, whose stories he reports, Monsieur Alcide Tombarelle, mayor of Creel Mountain City, to speed up or stop being distracted.
Powieść Eugenia Grandet Honoriusza Balzaka należy do Scen z życia prowincji cyklu Komedia Ludzka. Feliks Grandet mieszka w Saumur w bardzo skromnych warunkach z żoną i córką Eugenią. Dzięki pewnej zręczności w interesach, a przede wszystkim z powodu niezwykłego skąpstwa zgromadził olbrzymi jak na warunki prowincjonalne majątek. Mieszkańcy Saumur, którzy poważają Grandeta ze względu na jego majątek, uważają Eugenię za najlepszą partię w okolicy. O jej rękę starają się rywalizujące ze sobą rodziny Cruchotów i de Grasinsów...