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Prior to the twentieth century, philosophy was the driving force behind all literature. Authors used the novel as a means to communicate their ideas on mans purpose and his place in the universe. With Louis Lambert, however, Balzac takes the idea of the philosophical novel a little too far in giving us this odd, chimerical mashup of philosophical treatise and coming-of-age novel. The novel seems to focus on the life and particularly the thoughts of the genius boy protagonist Louis Lambert. Set mostly in a school at Vendôme, it examines the life and theories of Louis fascinated by the Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg (16881772) and his book Heaven and Hell. However, the main core of the novel is not about the life of Lambert as it is on his thoughts and ideas, as well as about emotions in humans lives. A beautiful novel by the great French novelist Balzacs novel sequence La Comedie Humane, which fall into the Etude Philosophic section of the sequence!
A lively and amusing story, dealing with the adventures of eighteen jovial, big hearted Montana cowboys. First published in 1910, The Happy Family (a sequel to Chip of the Flying U) continues the various funny and catchy happenings of the well-known interesting beloved characters Weary, Irish, Pink, Happy Jack, Big Medicine, and in particular Andy Green, storyteller extraordinaire, and the rest. They were so popular that their creator devoted a series of novels to their wrangling on the rangeland and in the ranch house. These stories play out in the badlands, on the edge of the Rockies. A classic Western romp, The Happy Family is not to be missed by fans and collectors of vintage Western literature.
The Haunted Man and the Ghosts Bargain
The Haunted Man and the Ghosts Bargain is an 1848 ghost story by Charles Dickens. It is the final novella in Dickens series of five Christmas Books, the first and best known of which is A Christmas Carol. For Victorians these ghost stories began to be associated with Christmas time, and the end of the year. In this story, Dickens narrates the hair-raising experiences of a teacher of chemistry Redlaw. As the protagonist dwells on his past sorrows and mistakes, a phantom visits him. It offers him a bizarre escape from painful recollections of yesteryear by offering to eradicate his memory. Where he once felt interest, compassion, and sympathy, he is filled with selfishness and ingratitude, and this affliction spreads to everyone the man has contact with. The only one not affected by this is Milly. In this, like Mr. Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, the man learns some important life lessons and is given another chance at life and being a better person.
Le soir mme de notre arrivée Naples, nous courmes sur le port, Jadin et moi, pour nous informer si par hasard quelque bâtiment, soit vapeur, soit voiles, ne partait pas le lendemain pour la Sicile. Comme il nest pas dans les habitudes ordinaires des voyageurs daller Naples pour y rester quelques heures seulement, disons un mot des circonstances qui nous forçaient de hâter notre départ...
The gang has to deal with changing times, progress, and civilization, all of which threaten the very existence of the Flying U. Homesteaders! Farmers! What can be done to protect the home country from these people who have no idea that the land claims they are wanting to prove up on are not meant for farming? This is B. M. Bowers 1915 novel, The Flying Us Last Stand. Another fantastic sequel to Chip of the Flying U, this book is not to be missed by those who have read and enjoyed other books in this classic Western series and the works of B. M. Bower. Highly recommended for fans of Western adventure fiction and worthy of a place on any bookshelf.
This study is about how a rich man falls in love with a woman who simply does not care about him. He is confident that a woman will make his life better. After a moment, we observe the story of unloved people who had to get married. Of course, the end will be instructive for many readers.
What makes this work so unusual is that it tries to mimic the format of a legal report covering a fictional trial of Pickwick, who is accused of breaking a promise to marry his mistress. In a large number of quotes from the source text, Fitzgerald explains some of the factual materials. Having some experience in legal matters, Fitzgerald can also indicate where Dickens knowledge of the British legal system is accurate and where it may deviate slightly from the true state of things.
Lun des personnages principaux Louis Kornbut, capitaine du navire, a vu le navire de détresse des Norvégiens. Il est allé le secourir sur le bateau, mais il a lui-mme disparu et léquipe, ne le trouvant pas, est revenue. Son pere, Jean Kornbut, organise une expédition pour sauver son fils, qui finit par le retrouver, ainsi que le navire. Apres cela, tout le monde devra subir un hivernage difficile sur le navire.