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An Outcast of the Islands

Joseph Conrad

This book is somewhere morally difficult to read. It describes the travails of women. Peter Willems, a Dutchman by birth, a poor boy, leaves his miserable, joyless home in order to seek a better, more prosperous future. The sea will be a salvation for the boy. on the ship, he will find his home and his comrades in life.


Gambles with Destiny

George Griffiths

George Griffith became famous for his fantastic stories. The main character decided to fight with Destiny. The hero is the symbol of all nations, he combines the interests of all nations. The author conceived an interesting idea and in the end will surprise readers.


The Lion of Petra

Talbot Mundy

Despite the fact that Talbot Mandy is more famous for having written the more popular King of Hebrew screws, this story of adventure in the desert will surely please the reader. An Englishman who accompanies the famous American James Graham in a dangerous journey through the Petri desert tells of this in order to resist Ali Higgs cruel and deadly robber in his own fortress. Powerful desert chifthan, Ali Higg terrorizes the Arabs, and does not unite them. Along with James Grim is his wife and companion, as well as a senior thief and his many sons and grandchildren. Will they succeed?


Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins

Kurd Lasswitz

Der Autor beschreibt Zukunft und Raum, technische Möglichkeiten und deren Auswirkungen, Katastrophen der spezifischen Wissenschaftsglauben und innere Kraft des Menschen, die bei der Überlebung eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. In seinen Zukunftserzählungen wird jedoch trotz allen technischen Fortschritts immer wieder deutlich, dass die Menschen ihrem Naturell treu bleiben und dass die Liebe nie an Bedeutung verliert. Es ist das Jahr 2371. Die Menschheit nutzt Luftdroschken um sich fort zu bewegen. Jedes Stück Land für die Nahrungsversorgung gebraucht.


Planetoid 127 and The Sweizer Pump

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace enjoyed writing science fiction. Planetoid 127, first published in 1929 but reprinted as late 1962, is a short story about an Earth scientist who communicates via wireless with his counterpart on a duplicate Earth orbiting unseen because it is on the opposite side of the Sun. The idea of a mirror Earth or mirror Universe later became a standard subgenre within science fiction. The story also bears similarities to Rudyard Kiplings hard science fiction story Wireless. As we see the first of the two stories, Planetoid 127, is science fiction whilst the second, The Sweizer Pump, is a crime story. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual criminal scheme.


Sergeant Silk. The Prairie Scout

Robert Leighton

As long as the lone red-coated equestrian policemen of the Northwest, tracking cattle thieves across uninhabited prairies and fighting hordes of warriors, have something to do with the boy approaching his teens, Mr. Leightons frank tales will be in demand. Wolves, carbines, bags of gold and logging run through its pages, and Sergeant Silk meets them all a combination of Sir Robert Baden-Powell and Sherlock Holmes in a red military jacket.


For The Defence. Dr. Thorndyke

R. Austin Freeman

Dr. Thorndyke is the CSI of his day. Most of the book is taken up with the account of how an innocent man gets himself thoroughly entangled in what looks like the certainty that he will be hanged, either for the death of a man he saw only once, or amazingly, for his own death! But, of course, Dr. Thorndyke is able to extricate him from this awful situation and triumph yet again. This is the amazing story of a polite, artistic gentleman who, by a series of mistakes, accidents, bad decisions and bad luck finds himself accused of two murders and a fraud. One of the murder victims is himself! No one but Dr. Thorndyke could possible clear up the confusion.



Wacław Berent

Powieść eksperymentalna Wacława Berenta, której akcja rozgrywa się w ciągu jednego lutowego wieczoru roku 1904. Podczas przyjęcia karnawałowego spotykają się osoby z różnych grup społecznych: zarówno wykształconej elity, jak i prostego ludu. Utwór zbudowany z wielu mikroscenek na wzór dramatu, co pozwala czytelnikowi zanurzyć się głęboko w opisywane wydarzenia i niemal stać się ich uczestnikiem.