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Декабристы (Dekabryści)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

Главной темой произведений великого русского писателя Льва Николаевича Толстого стало исследование внутреннего мира человека, моральных основ личности. Мучительные поиски смысла жизни, нравственного идеала, скрытых закономерностей бытия проходят через все его творчество.


Captain Paul

Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumass 1846 novel, Captain Paul is based on life of John Paul Jones, a captain in the American Navy during the revolutionary war. This epic adventure is written in best traditions of Dumas work featuring numerous desperate battles, true love, brave heroes, devious villains, and intrigue. This tale of high adventure and daring-do is highly recommended for fans of Dumass work, and would make for a fantastic addition to any bookshelf! One of the most widely read French authors in history, Alexandre Dumas is best-known for his iconic classic The Three Musketeers, as well as for The Count of Monte Cristo, and the two Musketeer sequels Twenty Years After and The Vicomte de Bragelome: Ten Years Later. Dumas began his writing career as a successful playwright, and later evolved to writing magazine articles and travel books, before extending his talents to fiction.



Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Profesor Rafał Wilczur jest znanym i cenionym chirurgiem. Pewnego dnia dowiaduje się, że jego ukochana żona odeszła z kochankiem. Zabrała też ze sobą córeczkę. Lekarz szuka ukojenia w alkoholu. Podczas bójki w podrzędnej knajpie zostaje uderzony dotkliwie w głowę. Traci pamięć. Wiedzie życie włóczęgi. Zatrzymany przez policję trafia na posterunek. Kradnie tam dokumenty na nazwisko Antoniego Kosiby. Z nową tożsamością tuła się po kraju. Po wielu latach znajduje schronienie u wiejskiego młynarza. Dokonuje udanej operacji jego kalekiego syna, przez co zyskuje w okolicy sławę doskonałego znachora. Miejscowy lekarz, zazdrosny o sukcesy znachora, grozi mu sądem za nielegalne wykonywanie praktyki lekarskiej. Doprowadza do aresztowania Kosiby... Znachor to pasjonująca historia o zdradzie, zawiści i triumfie miłości. Dalsze losy bohatera poznamy w powieści Profesor Wilczur.


The Marriage Contract

Honoré de Balzac

Just a plain old story told by a superb story teller. A Marriage Contract (French: Le Contrat de marriage) is an 1835 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the Scenes de la vie privée section of his novel sequence La Comédie humaine. Set in Bordeaux, the marriage between an elegant but weak young Parisian gentleman, Paul de Manerville, and the beautiful but spoiled daughter of a Spanish heiress, Natalie Evangélista, is undermined from the beginning by a fight over the contract of marriage and the financial arrangements, which causes the mother-in-law to seek revenge against Paul. The story is told in a typical Balzac prose style, a forthright narrative sprinkled with witty adages and life lessons, a swift change in emotions running in his characters such that its difficult to decipher the true nature of each character but only to gratify ones curiosity by admitting that inherent fallacy of human character its multi-faced nature.


An Outcast of the Islands

Joseph Conrad

This book is somewhere morally difficult to read. It describes the travails of women. Peter Willems, a Dutchman by birth, a poor boy, leaves his miserable, joyless home in order to seek a better, more prosperous future. The sea will be a salvation for the boy. on the ship, he will find his home and his comrades in life.


Gambles with Destiny

George Griffiths

George Griffith became famous for his fantastic stories. The main character decided to fight with Destiny. The hero is the symbol of all nations, he combines the interests of all nations. The author conceived an interesting idea and in the end will surprise readers.


The Lion of Petra

Talbot Mundy

Despite the fact that Talbot Mandy is more famous for having written the more popular King of Hebrew screws, this story of adventure in the desert will surely please the reader. An Englishman who accompanies the famous American James Graham in a dangerous journey through the Petri desert tells of this in order to resist Ali Higgs cruel and deadly robber in his own fortress. Powerful desert chifthan, Ali Higg terrorizes the Arabs, and does not unite them. Along with James Grim is his wife and companion, as well as a senior thief and his many sons and grandchildren. Will they succeed?


Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins

Kurd Lasswitz

Der Autor beschreibt Zukunft und Raum, technische Möglichkeiten und deren Auswirkungen, Katastrophen der spezifischen Wissenschaftsglauben und innere Kraft des Menschen, die bei der Überlebung eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. In seinen Zukunftserzählungen wird jedoch trotz allen technischen Fortschritts immer wieder deutlich, dass die Menschen ihrem Naturell treu bleiben und dass die Liebe nie an Bedeutung verliert. Es ist das Jahr 2371. Die Menschheit nutzt Luftdroschken um sich fort zu bewegen. Jedes Stück Land für die Nahrungsversorgung gebraucht.