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A Silent Witness

R. Austin Freeman

All the Dr. Thorndyke books are outstanding. This one is no exception. In this installment, the action centers on one Dr. Humphrey Jardine, who is the narrator of the story, and who himself is the focus of several strange events. Jardines troubles begin with a casual walk, where he comes across the body of a man and runs to fetch the police, only to come back and find that the dead man has disappeared. The police can find no trace that the man was ever there, so Jardine takes it upon himself to examine the scene for clues. His findings lead him into a very strange adventure which can only be solved with the technical expertise of Dr. Thorndyke, but not before Jardine finds his life in danger, and not just once.


The Vicomte de Bragelonne

Alexandre Dumas

The dArtagnan Romances are a set of three novels by Alexandre Dumas telling the story of the musketeer dArtagnan from his humble beginnings in Gascony to his death as a marshal of France in the Siege of Maastricht in 1673. It is May 1660 and the fate of nations is at stake. Mazarin plots, Louis XIV is in love, and Raoul de Bragelonne, son of Athos, is intent on serving France and winning the heart of Louise de la Valliere. DArtagnan, meanwhile, is perplexed by a mysterious stranger, and soon he learns that his old comrades already have great projects in hand. Athos seeks the restoration of Charles II, while Aramis, with Porthos in tow, has a secret plan involving a masked prisoner and the fortification of the island of Belle-Ile. DArtagnan finds a thread leading him to the French court, the banks of the Tyne, the beaches of Holland, and the dunes of Brittany. The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later is the 3rd and largest continuation of the Musketeer saga, following The Three Musketeers and Twenty Years After.



Juliusz Słowacki

Beniowski, poemat dygresyjny Juliusza Słowackiego, przybliża wydarzenia konfederacji barskiej zbrojnego wystąpienia szlachty polskiej w obronie wiary katolickiej i niepodległości Rzeczpospolitej. Fabuła skupia się na podróżach awanturnika Maurycego Beniowskiego, przerywana jest jednak często uwagami narratora komentującymi różne sprawy publiczne.


Wehikuł czasu

Herbert George Wells

Wehikuł czasu, powieść science fiction Herberta Georgea Wellsa, opowiada o naukowcu, któremu udało się skonstruować maszynę do przenoszenia się w czasie. Dzięki niej odbywa podróż do odległej przyszłości. Na Ziemi żyją wtedy dwie rasy Ejolowie, mieszkający na powierzchni, oraz Morlokowie, zamieszkujący podziemia. Odkrycie skłania naukowca do refleksji nad kolejami ludzkiej ewolucji.



Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace was an English writer. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, joining the army at 21, he was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and The Daily Mail. During the First World War Edgar Wallace wrote a number of morale-boosting tales about the skill and derring-do of the British military and intelligence services, mostly in the form of series published under such titles as Clarence-Private. Several series were published in the form of dramatic pseudo-documentary accounts of what he claimed to be true stories. Clarence-Private is a fine series of Wallace stories about wartime espionage.


You Cant Be Too Careful

Herbert George Wells

You Cant be Too Careful is a sketch of one way of life the life path, cowardly man, in fear, made a lot of dirty tricks. He never forgot that necessary caution, and helped unleash the Second world war. He believed everything he was told, he did what he was told. Not it is done by world Affairs, he was only a humble and law-abiding. But he relied all those who would, in the words of wells, to increase the amount of the worlds evil. He was one of the men who developed mass support for fascism and reaction. You Cant Be Too Careful is a novel written by H. G. Wells and first published in 1941. It is a satirical novel of one Englishman, a Mr. Edward Albert Tewler, from cradle to grave.


Good Evans

Edgar Wallace

One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author. The Educated Evans stories combine Wallaces talent for humor with his hallmark detective story themes. His story of Evans is full of amusing incidents of love and adventure set amidst the bustle and excitement of the racecourse. This continues the life of Evans, Edgar Wallaces? cockney tipster and "the wizard of Camden Town". Follow the loves, predictions and calamities of this likeable hero of the Turf in the seventeen tales of this book. It is not only race-lovers who will love Evans, but lovers of life itself.


The Vanished Messenger

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Mystery novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim involving a handicapped art collector. The book concerns recently demobbed and down on his luck Major Owston, who becomes the bodyguard of the deformed amoral art collector Martin Hews. Enabled by his enormous wealth to buy the worlds most beautiful works of art. Hews is plunged into a bitter rivalry with a gang leader simply known as Joseph. This is a thrilling and tense story of a struggle between master brains, of gang wars, of deceit, of murder, while the sinister Martin Hews sits in his fortified treasure house, and the love story of Beatrice lends romance and beauty. It presents a fascinating picture of unexpected turns and twists.