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School reading books
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- For adults
- Dramas
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- Epic, epopee
- Essay
- Fantasy and science fiction
- Feuilletons
- Work of fiction
- Humour and satire
- Other
- Classical
- Crime fiction
- Non-fiction
- Fiction
- Mity i legendy
- Nobelists
- Novellas
- Moral
- Okultyzm i magia
- Short stories
- Memoirs
- Travelling
- Poetry
- Politics
- Popular science
- Novel
- Historical novel
- Prose
- Adventure
- Journalism, publicism
- Reportage novels
- Romans i literatura obyczajowa
- Sensational
- Thriller, Horror
- Interviews and memoirs
Natural sciences
Social sciences
Popular science and academic
Professional and specialist guides
Tourist guides and travel
- Philosophy of life
- Interpersonal communication
- Mindfulness
- General
- Persuasion and NLP
- Academic psychology
- Psychology of soul and mind
- Work psychology
- Relacje i związki
- Parenting and children psychology
- Problem solving
- Intellectual growth
- Secret
- Sexapeal
- Seduction
- Appearance and image
- Philosophy of life
Sport, fitness, diets
Technology and mechanics
Data bases
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
For children
Microsoft Office
Development tools
Personal growth
Computer networks
Operational systems
Software testing
Mobile devices
Web development
The Old Stone House and Other Stories
A young girl named Juliet, draws the boys in a small village after her, and along the way a rich Colonel, whose love for her reaches farther than anyone would have expected. She also hooks a fiery, unstable man named Orrin. The Colonel gets her to swear she will marry him as soon as he finishes a stone house for her, while Orrin tries something secretive to win his love. The narrator is a former lover of Juliet, and what he tells of is a twisted tale of a selfish woman and an evil man, decide for yourself which man is the villain... Short stories written by Anna Katharine Green. This well-written collection also includes: A Memorable Night, The Black Cross, A Mysterious Case, Shall He Wed Her? . Each one contains a mystery and a romantic involvement in the plot, and some have a twist ending.
The story of an undercover detective who works to capture the thief of the Bank. It would seem that he had already caught him. After all, he pressed a button that signaled a patrol garage, and another one that called the inspector and several other officers from the next room. Before the side door of the bank there was a big car in a limousine, which had two entrances, facing two streets. It was clearly a personal car of a rich man, because he was the latest model and luxurious in all respects. These were intelligent criminals who are not so easy to catch.
This is one of the works of fiction published during Doyles life. Published in 1929, only a year before the authors death, this short novel amply demonstrates that Doyle still retained all his great abilities as a spinner of riveting yarns, even in his twilight years. The book concerns Maracots exploration of the world beneath the sea. Maracot and his companions find themselves stranded on the ocean floor, and discover a very unexpected world, in fact a civilisation, deep beneath the waves. They are introduced to a remarkable and ancient society that expands their knowledge of human civilizations history and then even more so, their understanding of planes of existence.Their visions of the future of humanity possess an optimism and a romance that simply isnt possible to writers today.
Antoni, student medycyny, przyjeżdża na wakacje do rodzinnej miejscowości. Ojciec przyjmuje go jednak dość chłodno, stale też strofuje syna. Pewnego dnia Antoni przypadkiem ratuje w lesie hrabiankę Jadwigę. Ta nie okazuje żadnej wdzięczności, traktuje go arogancko i z wyższością. Mimo to Antoni zakochuje się w dziedziczce. Kiedy dowiaduje się, że jest już zaręczona, wpada w apatię. Tymczasem narzeczony Jadzi ginie w wypadku samochodowym. Jadwiga natomiast spodziewa się dziecka. Aby bronić honoru rodziny, hrabia postanawia wydać ją za Antoniego, a po przyjściu na świat dziecka opłacić rozwód. Początkowo Antoni odmawia. Zmienia zdanie, gdy Jadwiga próbuje popełnić samobójstwo. W końcu godzi się na małżeństwo z dziedziczką. Ta jednak przyjmuje jego szlachetność jako upokorzenie i stara się go poniżyć. Antoni zapowiada jej, że nie zgodzi się na rozwód, dopóki nie zrozumie, jak bardzo go skrzywdziła i nie zmieni się. Wkrótce wyjeżdża do Warszawy, gdzie kończy studia z wyróżnieniem. Zostaje wybitnym pediatrą. Pewnego dnia w szpitalu, w którym pracuje, zjawia się Jadwiga z synkiem dotkniętym paraliżem... Biały murzyn to lektura godna polecenia.
This is a story of graft and corruption set in one of Fletchers favoured Northern towns. The mayor who is on a clean-up campaign is found dead in his parlour and our hero, his younger cousin, is determined to find out who killed him. Was he eliminated for this reason? There are entanglements involving city officials and his proposed reforms plus jealousy related to relationships. Lots of twists with a surprise murderer. The plot is cleverly centered around the inquest, which keeps being adjourned in hope of new evidence.
This is a story about good and evil. Before each person in life is a difficult choice. And he decides which way to choose. So our main character made a choice that changed his whole life. Farmer Witham worked like a dog for about six years. Corthorne offers Witham a $ 1000 deal. As a result of which a small number of people suffered. The deal ends badly. At the end of the main character regretted it.
Robert E. Howard turned to writing comic and dialect Western tales only late in his career, but he found an immediate and continuously successful market for them, and they are in many respects his most accomplished and polished works. The Pike Bearfield Stories is a collection of stories in the western genre, featuring Pike Bearfield the character who lead well-intentioned lives of perpetual confusion, mischance, and outright catastrophe. It includes: While the Smoke Rolled, A Gent from the Pecos Shave That Hawg! , Gents on the Lynch, The riot at Bucksnort. They are reminiscent of traditional southwestern tall tales, told in dialect, featuring larger-than-life characters, swift action, broad satire, and wry humor. All stories are fast-paced with simple yet effective plots that have a few surprises thrown in for good measure.
Im Entscheidungskampf auf der Insel Coiba wird ein Atombrand verursacht. Trotz aller Versuche kann er nicht gelöscht werden. Vom Planeten Venus werden verschlüsselte Signale von deren ehemaligen Siedlern den Uraniden empfangen. Diese enthalten wertvolle Informationen über Techniken und Innovationen, die weit über das menschliche Wissen hinausgehen. Der letzte Uranide, der mit seinem Wissen die Erde noch retten könnte, ist jedoch tot. Die Suche nach dem Erbe beginnt.