
History of Pyrrhus

Jacob Abbott

This book requires you to have a more detailed history.Pyrrhus is a defender of the city of Tarentum, protecting him from the Romans. Only by knowing the origins of the story can you feel this story. And if not, you will be interested in finding out.


A Broken Memory

Fred M. White

Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived well, but in another place. The main character begins to notice the strange behavior of her brother. At one point, a calm and perfect life ends.


Tytus Andronikus

William Shakespeare

Tytułowy Tytus Andronikus to zwycięski wódz, który dopiero co powrócił do Rzymu z zakończonej sukcesem wyprawy przeciw barbarzyńcom. W senacie trwa właśnie dyskusja na temat sukcesji po zmarłym cesarzu. Tytus staje się jednym z pretendentów do tronu, jednak odmawia przyjęcia stanowiska. Nowy cesarz bierze za żonę córkę Tytusa Lawinię. Jednak później sytuacja mocno się komplikuje...


The Secret Agent. A Simple Tale

Joseph Conrad

Mr Verloc, the secret agent, keeps a shop in Londons Soho where he lives with his wife Winnie, her infirm mother, and her idiot brother, Stevie. Verloc is part of a group of anarchists who believe in overthrowing the government and who also function as somewhat ineffective terrorists. The group mainly produces anarchist pamphlets called F.P. (The Future of the Proletariat) and hold private meetings among themselves. The agent is secretly employed by a foreign embassy, probably Russia, to blow up the Greenwich Observatory. The Secret Agent is a a story set earlier (1886) telling an allegory of terrorists and anarchists based in Edwardian England. The complicated plot is masterful, the prose sophisticated, and the characterizations full and engrossing. The death of an innocent is heartrending. Joseph Conrad is often considered the best writer of the 19th century.


Pierścień i róża. Czyli historia Lulejki i Bulby

William Makepeace Thackeray

Powieść fantastyczna dla najmłodszych. Losy władców dwóch państw Pawlagonii i Krymtatarii. Książę Lulejko mimo iż powinien zasiadać na tronie wiedzie beztroski żywot. Jest narzeczonym pięknej Angeliki, córki uzurpatora. O względy dziewczyny walczy też przystojny książę Bulbo. Miłość, magia i przygoda.


The Man Who Knew

Fred M. White

Philip Lashbrook a conscientious sergeant, the best in the business. As always, he returned home, but decided not to remove the officers badge. He is called by some stranger who discovered the corpse. The officers suspicions immediately fall on a stranger who sharply denies that he is the murderer. But will the officers suspicions be correct?


Hawks and Eagles

Max Brand

Hawks and Eagles is the authors classic. The brand is a great storyteller who shows his enthusiasm for humans and animals, such characters as a professor, a small dog, and Mole. Joe Good, the protagonist, hes twenty years old. His father was killed by the richest man in the city, because he wants a good ranch not to be. A good, lazy, prickly guy who lacks a sense of respect and respect for everyone in the city. The only thing he can do is to handle a whip with such skill that he becomes almost alive. This story is also a story of the growth of kindness to become the most respected person in his community.


The Holy Terror

Herbert George Wells

A fictional biography of Rudolf Rud Whitlow, who builds a political party that slowly becomes a world dominant dictatorship. Wells wrote the work just before World War II as Hitler was consolidating his power in Germany. Rud, is a baby boy, and later, grew to be a young man who had a remarkable talent of oratory: the gift of gab. He is eventually encouraged to perform public speaking, lecturing and finally, revolutionary speeches. Through this character, Wells creates a platform for long discourses of his usual themes of social engineering. Rud eventually gets involved in socialist activism, and a group strategizing for world revolution. The revolution fails, revealing the cowardice underlying Ruds aggressiveness. The ability of new weapons to decapitate the command structure of any regional power becomes the plot device that allows Rud to make himself world leader, destroying parts of the world which do not submit to the most destructive superpower.