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Zola décrit la vie et les habitudes de la famille Fuan vivant dans le district de Shatoden, dans un village proche de la ville de Klua. Le pere est le vieux Fuan, propriétaire dun grand terrain. Le livre traite de limportance de la Terre pour les hommes et de ce quils sont prets a posséder. Comme une personne est terrible, qua cause dun morceau de terre, elle trébuche et peut lever la main a ses propres parents.
Little Men. Or, Life at Plumfield With Jos Boys
Now married, the warm-hearted and fiesty Jo Bhaer (nee March) couldnt be happier. Jo, along with her husband Professor Friedrich Bhaer, operates the Plumfield Estate School, an unconventional school based on individuality and diversity. Plumfield is a haven for poor orphans which is attended by 12 adopted boy and Jos own two sons. Although Plumfield is a place of trust and warmth, the boys occasionally struggle to maintain good manners. Personal relationships are key to the school, as well as to the novel, and the lovable characters get up to plenty of scrapes and adventures, but in the end, even the troublesome among them find redemption in the love and support of the extended March family. Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jos Boys is the delightful unofficial sequel to Louisa May Alcotts Little Women, which is completed with Alcotts 1886 novel Jos Boys, and How They Turned Out: A Sequel to Little Men.
A detective story first published in 1911, it is one of the book of Ebenezer Gryce series, Initials Only deals with the case of beautiful young heiress Edith Challoner. She is murdered in the writing room of a luxury hotel while nobody is near her, and no shot is heard and no bullet found in the deadly wound. She is seemingly stabbed to death, yet no one was seen near her. How then was she killed? Among Miss Challoners personal belongings are found letters signed with initials only, O.B. Who is O.B., and what if anything does he have to do with her death? Sweetwater, the investigator, finds out the identity of O.B. pretty soon, but instead of answering the questions the case poses, he only brings up more mysteries.
St. Ives. Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England
Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Quiller-Couch
The novel, which remained unfinished, was restored from the authors drafts. The fascinating story of the French youth, who during the Napoleonic Wars was one of the many British prisoners of war. The story of his dangerous and fascinating adventures and a difficult, multifaceted political game in which he unexpectedly found himself drawn into. The book you are reading, literally holding your breath...
Mr. Wells builds novels out of ideas as other men build them of imagery and emotions. H. G. Wells takes us on a very entertaining and profound journey via a character named William who insists on living life nobly and thoroughly. Starting in his boyhood, and throughout his life, it produced profound adventures, yet also make him ridiculous, and even inspiring. It is a passion for courage, for personal nobility, for service to others, for self-sacrificing, all for the social betterment of the whole world. William gets into all sorts of hilarious trouble for living up to his ideals with a lot of it being ironic. The very people he seeks to defend or sacrifice himself for are the ones who take advantage of him, and often he finds himself subject to the logical consequences of adhering to his particular ideal. No matter what happens, he keeps pushing forward and sticking with his principles.
Dick Sand. Or, A Captain at Fifteen
The novel describes the adventures of passengers of the American whaling schooner brig Pilgrim, whose entire crew died as a result of a fight with a whale. It all started like that. The crew wanted to go whale hunting. Later they saw a sinking ship. At first, everyone thought that there was nobody alive on it. But suddenly a dog appeared there. The crew decided to save her. They found five more blacks, whose names were Bath, Austin, Acteon, Hercules and old Tom. But they were unconscious. The crew decides to save them.
Carolyn Wells inspires and entertains with her classical mystery masterpiece, The Vanishing of Betty Varian, guaranteed to feed the mystery monster that craves suspense! The book was first published in 1922. In this classic locked room mystery, the Varian family have rented a house for the summer a house built on the edge of a cliff, three sides faced by water and the entrance the only way in. They are about to go on a picnic with family and friends when the daughter returns to the house to pick up a camera. When she doesnt return, father goes after her and neither returns... Carolyn Wells mysteries give you just enough information to get you drawn into the story and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.
Na tom opowiadań Josepha Conrada składają się m.in. takie utwory jak Laguna, Placówka postępu, Falk. Wspomnienie czy Amy Foster. Tematyka Placówki postępu, podobnie jak późniejszego Jądra ciemności, przenosi czytelnika do afrykańskiej dżungli ery kolonializmu. Biali handlarze pozyskują od miejscowej ludności cenną kość słoniową. Jednak zapędy kolonizatorów sięgają dużo dalej, co wkrótce prowadzi do tragedii.