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Soft Metal

George Owen Baxter

No writer captured the excitement, humanity, or adventure of the American West better than Max Brand. And nowhere was Brands talent more evident than in this Classic Western. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. In this one of his short novel, Soft Metal, Larry Givain, fleeing from a posse, meets a beautiful woman at a deserted cabin belonging to one of the men in the posse. Her brother is also holed up in the cabin, pursued by a notorious gunfighter. With death drawing ever nearer, Givain realizes his life will never be the same again. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!


The Magic of Oz

L. Frank Baum

In this witty and imaginative tale, the Royal Historian of Oz, L. Frank Baum, takes young readers back across The Great Sandy Desert for more exciting adventures in the wondrous Land of Oz. Old friends such as Dorothy, the Wizard, and the Cowardly Lion reappear, along with endearing new characters the Glass Cat, the Hungry Tiger, Little Trot, Capn Bill, the Lonesome Duck, and others. In this story, Ozmas kingdom is threatened once again by Nome Ruggedo, the dastardly former Nome King. This time hes teamed up with a young munchkin lad named Kiki Aru whos discovered a secret word which allows him to transform anyone into whatever shape he pleases. When Dorothy, the Wizard, Cowardly Lion, and Hungry Tiger are caught by the wily pair and changed into other shapes, can anyone stop them in time to save all of Oz? Or will Ruggedo finally get his revenge on Ozma and Dorothy? Youll find out in the pages of this exciting story.


Jan of the Jungle

Otis Adelbert Kline

Led to believe that his natural mother is a chimpanzee Chicma, a young boy knows only the savage ways of the great apes. Kept in a cage, he is systematically trained to become a savage killer by the fiendish Dr. Bracken. But the young boy, Jan, is clever enough to escape from the lab and make it out into the surrounding swamp with his chimp mentor at his side and emerge near the Lost Empire of Mu. The swamplands offer Jan has his first taste of freedom. He grows up fast, and has several run-ins with the wildlife of the swamps-crocodiles, snakes, bears, etc.... With all his fighting skill, there remained only one challenge to Jan: trace his origins and locate his man-parents. Full of intrigue and adventure, this classic from Otis Adelbert Kline is a must for adventure-pulp literature fans!


Lord Lister. Tajemniczy nieznajomy. Tom 29. Książę szulerów


Bohaterem serii jest intrygująca postać o dwóch twarzach: wiktoriański gentelman Lord Edward Lister oraz słynny złodziej Raffles w jednej osobie. Jak w ogóle do tego doszło i co może wyniknąć z takiego niezwykłego połączenia? Jak bohater wykorzystuje niezwykłe zdolności medyczne i chemiczne, aby występować pod obiema postaciami? Komu udało się go rozszyfrować i jak wykorzystano tę wiedzę?



Henryk Sienkiewicz

Akcja powieści Wiry toczy się w połowie pierwszego dziesięciolecia XX wieku (około 1905 roku). Przeplatają się w niej wątki obyczajowo-romansowe i polityczne. Władysław Krzycki, przedstawiciel ziemiaństwa, wiedzie spokojne życie w swoim majątku w miejscowości Jastrząb. Oddaje się wytwornym kolacjom, koncertom, brydżom, plotkom i swatom, a w wolnych chwilach jeździe konnej. Podczas pogrzebu jednego z członków swojej rodziny poznaje Agnes Anney, Angielkę, która przejawia wielkie przywiązanie do polskiej kultury i tradycji. Kobieta uznawana jest przez wszystkich za przedstawicielkę znienawidzonej burżuazji. Między tymi dwojgiem nawiązuje się romans... Tłem do dość zaskakujących perypetii miłosnych są wydarzenia polityczne związane z rewolucją 1905 roku. Za pośrednictwem książki autor wskazuje negatywne strony obu obozów politycznych zarówno lewicy, jak i prawicy nie opowiadając się wyraźnie za żadną ze stron.


Les Trois Yeux

Maurice Leblanc

Ce fut lui, le premier, qui vit la premiere lueur. Un cri lui échappa, tandis que ses deux mains sagitaient frénétiquement en lair. Et, presque aussitôt, comme des étincelles qui crépitent de tous les côtés, dautres cris séparpillerent dans le silence, qui se reforma instantanément, plus lourd et plus épais. Lextraordinaire énigme des trois yeux. Voulez-vous savoir les réponses?


The Keepers of the Kings Peace

Edgar Wallace

The Keepers of the Kings Peace is another entry in Edgar Wallaces eminently popular Sanders of the River series based on British attempts to bring their administration to darkest Africa. An elite crew of officers is charged with getting to the bottom of a female shamans seemingly miraculous powers, but bumbling new addition Bones keeps getting in the way. Will they be able to stave off a mass rebellion before its too late? Always with tongue in cheek, Edgar Wallace nevertheless provides insights into the period of history at the same time. Wonderful characters, enthralling stories, never a dull moment. These stories are as good as any of the Sanders of the River stories.


A Double Barrelled Detective Story

Mark Twain

A wealthy young woman is abused, humiliated, and abandoned by her new husband, Jacob Fuller, whom she married against her fathers will. Young Fuller takes offense at the fact that her father rejects and rejects him as deliberate, and decides to take revenge on him by mistreating his new bride. After leaving her, she gives birth to a son whom she calls Archie Stillman. When the child gets older, the mother discovers that he has an incredible sense of smell, like bloodhound.