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The Hundredth Chance

Ethel M. Dell

The Hundredth Chance is one of Ethel M. Dells most passionate and dramatic tales. Jack Bolton is the genius of the racing stable of Lord Saltash. He falls in love with Maud Brian, daughter of Lady Bernard Brian, who is married to the innkeeper Giles Sheppard. While Maud knows Jack is in love with her, she is half in love with Lord Saltash and does not love Jack. However, Lord Saltashs cruelty to her crippled brother Bunny makes her hesitate. She contemplates marrying Jack to protect her brother. Jack then takes the hundredth chance and asks Maud to marry him, hoping her love will come later. A classic romance and mystery/saga of a pair of star-crossed lovers, who, after many chances, have one last chance to express themselves.


Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island

Roy Rockwood

After escaping from the headhunters village, Bomba brings Casson and Sobrinini to stay at his friend Pipinas after which Sobrinini reveals vital information to Bomba about his family and tells of a man, Japazy, who hated Bombas father as well as Cody Casson. She tells Bomba to seek out Japazy on Jaguar Island to learn more. He begins his journey to find Japazy... Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivid descriptions of Bombas rippling muscles and superior strength. Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island? 4 in the Bomba series, by Roy Rockwood, was published in 1927. Roy Rockwood, the author, was a house pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for boys adventure books, many of the Bomba books being ghostwritten by John William Duffield (1859 1946).


A Fatal Dose

Fred M. White

Fred M. White shows the difficult times of Israel. The streets were quiet, but it was the hunger. People tried to work with all their strength, but they were powerless and tried to show it with a soldier. The reader can not only learn the history of Israel, but also feel all this horror.


The Phantom Launch

Aidan de Brune

There is always a special thrill of excitement about a mystery story, especially when the main characters cover their tracks successfully. The Phantom Launch is an Australian story through and through, its main setting being Sydney and Melbourne, and the swiftness and sureness with which both the launch people and amateur sleuths act will keep the reader breathless. Wireless plays an important part in this story. We defy any reader to guess the perpetrators of the crimes and the secret of the launch until the colorful and prolific Australian writer Aidan de Brune? reveals them.


Inside the Lines

Earl Derr Biggers, Robert Welles Ritchie

Inside the Lines is a drama that developed during the First World War. The story about a business woman who came to New York to visit her department store. She meets an officer in the British signal corps. He escorts her to Paris and advises to quickly complete his business and return to America before the start of the war. But our heroine does the opposite and is in difficult circumstances.


A Set of Six

Joseph Conrad

A set of six amazing short stories by Joseph Conrad. However, these six stories are not in the same vein, they differ: themes and ideas. These stories do not so much illuminate anything as they tell an interesting story. The professor, a character from an earlier novel, appears briefly and tells us about his possible fate.


Un capitaine de quinze ans

Jules Verne

Tout a commencé comme ça. Léquipage voulait aller chasser la baleine. Plus tard, ils ont vu le navire en train de couler. Au début, tout le monde pensait quil ny avait personne en vie. Mais tout coup il y avait un chien. Léquipage a décidé de la sauver. Ils ont trouvé cinq autres Noirs.


Nad Rio de la Plata. Powieść podróżnicza

Karol May

Podróż przez oba kontynenty amerykańskie masywne Kordyliery Ameryki Północnej i pełne niebezpieczeństw równiny Ameryki Południowej dostarcza bohaterom wielu przeżyć. Ich droga wiedzie do Oceanu, do imponującego ujścia argentyńskich rzek. Po drodze podróżnicy zmierzą się zarówno z dziką przyrodą, jak i niebezpieczeństwami ze strony ludzi. Czy wyjdą z tych przygód zwycięsko? Czy uda im się odnaleźć legendarny skarb?