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This book aims to provide a study guide to learn and master machine learning in Google Cloud: to build a broad and strong knowledge base, train hands-on skills, and get certified as a Google Cloud Machine Learning Engineer.The book is for someone who has the basic Google Cloud Platform (GCP) knowledge and skills, and basic Python programming skills, and wants to learn machine learning in GCP to take their next step toward becoming a Google Cloud Certified Machine Learning professional.The book starts by laying the foundations of Google Cloud Platform and Python programming, followed the by building blocks of machine learning, then focusing on machine learning in Google Cloud, and finally ends the studying for the Google Cloud Machine Learning certification by integrating all the knowledge and skills together.The book is based on the graduate courses the author has been teaching at the University of Texas at Dallas. When going through the chapters, the reader is expected to study the concepts, complete the exercises, understand and practice the labs in the appendices, and study each exam question thoroughly. Then, at the end of the learning journey, you can expect to harvest the knowledge, skills, and a certificate.
Learning Tableau strengthens your command on Tableau fundamentals and builds on advanced topics.The book starts by taking you through foundational principles of Tableau. We then demonstrate various types of connections and how to work with metadata. We teach you to use a wide variety of visualizations to analyze and communicate the data, and introduce you to calculations and parameters. We then take an in-depth look at level of detail (LOD) expressions and use them to solve complex data challenges. Up next, we show table calculations, how to extend and alter default visualizations, build an interactive dashboard, and master the art of telling stories with data.This Tableau book will introduce you to visual statistical analytics capabilities, create different types of visualizations and dynamic dashboards for rich user experiences. We then move on to maps and geospatial visualization, and the new Data Model capabilities introduced in Tableau 2020.2. You will further use Tableau Prep’s ability to clean and structure data and share the stories contained in your data.By the end of this book, you will be proficient in implementing the powerful features of Tableau 2020 for decision-making.
Generative AI Foundations in Python. Discover key techniques and navigate modern challenges in LLMs
Carlos Rodriguez, Samira Shaikh
The intricacies and breadth of generative AI (GenAI) and large language models can sometimes eclipse their practical application. It is pivotal to understand the foundational concepts needed to implement generative AI. This guide explains the core concepts behind -of-the-art generative models by combining theory and hands-on application.Generative AI Foundations in Python begins by laying a foundational understanding, presenting the fundamentals of generative LLMs and their historical evolution, while also setting the stage for deeper exploration. You’ll also understand how to apply generative LLMs in real-world applications. The book cuts through the complexity and offers actionable guidance on deploying and fine-tuning pre-trained language models with Python. Later, you’ll delve into topics such as task-specific fine-tuning, domain adaptation, prompt engineering, quantitative evaluation, and responsible AI, focusing on how to effectively and responsibly use generative LLMs.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed in applying generative AI capabilities to real-world problems, confidently navigating its enormous potential ethically and responsibly.
Pachyderm is an open source project that enables data scientists to run reproducible data pipelines and scale them to an enterprise level. This book will teach you how to implement Pachyderm to create collaborative data science workflows and reproduce your ML experiments at scale.You’ll begin your journey by exploring the importance of data reproducibility and comparing different data science platforms. Next, you’ll explore how Pachyderm fits into the picture and its significance, followed by learning how to install Pachyderm locally on your computer or a cloud platform of your choice. You’ll then discover the architectural components and Pachyderm's main pipeline principles and concepts. The book demonstrates how to use Pachyderm components to create your first data pipeline and advances to cover common operations involving data, such as uploading data to and from Pachyderm to create more complex pipelines. Based on what you've learned, you'll develop an end-to-end ML workflow, before trying out the hyperparameter tuning technique and the different supported Pachyderm language clients. Finally, you’ll learn how to use a SaaS version of Pachyderm with Pachyderm Notebooks.By the end of this book, you will learn all aspects of running your data pipelines in Pachyderm and manage them on a day-to-day basis.
Alim H. Ali, Steven Parker, Russell Ware
Becoming a network architect is challenging—it demands hands-on engineering skills, collaboration with internal teams and C-Suite stakeholders, as well as adeptly managing external entities like vendors and service providers. The author taps into his extensive background in IT and security to help you gain a detailed understanding of the network architect's role and guide you in evolving into an effective network architect within an organization, fostering seamless communication with leadership teams and other stakeholders.Starting with a clear definition of the network architect’s role, this book lays out a roadmap and discusses the attributes and mindset for success. You’ll explore network architect design, physical infrastructure routing and switching, and network services such as DNS, MLAG, and service insertion. You’ll also gain insights into the necessary skills and typical daily challenges faced by network architects. And to thoroughly prepare you to advance in your career, this handbook covers certifications and associated training for maintaining relevance in an organization, along with common interview questions for a network architect's position.By the end of this book, you’ll be armed with essential concepts, techniques, and newfound skills to pursue a career as a network architect.
Game engines are central to the video games we know and love. From the artwork to the mathematics that underpin the frames onscreen, the engine calls the shots. Aside from offering one of the leading 3D game engines, Unity also provides a superlative development tool ñ a tool that can produce professional standard games for Mac, PC, and the Unity Web Player.This book is a complete exercise in game development covering environments, physics, sound, particles, and much more, to get you up and working with Unity quickly.Taking a practical approach, this book will introduce you to the concepts of developing 3D games before getting to grips with development in Unity itself. From creating 3D worlds to scripting and creating simple game elements you will learn everything you'll need to get started with game development for the PC, Mac, and Web.This book is designed to cover a set of easy to follow examples, which culminate in the production of a First Person 3D game, complete with an interactive island environment. By introducing common concepts of game and 3D production, you'll explore Unity to make a character interact with the game world, and build puzzles for the player to solve, in order to complete the game. At the end of the book, you will have a fully working 3D game and all the skills required to extend the game further, giving your end-user, the player, the best experience possible. Soon you will be creating your own 3D games with ease!
OpenStack Networking Essentials. Build and manage networks in OpenStack using Neutron
The OpenStack Networking API offers users the ability to create and manage both basic and complex network architectures that blend the virtual and physical network infrastructure. This book kicks off by describing various components of Openstack Neutron and installing Ubuntu OpenStack based on Canonical's process. Further on, you will use various methods to interface with Neutron to create and manage network resources. You will also get to grips with the relationship between ports, networks, and subnets through diagrams and explanations, and see how the logical components are implemented via plugins and agents. Moving forward, you will learn how virtual switches are implemented and how to build Neutron routers. You will also configure networks, subnets, and routers to provide connectivity to instances using simple examples. At the end, you will configure and manage security groups, and will observe how these rules translate to iptables rules on the host machines.By the end of the book, you will be able to build basic network architectures using Neutron networks and routers in no time.