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Web development
Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) is a data center server platform that is used for computing, deploying, and storing resources in data center environments.This cookbook aims to teach you about various tasks you can implement to improve your existing method of configuring and deploying UCS. You will start by learning how to upgrade your firmware on Brocade and Cisco Fibre Channel Switch and will move on to enhance your knowledge of LAN connectivity. We will then discuss how to configure Windows 2008 and 2012 local boot in Cisco UCS. Next, you will learn how to install the operating system on Cisco UCS and use Cisco UCS Power Calculator to calculate the UCS consumption. Finally, we’ll take a look at backup solutions.By the end of the book, you will know several ways to build and compute in data center environment using Cisco UCS.
Ravindra Akella, Arun Kumar Tamirisa, Suneel Kumar Kunani, Bhupesh Guptha Muthiyalu
.NET Core is one of the most popular programming platforms in the world for an increasingly large community of developers thanks to its excellent cross-platform support. This book will show you how to confidently use the features of .NET 5 with C# 9 to build robust enterprise applications.Throughout the book, you'll work on creating an enterprise app and adding a key component to the app with each chapter, before ?nally getting it ready for testing and deployment. You'll learn concepts relating to advanced data structures, the Entity Framework Core, parallel programming, and dependency injection. As you progress, you'll cover various authentication and authorization schemes provided by .NET Core to make your apps and APIs secure. Next, you'll build web apps using ASP.NET Core 5 and deploy them on the cloud while working with various cloud components using Azure. The book then shows you how to use the latest Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and C# 9 to simplify developer tasks, and also explores tips and tricks in Visual Studio 2019 to improve your productivity. Later, you'll discover various testing techniques such as unit testing and performance testing as well as di?erent methods to deploy enterprise apps.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create enterprise apps using the powerful features of .NET 5 and deploy them on the cloud.
Hector Uriel Perez Rojas, Miguel Angel Teheran Garcia
Visual Studio 2022 is widely recognized as the best IDE for application development across various domains. This book is a comprehensive guide for both beginners and experienced .NET developers who wish to familiarize themselves with its basic, advanced, and new features.This book is divided into three sections: the first is an overview of Visual Studio, the second part explores tools for productivity within the IDE, and the third delves into integration with GitHub and Visual Studio extensions.In this second edition, we’ve also expanded the chapters on the use of Visual Studio to environments beyond web development, such as Azure, Desktop, .NET MAUI, and others. Updates to the IDE introduced since the release year of the first edition of the book in 2022 have also been included, such as the use of GPT-based extensions like GitHub Copilot and GitHub Copilot Chat, as well as profiling tools.The book reviews breakpoint groups, a new way to configure breakpoints, as well as tools for web development, such as Browser Link, Dev Tunnels, and Web API Endpoints Explorer. For more advanced developers, the book addresses the topic of developing extensions through the use of the new Visual Studio SDK. By the end of this book, you’ll have a better understanding of Visual Studio 2022 and how to use it to its fullest potential.
Mastering OpenVPN. Master building and integrating secure private networks using OpenVPN
Jan Just Keijser, Eric F Crist
Security on the internet is increasingly vital to both businesses and individuals. Encrypting network traffic using Virtual Private Networks is one method to enhance security. The internet, corporate, and “free internet” networks grow more hostile every day. OpenVPN, the most widely used open source VPN package, allows you to create a secure network across these systems, keeping your private data secure. The main advantage of using OpenVPN is its portability, which allows it to be embedded into several systems.This book is an advanced guide that will help you build secure Virtual Private Networks using OpenVPN. You will begin your journey with an exploration of OpenVPN, while discussing its modes of operation, its clients, its secret keys, and their format types. You will explore PKI: its setting up and working, PAM authentication, and MTU troubleshooting. Next, client-server mode is discussed, the most commonly used deployment model, and you will learn about the two modes of operation using tun and tap devices.The book then progresses to more advanced concepts, such as deployment scenarios in tun devices which will include integration with back-end authentication, and securing your OpenVPN server using iptables, scripting, plugins, and using OpenVPN on mobile devices and networks.Finally, you will discover the strengths and weaknesses of the current OpenVPN implementation, understand the future directions of OpenVPN, and delve into the troubleshooting techniques for OpenVPN.By the end of the book, you will be able to build secure private networks across the internet and hostile networks with confidence.
PHP 7: Real World Application Development. Real World Application Development
Doug Bierer, Iltaf (Altaf) Hussain Gul, Branko Ajzele
PHP is a great language for developing web applications. It is essentially a server-side scripting language. PHP 7 is the latest version, providing major backward-compatibility breaks and focusing on improved performance and speed. This course follows a learning path which is divided into three modules. Each module is a mini course in its own right, taking your basic PHP programing skills to the next level by showing you intermediate to advanced PHP techniques with a focus on PHP 7. The first module of the book is a programming cookbook that consists over 80 recipes! Each recipe is designed to solve practical, real-world problems faced by PHP developers like yourself every day. This course also covers new ways of writing PHP code made possible only in version 7. The second module of the course is designed to improve the performance and productivity of your application. You’ll be introduced to the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP 7 and then shed some light on how to improve the performance of your PHP 7 applications and database. With all important concepts of PHP covered up you will move on to third module. In this module you will gain a deep insight into the modular programming paradigm and how to achieve modularity in your PHP code. Modular design techniques help you build readable, manageable, reusable, and more efficient codes. By the end of this module you will have a good understanding of modular application development using PHP 7.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• PHP 7 Programming Cookbook, Doug Bierer• Learning PHP 7 High Performance, Altaf Hussain• Modular Programming with PHP 7, Branko Ajzele
Python is a user-friendly and powerful programming language. IPython offers a convenient interface to the language and its analysis libraries, while the Jupyter Notebook is a rich environment well-adapted to data science and visualization. Together, these open source tools are widely used by beginners and experts around the world, and in a huge variety of fields and endeavors.This book is a beginner-friendly guide to the Python data analysis platform. After an introduction to the Python language, IPython, and the Jupyter Notebook, you will learn how to analyze and visualize data on real-world examples, how to create graphical user interfaces for image processing in the Notebook, and how to perform fast numerical computations for scientific simulations with NumPy, Numba, Cython, and ipyparallel. By the end of this book, you will be able to perform in-depth analyses of all sorts of data.
The advent of DevOps and the cloud revolution has compelled software engineers and operations teams to rethink how to manage complex infrastructures and build resilient solutions. With this AWS book, you’ll find out how you can use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to simplify infrastructure operations and manage the modern cloud with AWS CloudFormation.This guide covers AWS CloudFormation comprehensively, from template structures to developing complex and reusable infrastructure stacks. It takes you through template validation, stack deployment, and handling deployment failures. It also demonstrates the use of AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline for automating resource delivery and implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices.As you advance, you’ll learn how to modularize and unify your template on the fly using macros or by fixating the version using modules. You’ll create resources outside of AWS with custom resources and catalog them with the CloudFormation registry. Finally, you’ll improve the way you manage the modern cloud environment on AWS by extending CloudFormation through the AWS serverless application model (SAM) and the AWS cloud development kit (CDK).By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered key AWS CloudFormation concepts and will be able to extend its capabilities for developing and deploying your own infrastructure.