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Biznes i ekonomia
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Web development
Aditya Sharma, Vishwesh Ravi Shrimali, Michael Beyeler
OpenCV is an opensource library for building computer vision apps. The latest release, OpenCV 4, offers a plethora of features and platform improvements that are covered comprehensively in this up-to-date second edition.You'll start by understanding the new features and setting up OpenCV 4 to build your computer vision applications. You will explore the fundamentals of machine learning and even learn to design different algorithms that can be used for image processing. Gradually, the book will take you through supervised and unsupervised machine learning. You will gain hands-on experience using scikit-learn in Python for a variety of machine learning applications. Later chapters will focus on different machine learning algorithms, such as a decision tree, support vector machines (SVM), and Bayesian learning, and how they can be used for object detection computer vision operations. You will then delve into deep learning and ensemble learning, and discover their real-world applications, such as handwritten digit classification and gesture recognition. Finally, you’ll get to grips with the latest Intel OpenVINO for building an image processing system.By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills you need to use machine learning for building intelligent computer vision applications with OpenCV 4.
Mariano, GARCIA MATTIO, Dario R. Bernabeu
Open source reporting tools and techniques, such as PRD, have been comparable in quality to their commercial counterparts this is largely due to the market's marked tendency to choose open source solutions. PRD is a very powerful tool and in order to take full advantage of it you need to pay attention to the important details. Pentaho 5.0 Reporting by Example: Beginner's Guide clearly explains the the foundation and then puts those concepts into practice through step-by-step visual guides. Feeling confident with your newly discovered, desirable, skill you will have the power to create your very own professional reports including graphics, formulas, sub-reports and many other forms of data reporting.Pentaho 5.0 Reporting By Example: Beginner's Guide is a step-by-step guide to create high quality, professional reports. Starting with the basics we will explore each feature to ensure a thorough understanding to peel back the curtain and take full advantage of the power that Pentaho puts at our fingertips.This book gives you the necessary resources to create a great variety of reports. You will be able to make reports that contain sub-reports, include graphics, sparklines and so on. You will also be able to parameterize your reports so that the final user can decide what information to visualize. You will be able to create your own stoplight type indicators and drill down in your reports. and execute your reports from your own web application.Pentaho 5.0 Reporting By Example: Beginner's Guide lets you learn everything necessary to work seriously with one of the world's most popular open source reporting tools. This book will guide you chapter by chapter through examples, graphics, and theoretical explanations so that you feel comfortable interacting with Pentaho Report Designer and creating your own reports.
Vineeth G. Nair, Vineeth G Nair
Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping. Beautiful Soup provides a few simple methods and Pythonic idioms for navigating, searching, and modifying a parse tree: a toolkit for dissecting a document and extracting what you need without writing excess code for an application. It doesn't take much code to write an application using Beautiful Soup.Getting Started with Beautiful Soup is a practical guide to Beautiful Soup using Python. The book starts by walking you through the installation of each and every feature of Beautiful Soup using simple examples which include sample Python codes as well as diagrams and screenshots wherever required for better understanding. The book discusses the problems of how exactly you can get data out of a website and provides an easy solution with the help of a real website and sample code.Getting Started with Beautiful Soup goes over the different methods to install Beautiful Soup in both Linux and Windows systems. You will then learn about searching, navigating, content modification, encoding support, and output formatting with the help of examples and sample Python codes for each example so that you can try them out to get a better understanding. This book is a practical guide for scraping information from any website. If you want to learn how to efficiently scrape pages from websites, then this book is for you.
The MEAN stack is a collection of the most popular modern tools for web development that helps you build fast, robust, and maintainable web applications.Starting with the MEAN core frameworks, this pragmatic guide will explain the key concepts of each framework, how to set them up properly, and how to use popular modules to connect it all together. By following the real-world examples shown in this tutorial, you will scaffold your MEAN application architecture, add an authentication layer, and develop an MVC structure to support your project development. You will learn the best practices of maintaining clear and simple code and will see how to avoid common pitfalls. Finally, you will walk through the different tools and frameworks that will help expedite your daily development cycles.Watch how your application development grows by learning from the only guide that is solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end, real-time application using the MEAN stack!
Python: Deeper Insights into Machine Learning. Deeper Insights into Machine Learning
David Julian, Sebastian Raschka, John Hearty
Machine learning and predictive analytics are becoming one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. It is one of the fastest growing trends in modern computing, and everyone wants to get into the field of machine learning. In order to obtain sufficient recognition in this field, one must be able to understand and design a machine learning system that serves the needs of a project. The idea is to prepare a learning path that will help you to tackle the real-world complexities of modern machine learning with innovative and cutting-edge techniques. Also, it will give you a solid foundation in the machine learning design process, and enable you to build customized machine learning models to solve unique problems.The course begins with getting your Python fundamentals nailed down. It focuses on answering the right questions that cove a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn Theano and Keras.After getting familiar with Python core concepts, it’s time to dive into the field of data science. You will further gain a solid foundation on the machine learning design and also learn to customize models for solving problems.At a later stage, you will get a grip on more advanced techniques and acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering.
Embark on your programming journey with a thorough introduction to how computers work, setting the stage for understanding C++ and its applications. This course begins with the basics, including setting up your development environment and installing necessary software packages. As you progress, you'll delve into fundamental algorithmic concepts, variables, constants, and handling input and output efficiently.As you build your knowledge, the course introduces more complex topics such as sequence control structures, decision-making processes, and loop control structures. You will learn to manipulate numbers, strings, and understand the intricacies of operators through practical exercises and real-world examples. Visual aids like trace tables and flowcharts will help you visualize the flow of your programs and improve your debugging skills.Towards the end of the course, you'll explore advanced topics such as arrays, data structures, subprograms, and an introduction to object-oriented programming. By the conclusion, you will also gain insights into file handling and advanced algorithmic strategies. Each chapter is designed to build on the previous one, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive learning experience that equips you with the skills needed to excel in C++ programming and algorithmic thinking.