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Événements se déroulant dans la ville de Berry. Les livres examinent la vulnérabilité des femmes de haut rang aux commérages et le concept selon lequel certaines femmes sont si inhabituelles que lamour et le mariage traditionnels ne peuvent tout simplement pas sintégrer leur vie. André est un jeune noble éduqué, mais sans métier ni ambition, lorsquil tombe amoureux de la belle et sensible Genevieve, créatrice de fleurs artificielles. Sa vie change completement apres une relation amoureuse.
Próbom Michela de Montaignea przypisuje się stworzenie nowego gatunku literackiego eseju. Zebranie w tomie teksty poruszają zróżnicowaną tematykę, odznaczają się bardzo subiektywnym spojrzeniem. Montaigne sporo miejsca poświęca sobie, analizując różnorodne aspekty swojego życia: myśli, uczucia, podświadomość. Wykazuje przy tym erudycyjne obycie, które nadaje Próbom wyjątkowego charakteru.
Księga XIII Pana Tadeusza i inne erotyki
Erotyki opisujące m.in. noc poślubną Zosi i Tadeusza bohaterów Pana Tadeusza Adama Mickiewicza. Utwór pełen opisów intymnych przeżyć pary bohaterów. Język, jakim posługuje się autor, jest barwny, nacechowany emocjami. Występują liczne wulgaryzmy. Autorstwo utworu przypisuje się Aleksandrowi Fredrze, choć są to raczej spekulacje, gdyż sam pisarz nie potwierdził tej pogłoski.
The book is interesting because it has a much darker and more thoughtful implication than it might seem. On the one hand, the novel reveals the history of the war, and on the other, a pretty love story. Most of the novel is built on dialogues, through which we learn about the feelings that the characters are going through. The plot of the novel is dynamic, readers can read it in one breath.
California Joe. The Mysterious Plainsman
"California Joe, the Mysterious Plainsman" is a book first published in 1900 written by Colonel Prentiss Ingraham who was a Colonel in the Confederate Army, a professional military officer throughout the 1860s, and a prolific author of books on the American West. It is a dime novel, a very short novel, about the life of a young man who acts as if he is immortal. At first, many characters in the book think that Joe is a ghost or a "spook" because of his all black clothes and solid white horse. Soon, however, Joe introduces himself to a group of people who are laying train tracks across the prairie. He guides them and saves them from Indians on many occasions. Throughout the entire book, Joe is saving somebody from Indians or capturing thieves. He is the stereotypical cowboy who saves the day and rides off into the sunset. This book is a wonderful light novel and is also important for what it reveal about American cultural history at the time of its publication.
Cleek. The Man of the Forty Faces
A classic mystery novel featuring Hanshews best-known creation, the consulting detective Hamilton Cleek, known as the man of the forty faces for his incredible skill at disguise. An ex-cracksman turned Scotland Yard detective, Cleeks slim and faultlessly dressed form is topped by an india-rubber-like face, of which he has remarkable control. Cleek is based in Clarges Street, London, where he is constantly consulted by Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard. Cleek is the central figure in dozens of short stories that began to appear in 1910 and were subsequently collected in a series of books. Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces is the first book in the saga. A wonderfully entertaining story from the turn of the century of mystery, chivalry, and intrigue. If youre looking for good mystery look no further.
Zwei Großkonzerne wollen nachdem sie die Atomkraft bereits nutzbar gemacht haben die atmosphärische Elektrizität für sich gewinnen. Parallel steht die Entdeckung eines neuen Energiestoffes mit noch nie dagewesenen Eigenschaften ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste der Konzerne. Das Atmosphärische Elektrizitätswerk des deutschen Bergmann-Konzerns arbeitet dank der genialen Erfindungen eines gewissen Dr. Frank famos, während das amerikanische AE-Werk der United Electric nur enorme Kosten verursacht und der Entwicklung um Jahre hinterherhinkt. James Headstone, Chef der amerikanischen Versuchsstation, schickt daraufhin seinen besten Agenten, Henry Turner in die norddeutsche Heide. Wegen deren Nutzbarkeit sie sich einen erbitterten Kampf liefern.
The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Having returned safely home, Robinson Crusoe marries and starts a family. Peace is not for Robinson, he hardly hangs out in England for several years: thoughts about the island are haunted him day and night. He even buys a farm, intends to engage in rural labor, to which he is so accustomed. After the death of his wife, nothing else keeps him in England, Robinson is overcome by the old wanderlust, and sets out with his faithful companion Friday to see his island once again. Thus begins a journey which will last ten years and nine months, in which Crusoe travels over the world, along the way facing dangers and discoveries in Madagascar, China, and Siberia. As he continues to journey, it becomes clear that he is happiest when wandering, and we begin to wonder if he will ever return home again.