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Emilys Quest

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Emily Starr and Teddy Kent have been friends since childhood, and as Teddy is about to leave to further his education as an artist, Emily believes that their friendship is blossoming into something more. But when Teddy leaves home to pursue his goal in Montreal, Emilys world collapses. With Teddy gone, Emily agrees to marry a man she doesnt love... as she tries to banish all thoughts of Teddy. In her heart, Emily must search for what being a writer really means... This third and final volume of Lucy Maud Montgomerys celebrated Emily trilogy is a finally drawn study of a young woman coming to terms with love and her own ambition. In every detail, this mature novel by one of the worlds best-loved authors captures the drama and confusion of a young life on the brink.


Soldier Stories

Rudyard Kipling

Three Soldiers is a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Three soldiers of this title - Leroid, Mulvani and Orteris, who also previously appeared in the collection "Simple Tales from the Hills." Books reveal the side of British Tommy in Afghanistan, rarely seen in the Twilight of the British Empire. The soldiers comment on their improvements, act fools, but right against the backdrop of the wars in the Middle East, when the British began to weaken their imperial possessions, they begin to act directly.


Młodzi i starzy

Michał Bałucki

Młodzi i starzy to jedna z pierwszych powieści Bałuckiego, inspirowana wypadkami powstańczymi 1863 r. Pisana jest z pozycji radykalnych działaczy demokratycznych, którzy zmierzali do szybkiego wywołania powstania i przeprowadzenia radykalnych reform społecznych. Opowiadali się za wciągnięciem do walki z zaborcą chłopów.


Plain Tales from the Hills

Rudyard Kipling

A wonderful book written in beautiful language, with love for the native land and its history. Despite the fact that all sorts of wars, illnesses and deprivations often flash in the stories, in general the atmosphere is very pleasant, and the book gives a feeling of warmth and tranquility. English guys Dan and Una, brother and sister, meet Elf Pak. He tells them once brought to England, the god Wiland, who once forged a magic sword. Further stories are told already by the direct participants in the events: the knight, the centurion, and so on.


When the World Shook

H. Rider Haggard

When the World Shook is a classic story, written by H. Rider Haggard, telling about the horror of a ghost town. The plot revolves around three friends one absolutely unshakable skeptic, the other an absolutely believer, and the third and central character is a person who is looking for meaning in life. A hurricane shipwrecks them on an unknown island in the Pacific inhabited by a degenerating people who worship an ancient god called Oro. Three men experience all sorts of difficulties and find all kinds of miracles on the island.


W czwartym wymiarze. Opowiadania

Antoni Lange

Dwanaście historii poruszających różnoraką tematykę. Wspólną cechą wszystkich opowieści są wątki temporalne i nawiązania patriotyczne. Autor zgłębia tajniki ludzkich charakterów, stosując techniki psychoanalityczne. Książka zaliczana jest do pierwszych publikacji fantastycznonaukowych.


The Crimson Blind

Fred M. White

Many people go through financial difficulties. The popular detective novelist David Steele finds himself in a difficult financial situation and accepts an invitation from an unknown mysterious lady who offers to help with his debts. Instead, she wants him to solve her unpleasant situation. He performs his part of the deal. Upon arrival home, he discovers a corpse.


Dwór w Haliniszkach

Emma Dmochowska

Akcja powieści rozgrywa się na przełomie XIX i XX wieku na Wileńszczyźnie. Zosia Halicka szykuje się do ślubu z kawalerem, którego ze względów majątkowych wybrała jej rodzina. Jednak kawaler nie traktuje Zosi poważnie i za jej plecami wciąż romansuje z dawną kochanką. Za to daleko od Haliniszek żyje inny mężczyzna ten kocha Zosię prawdziwie, jednak czy zdoła porzucić dumę i pokonać trudności, aby zdobyć ukochaną?