
LAlouette du casque, Victoria, la mere des camps

Eugene Sue

Le roman, dont lintért est également lié ce que Sue appelle, afin de fonder sa démonstration, est basé sur un systeme didées approuvé par la Révolution française. Au cur du roman se trouve un conflit historique. Les événements ont lieu au 20eme siecle pendant la Révolution française. Ce livre est pour les amateurs dhistoire.


Black Heart and White Heart and Other Stories

H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard loves to focus on adventure stories in Africa. In this story, he paid attention to love, magic and faith. At the heart of the story is the father who lost his daughter, due to the attack of the barbarians. The author well emphasizes the fact that faith can defeat savagery in this world and save from death.


Z głuszy

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Zbiór opowiadań Marii Rodziewiczówny głęboko osadzonych w krajobrazie Polesia. Pełno tu mitologicznych opisów, ludowych opowieści, bajań i gawęd. Zbiór zawiera utwory: Noc, Ul, Z tamtej strony, Czarna woda, Młyn Archipa, Na starej choinie, Wpisany do heroldii, Zachód, Pro memoria, Piaski, Szwed, Rozdroże, Posłaniec, Zagony i Czajki.


The DArblay Mystery

R. Austin Freeman

In this novel, Dr. Thorndyke builds a card house of wild speculations to solve a perplexing murder case, astonishing all observers, including the police. The victim is Julius D Arblay, an artist highly skilled at the rare French art of making wax-work figures and portrait masks. DArblay has a beautiful daughter, which leads to a romance with a young Dr. Grey who discovers the fathers body and brings the case to Dr. Thorndykes attention. Before the end of the story, the young doctor and his love will each have survived two murder attempts by an increasingly frantic killer. There are lots of great scenes: stalking scenes, vicious attacks on Dr. Gray and Marion with various weapons, a sinister scene in a dense yellow London fog, a humorous exhumation of a dead man of dubious identity, and very funny vignettes with a tippler of an old doctor advising Gray on how to handle troublesome patients. Thorndykes lovable lab assistant Polton has a starring role in this novel.


The Poison Belt

Arthur Conan Doyle

The Poison Belt, a novella by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is remarkable in that we, with the central characters, are permitted to witness what seems to be a global apocalypse, while enduring only minimal emotional fall out. Professor Challenger urgently summons his fellow explorers (Professor Summerlee, Lord John Roxton, and reporter E.D. Malone) to a meeting. Oddly, he requires each to bring an oxygen cylinder with him. The mysterious substance suddenly becomes a deadly threat as the Earth passes through a belt in the ether, a belt of poisonous ether. To Professor Challenger it is clear that no animal or human life can possibly survive this encounter. Shutting themselves tightly up in Challengers house, they start to consider what may be done. But as their countrymen start to drop, will their oxygen last long enough to determine and implement a solution?


Der Brand der Cheopspyramide

Hans Dominik

Elias Montgomery. Kaum ein Bewohner der zivilisierten Welt, der ihn nicht kannte. Schon bei seinen Lebzeiten ein Sagenkreis um ihn. Elias Montgomery, der große Erfinder, dem es gelungen, das Problem der Atomenergie zu lösen. Die Atomenergie, jene riesenhafte, über alle Vorstellungen gewaltige Energiequelle, schon seit Jahrzehnten das höchste Ziel der Erfinder in allen Kulturstaaten der Welt. Aber der englische Erfinder Elias Montgomery stirbt. Drei islamische Reiche bedrohen Europa. Die einzige Hoffnung ist eine Erfindung des Magnaten und Erfinders Montgomery. Diese soll endlich die Atomenergie entfesseln können. Doch die Anleitung nahm der Erfinder mit ins Grab. Seine Erfindung, die durch Atomzertrümmerung ungeheure Energien gezielt freizusetzen vermag, wird auf Anlass des maurischen Kalifen Abdurrhaman, der bereits Spanien eingenommen hat, geraubt. Jetzt will er ganz Europa und droht, es ansonsten in eine brennende Hölle zu verwandeln. Bereits 1925, zwanzig Jahre vor Hiroshima, wagte der Autor einen visionären Ausblick auf die Gewalt, die politischen Auswirkungen und den Schrecken der Atomwaffen.


The Ship of Ishtar

A. Merritt

The goddess of love and beauty was adrift on an enchanted ocean in a magic world. The myriad forces of satanic evil plagued the vessel of the red-haired, passionate goddess. Only one man, John Kenton, the American adventurer, WWI vet and archaeologist, could save Ishtars priestess from the black magic which divides her world from ours. Written in 1924, The Ship of Ishtar is a universally hailed classic of the fantasy novel by A. Merritt and is, on surface at least, an obvious early product of Pulps Golden Age. Merritt was influential upon the science fiction and fantasy world primarily through the imaginative power he displayed in the creation of desirable alternative worlds and realities.


Lady Susan

Jane Austen

Beautiful, flirtatious, and recently widowed, Lady Susan Vernon seeks an advantageous second marriage for herself, while attempting to push her daughter into a dismal match. A magnificently crafted novel of Regency manners and mores that will delight Austen enthusiasts with its wit and elegant expression.