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Joseph Conrad

Zwycięstwo to powieść psychologiczna Josepha Conrada opublikowana po raz pierwszy w 1915 r., dzięki której Conrad zdobył popularność na świecie. Opowiada o wydarzeniach z życia Axela Heysta, wychowywanego w Londynie przez owdowiałego ojca, szwedzkiego filozofa. Atmosfera w domu Heysta, przesycona bezwzględnym dążeniem ojca do prawdy i pesymistycznym spojrzeniem na ludzkość, wypacza jego umysł. Po śmierci ojca Heyst opuszcza Anglię i zamieszkuje na tropikalnej wyspie.


The Cloven Foot

Mary Elizabeth Braddon

The novel has two stories that at first glance seem unconnected, but most readers will be able to find out the connection. The first is about the situation of artificial inheritance. John Treverton must marry Laura Malcolm within a year or lose his inheritance. In another story, French ballerina Zaire Chico lives an absent-minded life in Parisian and London theaters. In the end, the mystery of the murder happens, and the rest of the plot focuses on that.


Driven to Sea

T.C. Bridges

Dick traveled halfway around the world to get to this particular house, and despite his pinkish-white appearance, the boy had a lot of courage. Dick saw a heavy, bloated-looking man, with a fat, flabby face and thick, black hair and eyebrows. His clothes were black, so was his tie; even his finger-nails shared in the general mourning. He looked like a funeral mute off duty.


The Devil-Tree of El Dorado

Frank Aubrey

The Devil-Tree of El Dorado concerns the discovery of the legendary city of Manoa in British Guiana, high atop Mt. Roraima, at that date an incredibly remote part of the world. Most desirable, all the expected thrills of an Atlantean thriller plus some: flying damsels; immortals; a satisfying variety of monsters including the frightful shape, with its maddening leer and its blood-curdling scream that welcomes us to the book.


A Voyage of Consolation

Sara Jeannette Duncan

This story begins with the termination of the protagonists engagement to his daughter-in-law. narrator with a fiancee who does not approve of the change. The protagonist decides to travel to Europe, to Italy and France. Travel provides an opportunity for witty observation of people and places, and by the end, romance has re-entered the storytellers life.


The Road to Wigan Pier

George Orwell

In the 1930s, George Orwell was sent by a socialist book club to investigate the appalling mass unemployment in the industrial north of England. Orwell went further than just studying unemployment not wanting to watch from the outside, he learned what it is: to be a miner, live in slums, eat poorly and do backbreaking work in the mines. Everything he saw and wrote down helped him to clarify his feelings towards socialism. In this book, he explains why socialism, the only possible escape from the shocking conditions of life that he saw, turns off so many normal, respectable citizens.


The Red Rats Daughter

Guy Boothby

The story of the liberation of a Russian prisoner from an island in eastern Siberia. A young English millionaire thinks he is saving the father of his beloved, famous nihilist; but when a person is safe, he discovers that he really shot down the most notorious diamond robber in the world. The story is full of sensations, and people who like such a fantasy will find it vibrant and lively from start to finish.


В овраге (W wąwozie)

Антон Павлович Чехов, Anton Pawłowicz Czechow

Действие повести А. П. Чехова «В овраге» разворачивается в селе Уклеево. Оно расположено в овраге, и с шоссе его почти не видно. Когда прохожие спрашивали, какое это село, то им говорили: «Это то самое, где дьячок на похоронах всю икру съел». Автор описывает жизнь уездных мещан, разбогатевших нечестным путем 2013 семьи Цыбукиных. Глава семьи, Григорий Петрович, преуспевает в торговле, его вторая жена, Варвара Николаевна, религиозная женщина, много помогает нищим, два сына, Анисим 2013 служит в полиции, Степан 2013 помогает отцу, но слаб здоровьем, две невестки 2013 Аксинья и Липа, красивые, работящие девушки. И вроде бы всё хорошо, но за высокими заборами творятся черные дела, которые приводят к трагедии. Чехов язвительно высмеивает отсутствие духовных ценностей у главных героев, их жажду наживы, циничность и жестокость. Повесть учит читателей не отвечать злом на зло, а относиться ко всем людям с добром.