
Balsamo, the Magician. Or, The Memoirs of a Physician

Alexandre Dumas

Joseph Balsamo, a skilled doctor, sorcerer, great master of the Masonic Order, whose network of intrigues includes many influential figures of the highest society of European countries. Bazzamo could command the fate of other people, was a magician, stood at the head of the mysterious society that rules the world Massonov. Everything is subject to him: time, people, events, except for one his beloved woman, the beautiful Lorenza.


The Pot of Gold and Other Stories

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

This novel is for those who are looking for a quick and easy read. The Flowers family lived in a small house in a wide grassy meadow that descended a few branches from the front door to a gentle silvery river. Directly across the river stood a lovely dark green mountain, and when a rainbow fell, as it often did, nothing could look more charming than it rose from the opposite bank of the stream against the backdrop of a wet, shady mountain.


Judith Paris

Hugh Walpole

The characters are diverse and strong in these books. Walpole clearly believed in women with character, because the book is full of them. Not so outrageous to be incredible, but more women who will not be meek rugs for spouses or family members. History and famous characters sometimes slip in to add color and historical context. Vivid descriptions of the countryside, especially the lake region. Even now, ridges and lakes penetrate in all directions of life.


The Huntress

Hulbert Footner

The Huntress written by Hulbert Footner who was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. Published in 1922, here a frontier love story with a tough, but intriguing heroine and a reluctant, at first weak, but eventually worthy lover.


Eros begravning

Hjalmar Bergman

Romanen Eros begravning gavs ut första gngen 1922. Hjalmar Bergman (1883-1931) är en av den svenska litteraturens stora berättare, mästare p brokiga persongallerier och mänsklig medkänsla.


The Crater, or, Vulcans Peak. A Tale of the Pacific

James Fenimore Cooper

Two surviving American sailors, Mark and Bob, found themselves on a bare volcanic rock in the middle of the ocean. Gradually, they manage to form a soil layer using silt, guano and algae. As a result of a storm, Bob is carried away on a boat to the ocean, but he manages to get to America, from where, after stories about adventures, a party of their 9 relatives and friends of sailors arrives.


Pierścień Wielkiej Damy. Tragedia w trzech aktach

Cyprian Kamil Norwid

Pierścień Wielkiej Damy, wydany w 1872 roku, jest białą tragedią, czyli gatunkiem stworzonym przez Norwida na potrzeby tego utworu. Łączy on w sobie dramat i komedię nie opisuje scen brutalnych, jednak wykazuje wiele aluzji i nawiązań. Opowiada o kradzieży pierścienia hrabiny Harrys, która o dokonanie czynu posądza swego dalekiego krewnego Maksa-Yksa, potajemnie w niej zakochanego. W końcu zguba odnajduje się, ale zagadką pozostaje, kto zabrał pierścień.


Лучшие романы и рассказы. MultiBook

Лев Николаевич Толстой

Жизнь, творческий путь, идейные искания Л. Н. Толстого увлекают умы наших современников, которые пытаются понять саму сущность творчества писателя и его учения. Одна из книг, кторая входит в сборинк 2013 201eВойна и мир201d, которая является вершиной творчества Л.Н. Толстого, как никакое другое произведение писателя отражает глубину его мироощущения и философии. Эта книга из разряда вечных, потому что она обо всем 2013 о жизни и смерти, о любви и чести, о мужестве и героизме, о славе и подвиге. В сборник включены самые известные романы и повести: 201eСемейное счастье201d, 201eВойна и мир201d, 201eАнна Каренина201d, 201eВоскресение201d, 201eСмерть Ивана Ильича201d, 201eСевастопольские рассказы201d.