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Poezje. Wybór

Teofil Lenartowicz

Teofil Lenartowicz (18221893) był polskim poetą romantycznym, etnografem, rzeźbiarzem i konspiratorem. Z uwagi na fascynację folklorem z rejonu Mazowsza sam siebie nazywał biednym Mazurzyną lub lirnikiem mazowieckim. To właśnie ludowość stała się głównym motywem jego twórczości poetyckiej. Tworzył także wiersze patriotyczne i religijne oraz poematy historyczne. Prosty styl, pełen czułości i czarowności, przysporzył mu wielkiej sympatii czytelników.


The Bait and the Trap

Max Brand

One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. His Westerns were always different, with complex plots and characters, and uncertain endings... But his historical adventures rank among the best stories he ever wrote. These seven stories of 16th Century Italian Renaissance swashbuckling swordsman Tizzo are tightly-plotted, action-packed adventures which were rarely equaled in quality by Brands contemporaries. It collects the final four stories: The Cat and the Perfume, Claws of the Tigress, The Bait and the Trap and The Pearls of the Bonfadini.



Max Brand

You dont get a much more evocative opening than that for a Western novella called Werewolf, and the story lives up to both its title and that opening in ways you wont expect from Max Brand who did write some fantastic fiction. On that bitter night Chris Royal walks into Yates Saloon to escape the storm where Cliff Main, gun happy brother of killer Harry Main, is looking for trouble over a girl both like. Words are exchanged, and there is the smell of cordite in the air. Cliff Main is dead and Chris Royal alive. At least until Harry Main comes to avenge his dead brother... It is a part Western revenge story, part tale of redemption of man and dog, part dog story with a rousing good adventure story set in the more or less modern West. Highly recommended, especially for those who love this genre!


Dwaj poeci

Honoriusz Balzak

Dwaj poeci to pierwsza część powieści Stracone złudzenia autorstwa Honoriusza Balzaca. Dawid Séchard, młody i ambitny chłopak mieszkający na prowincji Francji, marzy o tym, aby zostać uczonym. Jednak jego chciwy ojciec postanawia wykorzystać nieśmiałość i naiwność syna i na niekorzystnych warunkach odsprzedaje mu swój zakład drukarski. Dawid desperacko mierzy się z groźbą bankructwa, aby zapewnić byt sobie i żonie Ewie, siostrze jego najlepszego przyjaciela Lucjana Chardona, poety ruszającego właśnie do Paryża w poszukiwaniu kariery.


Dr. Kildares Girl

Max Brand

In the crowded waiting room of Dr. Gillespie there were people of ten nations of more than ten degrees, from the old pugilist with rheumatism in his broken hands to the Indian mystic whose eyes already were forgetting this world; but little Florrie Adams took precedence over all of these. Her mother lagged breathless, a step behind, as Florrie was led quickly on by a nurse so pretty that the little girl had to keep looking up at that freshness and that bloom; and so her stumbling feet forgot their way.


The Troll Garden

Willa Cather

A collection of poignant stories about art and artists, about those who love them and those who dont. Every story in this book is about artists and disappointment. Three stories are Western, two of them set in Kansas and Wyoming, and the third is about a woman from Nebraska traveling through Boston.


Eugeniusz Oniegin

Aleksander Puszkin

Poemat dygresyjny autorstwa Aleksandra Puszkina, wydany w całości w 1833 roku. Odznacza się kunsztowną formą i licznymi, charakterystycznymi dla gatunku dygresjami, ujawniającymi ironię romantyczną. Opowiada o człowieku rozczarowanym światem, znudzonym i zniechęconym, który szuka pociechy w ucieczce na wieś. Nie znajduje jej jednak i rusza w dalszą podróż po miejscach z przeszłości.


Mr. Poskitts Nightcaps

Joseph Smith Fletcher

The idea behind this book is that before going to bed, Yorkshire farmer Mr. Poskitt liked to tell a little story or nightcap. Thus, J.S. Fletcher recorded and collected these stories in this book. There is a hilarious story, tales of robbing money and arguing over wills, orphan pigs running around the village causing havoc, broken hearts and jealous lovers, and misers and men trying to make a fortune.