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Childe Harolds Pilgrimage. Cantos IIV

George Gordon Byron

The book, which at one time produced the most ambitious scandal in the history of British literature of the XIX century. This is a book that was desperately admired and equally desperately outraged. The poem that shocked the foundations of the foundations of morality and morality of its era and gave the world one of the most famous literary heroes of mankind a hero without whom neither Pushkin Onegin nor Lermontov Pechorin would exist.


Because of the Dollars

Joseph Conrad

Self-deception regarding his wife, inflicted on the good-natured captain of the ship and the like. the willingness to succumb to base men on the part of the painted woman. It truly demonstrates how even those who find themselves in the most extreme situations of life can find redemption, albeit at a terrible cost. And atonement is a rare thing in Conrad. And just to make sure you understand it, the final image of the captain is someone left alone and hopeless, despite his good deeds.


The White Wolf

Max Brand

If you like classic animal stories you will like this one for sure. Tucker Crosden bred his dogs to be champions. Yet even by frontiersmans brutal standards, bull terrier White Wolf was special. Tucker had great plans for the dog until it gave in to the blood-hungry laws of nature. He never thought that his prize animal would run at the head of a wolf pack one day and to be a leader among wolves in the San Jacinto Mountains or that a trick of fate would throw them together in a battle to the death. And White Wolf must choose between laws of nature or those of man. Max Brands action-filled stories of adventure and heroism in the American West continue to entertain readers throughout the world.


Казаки (Kozacy). Кавказская повесть 1852 года

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

Повесть величайшего русского писателя Льва Николаевича Толстого (181820131910) рассказывает о переломном этапе в жизни инфантильного молодого человека из московского общества, живущего мечтами и грезами. Главный герой повести, Дмитрий Оленин, близок автору и по духовному опыту, и по нравственным устремлениям. Как и Толстой, он оказывается на Кавказе в попытке начать новую жизнь, 201eв которой уже не будет больше ошибок, не будет раскаяния, а наверное будет одно счастье201d. Среди казаков, в окружении природы, в условиях, далеких от комфорта и роскоши, Оленин переосмысливает свое отношение к жизни, ощущает внутреннюю трансформацию. Герою повести предстоит увидеть настоящую жизнь и ощутить себя чужим в нетронутом цивилизацией мире.


The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In The Great Stone Face, Hawthorne compares different types of human activity. Most of them are aimed at finding success in society. But Hawthorne believes that the success of the Finnish businessman or general, who turned military affairs into a means of his personal career, or a clever politician who is uncleanly making his way to power, is an imaginary success. Even the poet, the creator of beautiful works of art, still retains a lot of vicious individualism and self-love, and only the humble young man Ernst, who devoted his life to serving people, selflessly doing good, won the favor of the author he gives preference to him and his selfless altruism proclaims the ideal of human life.


Sister Carrie

Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser is a famous American prose writer, publicist and public figure. This is the story of the rise of the main character, the young provincial Caroline Meeber, achieved at the cost of numerous moral compromises, and the descent of the manager of a prestigious bar, George Hurstwood, to the bottom of life.


Granatka. Facino Cane. Msza ateusza

Honoriusz Balzak

Desplein jest przenikliwym, bystrym, dobrze obeznanym ze strukturą i funkcjonowaniem ludzkiego ciała chirurgiem, który budzi zazdrość wśród swoich kolegów ze środowiska lekarskiego. Sceptycznie i cynicznie podchodzi do wszystkiego, co go otacza, i gardzi zarówno ludźmi, jak i przekonaniami. Jednak pewnego razu jego były uczeń Horacy Bianchon przyłapuje go na udziale we mszy świętej. Postawa doktora, zdeklarowanego od zawsze ateisty, wprawia Bianchona w zdumienie.


The Steppe

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The story of a boy Egor, who goes from his home to a gymnasium located in another city. This trip is the last event before the start of a new life away from mother and familiar places. Nothing unexpected happens on the way, but at the same time, there is a constant change of landscapes and moons of Egor, meetings with new people, both ordinary and of noble origin. The boy is a witness to the life of people whose path also lies through the steppe.