Wydawca: 186

Opowiadania na tydzień. Część 4

Różni autorzy

5 opowiadań klasyków gatunku: Tołstoj, Zola, Żuławski, Turgieniew, Niedźwiecki. Do czytania na każdy dzień tygodnia, w podróży, przed snem, na nudę, dla rozrywki, albo bez powodu. Bo opowiadania są zawsze ciekawe. "Nowela ma wśród czytającej publiczności licznych zwolenników. I słusznie! Jest to misterny kunszt, wytworny rodzaj literatury beletrystycznej. Gdy powieść obejmuje całokształt życia, lubuje się w epickiej przestronności to nowela daje skrót, wyimek, epizod, fragment, ale niezwykle barwny, wybitnie interesujący. Nowela jest ulubioną potrawą smakoszów literackich, ludzi, oceniających strawę duchową nie na ilość, lecz na jakość." (Z przedmowy do wydania "Noweli obcych"). Tagi: klasyka, opowiadania, nowela,


The Chronicles of Martin Hewitt

Arthur Morrison

Second collection of detective fiction concerning Martin Hewitt, a famous private detective whose methods closely resemble those of Sherlock Holmes. The anthology is composed of six short stories, mysteries investigated by the investigator Martin Hewitt, and narrated by his friend, Colonel Brett. An artists work is vindictively vandalized, and the artist is found murdered in his smoking room. Gold bullion totaling L10,000 mysteriously vanishes from the ill-fated steamship Nicobar as it sinks en route to Plymouth. A clerk disappears from a large London bank along with a rather substantial amount of the companys money. A lunatic Frenchman, discovered beaten and bloody in the street, screams in terror when offered a loaf of bread. The detective Martin Hewitt is on the case.


Korytarz podziemny B

Aleksander Błażejowski

Akcja kryminału rozgrywa się na przełomie lat 20. i 30.h XX wieku. W tle powieści malownicza Moskwa i rozwijającą się gospodarczo Warszawa. Główny bohater, Stefan Barczyński, zostaje uwikłany w przedziwny splot wydarzeń. Czy poznanie ponętnej Marty było tylko zbiegiem okoliczności? I jaką rolę odegra w życiu Stefana przypadkowo spotkany przyjaciel z dawnych lat?


The Stolen Stallion

Max Brand

The Stolen Stallion by Max Brand is one of the books in the Silvertip series. Wild horses ... evil men! Parade - a magnificent stallion worth twice his weight in cold cash. And many men had set out to capture this legendary prize. Some never returned. Some came back stony-broke. Others were ruined by desert heat and mountain winters. Only Silvertip, an honest man fast with his fists and quicker with his guns, can tame the magnificent stallion Parade, son of Brandy, king of the wild horses of the Sierras. When Silvertip hunted Parade he took only a rope and raw courage. But trailing him, guns at their sides, were two killers who wanted Silvertip as badly as they wanted Parade!


Jupyter Cookbook. Over 75 recipes to perform interactive computing across Python, R, Scala, Spark, JavaScript, and more

Dan Toomey

Jupyter has garnered a strong interest in the data science community of late, as it makes common data processing and analysis tasks much simpler. This book is for data science professionals who want to master various tasks related to Jupyter to create efficient, easy-to-share, scientific applications.The book starts with recipes on installing and running the Jupyter Notebook system on various platforms and configuring the various packages that can be used with it. You will then see how you can implement different programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, R, Julia, JavaScript, Scala, and Spark on your Jupyter Notebook. This book contains intuitive recipes on building interactive widgets to manipulate and visualize data in real time, sharing your code, creating a multi-user environment, and organizing your notebook. You will then get hands-on experience with Jupyter Labs, microservices, and deploying them on the web. By the end of this book, you will have taken your knowledge of Jupyter to the next level to perform all key tasks associated with it.


The Flirting Fool

Aidan de Brune

De Brunes novel The Flirting Fool is a thrilling court-room melodrama previously only published as a newspaper serial. The story is fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read. Readers of Aidan de Brunes novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship. Nineteen novel length serials, two novella serials, and eighteen short stories, all except one published in Australian and New Zealand newspapers between 1926 and 1935. Other novels by De Brune were reputedly published in the USA under various pseudonyms, but these have not been traced.


Co tu po nas zostanie. Saga część 8

Barbara Rybałtowska

Ostatni tom sagi obyczajowo-historycznej „Bez pożegnania”. Historia Zofii i Kasi, która poruszyła serca czytelników w całej Polsce, znajdzie swój wielki finał! Ich losy śledzimy od czasów II wojny światowej, teraz dowiemy się jak potoczyło się życie rodziny Kalczyńskich w latach 2003-2018. Jest to opowieść o miłości i sile ducha, a także o przemijaniu i wdzięczności za to, co przynosi los. O tym, że zarówno w czasach wojny jak i pokoju najważniejsza jest rodzina i bliscy.


Server-Side Enterprise Development with Angular. Use Angular Universal to pre-render your web pages, improving SEO and application UX

Bram Borggreve

With the help of Server-Side Enterprise Development with Angular, equip yourself with the skills required to create modern, progressive web applications that load quickly and efficiently. This fast-paced book is a great way to learn how to build an effective UX by using the new features of Angular 7 beta, without wasting efforts in searching for referrals.To start off, you'll install Angular CLI and set up a working environment, followed by learning to distinguish between the container and presentational components. You'll explore advanced concepts such as making requests to a REST API from an Angular application, creating a web server using Node.js and Express, and adding dynamic metadata. You'll also understand how to implement and configure a service worker using Angular PWA and deploy the server-side rendered app to the cloud.By the end of this book, you'll have developed skills to serve your users views that load instantly, while reaping all the SEO benefits of improved page indexing.