Wydawca: 186

Shapes in the Fire. Being a Mid-Winters Nights Entertainment in Two Parts and an Interlude

M.P. Shiel

M.P. Shiel, who wrote science fiction, mystery, and other genre fiction from the 1890s through 1930s, first established himself as a member of a Decadent movement in England. He was influenced by the Decadent movement lastingly than most of his contemporaries, in part because the tenets of Decadence resonated with his own personal history and racial views. As the movement faded, Shiel built on the underlying logic of Decadence to create adventure novels involving race-based conflict. Shiels racism is disturbing but complex, ultimately leading toward a vision of union between Self and Other. Shiels developing views are evident in five of his works from 1895-1901. Shapes in the Fire: Being a Mid-Winter-Nights Entertainment in Two Parts and an Interlude is one of these works that highly recommended for reading!


Wczesne rodzicielstwo - zagrożenie czy szansa? Nastoletni rodzice z łódzkich enklaw biedy

Paulina Bunio-Mroczek

W publikacji zostały przedstawione biografie i sytuacje życiowe młodych dorosłych, którzy zostali rodzicami jako nastolatkowie oraz mieszkają i wychowują swoje dzieci na terenie łódzkich enklaw biedy. Autorka analizuje stan, procesy i wymiary wykluczenia społecznego, a także społecznej integracji zachodzące w badanej zbiorowości oraz działania służb społecznych wobec młodych rodziców ze zdegradowanych społecznie i ekonomicznie obszarów miasta. Odpowiada na pytanie, czy wczesne macierzyństwo i ojcostwo osób doświadczających biedy i wykluczenia społecznego w dzieciństwie i adolescencji stanowi jedynie zdrożenie, tj. czynnik ryzyka kontynuacji ubóstwa i ekskluzji w kolejnej (dorosłej) fazie życia, czy też może oznacza szansę - czynnik ich społecznej integracji. Książka jest skierowana do socjologów, pedagogów i badaczy życia społecznego, a także pracowników instytucji pomocowych i organizacji i pozarządowych zajmujących się pracą socjalną oraz specjalistów pracujących profesjonalnie z młodymi ludźmi z zaniedbanych społecznie środowisk.


ROS Robotics Projects. Make your robots see, sense, and interact with cool and engaging projects with Robotic Operating System

Lentin Joseph

Robot Operating System is one of the most widely used software frameworks for robotic research and for companies to model, simulate, and prototype robots. Applying your knowledge of ROS to actual robotics is much more difficult than people realize, but this title will give you what you need to create your own robotics in no time!This book is packed with over 14 ROS robotics projects that can be prototyped without requiring a lot of hardware. The book starts with an introduction of ROS and its installation procedure. After discussing the basics, you’ll be taken through great projects, such as building a self-driving car, an autonomous mobile robot, and image recognition using deep learning and ROS. You can find ROS robotics applications for beginner, intermediate, and expert levels inside!This book will be the perfect companion for a robotics enthusiast who really wants to do something big in the field.


Arsene Lupin. Based on Play by Maurice Leblanc and Francis De Croisset

Edgar Jepson

This early work was originally a four-act play written by Maurice Leblanc and Francis de Croisset in 1908, and subsequently novelized by Leblanc and then translated by Edgar Jepson into English and published in 1909. Leblancs creation, gentleman thief Arsene Lupin, is everything you would expect from a French aristocrat witty, charming, brilliant, sly and possibly the greatest thief in the world. In this classic tale, Lupin plans to steal priceless objects of art and jewelry from a collector for his own private collection. His brilliant effrontery in the face of the police dares them to catch him with spectacular results! Theres romance, deception, and always something strange going on with all of the characters, really just an overall great read.


Puppet 5 Beginner's Guide. Go from newbie to pro with Puppet 5 - Third Edition

John Arundel

Puppet 5 Beginner’s Guide, Third Edition gets you up and running with the very latest features of Puppet 5, including Docker containers, Hiera data, and Amazon AWS cloud orchestration. Go from beginner to confident Puppet user with a series of clear, practical examples to help you manage every aspect of your server setup. Whether you’re a developer, a system administrator, or you are simply curious about Puppet, you’ll learn Puppet skills that you can put into practice right away. With practical steps giving you the key concepts you need, this book teaches you how to install packages and config files, create users, set up scheduled jobs, provision cloud instances, build containers, and so much more. Every example in this book deals with something real and practical that you’re likely to need in your work, and you’ll see the complete Puppet code that makes it happen, along with step-by-step instructions for what to type and what output you’ll see. All the examples are available in a GitHub repo for you to download and adapt for your own server setup.



E. Phillips Oppenheim

The illicit gambling house in the Place Noire was raided by the police in Paris. Several of the gang were killed, one was caught and jailed, and one escaped by shambling off in the guise of a workman, accompanied by a young girl, a dwarf, and a monkey. Gilbert Hannaway, who was wounded as a bystander on the night of the raid, has been searching for the girl for five years but, one evening, he finds her. Lord Ellingham is a peer of the realm, with a successful marriage, and a cabinet position, but he flees England rather than meet with the girl. Jacques Leblun, most brilliant of French detectives, desires to end his illustrious career by landing the long sought escaped man from the raid. And what of Ambrose the dwarf and Chicot the monkey? What secrets do they hold?


Już czytam

Daria Brzezińska

"Już czytam" to książeczka, która poprzez zabawę pomoże twojemu dziecku opanować trudną sztukę czytania. W prezencie mnóstwo kolorowych naklejek.


The Profiteers

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A novel of crime and conscience by Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946), the self-styled prince of storytellers. The Profiteers was written about the stock market post-World War I and pre-1929 crash. The tale of the Bechtel family dynasty is a classic American business story. It begins with Warren A. Bechtel, who led a consortium that constructed the Hoover Dam. From that auspicious start, the family and its eponymous company would go on to build the world, from the construction of airports in Hong Kong and Doha, to pipelines and tunnels in Alaska and Europe, to mining and energy operations around the globe. Like all stories of empire building, the rise of Bechtel presents a complex and riveting narrative. In The Profiteers, Sally Denton, exposes Bechtels secret world and one of the biggest business and political stories of our time.