
The Sunless City

Dick Donovan

A well-travelled journalist James Edward Preston Muddock though he was better known as Joyce Emerson Preston Muddock, wrote prolifically in a number of genres. The vast majority of his output were sensational detective stories in which Dick Donovan was the main character. In the lost world novel The Sunless City (1905), Josiah Flintabbatey Flonatin pilots a submarine through a bottomless lake. Upon passing through a hole lined with gold, he finds a strange underground world...


Wyandotté, or, the Hutted Knoll. A Tale

James Fenimore Cooper

The action of the novel refers us to the events that took place on the eve of the struggle for the independence of the North American colonies. The heroes of the novel will have to face the distrust of their compatriots, survive their betrayal, withstand the pressure of a gang of Indians, courageously overcome all hardships.


Le Péché de Monsieur Antoine. Tome 12

George Sand

Le roman, construit, comme toujours avec George Sand, sur la base dintrigues amusantes, reflétait sa recherche de solutions utopiques la réorganisation sociale de la société. Lhistoire et les nouvelles racontent le monde des sentiments des Français ordinaires paysans, marins, employés des postes, racontent leur vie, leurs coutumes et leur morale. Au centre de lhistoire, un jeune garçon, Horace, un provincial qui, apres avoir perçu le dernier sou et mme pris une dot de sa sur, a été envoyé par la derniere force étudier le droit Paris dans lespoir quil deviendrait une personne digne. Mais la capitale a tourné la tte dun jeune homme.


Czarny bóg. Powieść na tle współczesnego zamętu

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Trzech przyjaciół zaraz po zakończeniu studiów rozstaje się, a każdy z nich obiera zupełnie inną ścieżkę kariery. Wydawać by się moglo, że już nigdy się nie spotkają. Los jednak postanawia inaczej... Pesymistyczna, okrutna powieść Marii Rodziewiczównej o realich życia w zaborze rosyjskim.


Kain. Misterium

George Gordon Byron

Lord George Byron to jeden z najwybitniejszych angielskich poetów i dramaturgów, żyjący w XIX wieku. Do jego głównych dzieł należą: Wędrówki Childe Harolda, Giaur, Narzeczona z Abydos oraz jego magnum opus Don Juan. Poeta wykreował tzw. bohatera bajronicznego tajemniczego indywidualistę i buntownika sprzeciwiającego się normom społecznym. Kain to misteryjna tragedia z 1821 roku, która na bazie wątków biblijnych stawia pytania o rolę Boga w życiu.


Let Loose

Mary Cholmondeley

A tale of the sinister afterlife of Sir Robert Depard, a local magnate who lived a dissolute life in Yorkshire. The story is told by an unnamed gentleman who travels around Holland with his brother-in-law (Mr Blake) to study architecture. The gentleman wonders why Mr. Blake never takes off his high collar around his neck.


Through Russia

Maxim Gorky

The stories, united under the name Through Russia, were originally printed by M. Gorky in various periodicals and collections. In the series of short stories In Russia. M. Gorky refers to the image of the past in order to illuminate the paths to the future. The writer reflected the harsh truth of the life of little great people, life-giving and decorating the earth with their labor.



Robert W. Chambers

This story continues the fantastic stories of Dr. Percy, forever searching the world for zoological discoveries and love, and doomed to never find either. Our narrator, Dr. Percy, works at the Bronx Zoo. He is one of those brave adventurers who seek to dive into the depths of uncharted lakes and discover the remains of a tribe of cave dwellers or the existence of people with three eyes.