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Bolesław Śmiały

Stanisław Wyspiański

Monolog wierszowany ukazuje konflikt między Bolesławem Śmiałym a biskupem Stanisławem, zabitym przez króla. Autor przedstawił konflikt z perspektywy Bolesława, ukazał przy tym liczne szczegóły z historii Polski. Wyspiański stosuje całą gamę aluzji i nawiązań, przeplata fakty własnymi sądami. W jego interpretacji konflikt został potraktowany symbolicznie, jako wciąż aktualny problem pomiędzy państwem a Kościołem.


The Hearts Highway. A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

This is a historical novel written in the 1900s but set in 1680s Jamestown, Virginia. The plot revolves around the anger of the colonists over the Navigation Act, which robbed them of their profits from the tobacco crop. At the center of this little rebellion is the romance between Harry Wingfield, a gentleman tutor, and Mary Cavendish, a headstrong eighteen-year-old.


3 razy R

Hanna Cygler

Trzy młode kobiety, szukając w życiu szczęścia, dokonują ważnych wyborów. Olga musi zwalczyć w sobie bolesne wspomnienia i uważniej przyjrzeć się teraźniejszości. Klaudia próbuje zapanować nad swoim temperamentem, który nieustannie rzuca ją w ramiona nieodpowiednich mężczyzn. Lidkę męczy zazdrość o męża. Losy bohaterek bawią, wciągają i wzruszają.


Home as Found. Sequel to Homeward Bound

James Fenimore Cooper

The novel is set in the fictional town of Templeton, modeled after the village of Cooperstown. In the novel, the Effingham family returns to Templeton from New York. The central theme is the state of American society. The novel clearly shows how the party almost always outperforms the country in American politics, and all of them remain in force today.


The Path of a Star

Sara Jeannette Duncan

This is a novel about how the British colonizers of late Victoria in Calcutta fall in love with the wrong people. Hilda Howe is a travel-loving actress clearly on her way to the top of her profession before she meets Stephen Arnold, a Catholic priest.


Jerome, a Poor Man

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

In this sprawling novel, American writer Mary E. Wilkins Freeman moves from the light subject of much of her early work to a larger issue: the impact of poverty. With the help of the character Jerome Freeman skillfully shows how impoverishment can affect several generations of families.


The Smiling Desperado

Max Brand

An exciting saga of danger, adventure, and romance on the Western frontier. Bill Lancaster was a dangerous man that no one dared mess with. He was fast with a gun, deadly with his fists, and a bully who never let you forget who was tougher. Young Dan Cadigan however refused to be pushed. Mistaken for a quiet weakling, no one expected him to stand up to Bill Lancaster. Fighting him with his fists he made Lancaster realize that someone was tougher than he was. Desperate he used his gun on Cadigan while they were fighting. Now Cadigan wants to teach Lancaster a lesson and he intended to use what he had just discovered, that he did not know fear. Danger made a smile touch his lips. Danger made Cadigan smile and Cadigans smile made other men tremble.


Dream Psychology. Psychoanalysis for Beginners

Sigmund Freud

Do dreams make sense? Do they disguise our desires? What is the function of sleep? Sigmund Freud answers all these and other questions in this classic guide to the psychology of dreams. This book is required not only for psychology students, but also for all people who want to know the meaning of their dreams. After reading this book, you will understand that you look at dreams differently.