
History of William the Conqueror

Jacob Abbott

This is a classic historical book about medieval life, in the time of William the Conqueror. This book will appeal to those who are delighted with the legends, knights and kings. As in all the stories of Jacob Abbott, he helps to know really interesting details. Jacob Abbott explain? how the geography and weather patterns of the English Channel influencedt he reign of William the Conqueror.


The Moon Metal

Garrett P. Serviss

An interesting early science fiction story written by Garrett Putman Serviss. A mad scientist offers to help save the world economy with valuable metal. He claims that he mines this metal himself, but actually brings it from the moon. And yet, will metal be able to save the world economy from ruin?


The Sign of the Four. Illustrated Edition

Arthur Conan Doyle

Illustrated edition with original illustrations by Richard Gutschmidt, a famous German painter, book illustrator and graphic artist. The Sign of the Four is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Sign of the Four is an incredible story of greed and revenge in which the worlds most famous detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson accompany a beautiful young woman Mary Morstan on a mission that leads to a terrifying, one-legged man in the dark heart of London. A thrilling experience for legions of Sherlock Holmes fans.


Lonesome Land

B.M. Bower

Pioneering Western writer Bertha Muzzy Bower was herself the wife of a Montana rancher for a time, so she brings a wealth of personal experience and psychological insight to this gripping narrative that follows protagonist Valeria as she enters into marriage and struggles with the often-harsh reality of rural life. Val is cast into circumstances that test her temper, strength, and sanity. One of her few contacts with the outside world is a friend of her husbands whom she despises. Their relationship gradually changes as her husbands true character is slowly revealed to her. Kent watches Val very closely as she struggles with poverty and a drunken husband. He knows Val is worthy of more than her husband can give. Is he the man to do it?


Land aus Feuer und Wasser

Hans Dominik

Ein bekannter Erfinder, dem die Aufgabe zuteil wurde, eine Flugzeugbasis in der Südsee zu gewinnen, plant kurzerhand, ein großes Land aus Feuer und Wasser zu schaffen. Das Experiment mit den Urgewalten der Tiefe Prof. Eggerth steht vor einer neuen Aufgabe: die vulkanischen Kräfte sollen entfesselt und in den Dienst der Menschheit gestellt werden. Kann der Mensch mit seinen besten technischen Vorraussetzungen solche Kräfte wie Wasser und Feuer bündeln und für sich gewinnen? Droht der Erde und den Menschen eine Katastrophe von unermesslichem Ausmaß? Immer brennender wird die Frage: Ist das Wagnis zu groß? Ein risikoreiches Abenteuer beginnt...


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 5). Leśna Różyczka. Piramida śmierci

Karol May

Piramida śmierci to piąty tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Podczas licznych i szalonych podróży po wielu krajach i kontynentach odważni bohaterowie spotykają na swojej drodze różne postaci niektóre sprzyjają realizacji ich planów i wyciągają pomocną dłoń, inne wręcz przeciwnie narażają drużynę na niebezpieczeństwa i same proszą się o pogruchotanie kości w potyczce.


The Inheritors. An Extravagant Story

Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox Hueffer

The Inheritors is a little-known book of two main British writers. The plot is based on a political scheme to undermine the British Empire, based on a Congo-like colonial enterprise and manipulated by journalists. The main character claims that she is from the Fourth Dimension and works to replace the human race.


The Hunchback of Westminster

William Le Queux

Up to that time, I remember, my big brass plate, with the legend Mr Hugh Glynn, Secret Investigator, had only succeeded in drawing a very average and ordinary amount of business. True, I had had several profitable cases in which wives wanted to know what happened to their husbands when they didnt come home at the usual hours, and employers were anxious to discover certain leakages through which had disappeared a percentage of their cash; but for the most part my work had been shockingly humdrum, and already I had begun to regret the whim that had prompted me, after reading certain latter-day romances, to throw up my career as a barrister in Grays Inn to emulate the romancers heroes in real life.