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Dom otwarty. Komedia w trzech aktach

Michał Bałucki

Dom otwarty to trzyaktowa komedia Michała Bałuckiego, polskiego pisarza i publicysty z okresu pozytywizmu. Zaliczał się on do nurtu tak zwanych przedburzowców przełomu romantyzmu i pozytywizmu. Sztuka opowiada o średnio zamożnej rodzinie mieszczańskiej, która żyje ponad stan i naśladuje styl życia bogaczy. Rodzina postanawia wydać bal, który okazuje się być nieco problematyczny i przysparza wiele komplikacji towarzyskich oraz rodzinnych.

Eлектронна книга

Crazy Rhythm

Max Brand

After 8 years in prison for murder, Jimmy Geary returns to his town Yellow Creek, and his past, and an ambush. Jimmy was very happy to see town again. But there are three men who arent happy to see Jimmy Geary return, and they conspire to make his stay this time very short... Neatly plotted and briskly told, it illustrates Max Brands remarkable gift for storytelling. One of the greatest western authors of all time, Frederick Faust wrote under sixteen different pseudonyms, including the best known being Max Brand. Although he wrote under many genres, westerns were his forte. Max Brand leads the reader on a very authentic tale of the old west the way it was.

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The Romance of His Life

Mary Cholmondeley

There are eight unrelated shorts in this book. The author tells us about the cottage she lives in and the memorable experience she had during the war.

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Selma Lagerlöf

Jerusalem är en roman i tv delar av den svenska författarinnan Selma Lagerlöf. Jerusalem utspelar sig i Dalarna och i Jerusalem under 1800-talet, där man fr följa ngra människor och deras närstende under flera r. Selma Lagerlöf skriver om mnga olika personer ur olika generationer, bland annat om dem som lever p den stora Ingmarsgrden, där man fr bekanta sig med deras, inte alltid s okomplicerade, relationer till varandra.

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Fantôme dOrient

Pierre Loti

Fantôme dOrient est le titre de la petite nouvelle qui ouvre le recueil o il raconte lune de ses escapades stanbouliote la recherche de la sépulture dun amour passé. Ce texte larmoyant et nostalgique est suivie dune description tres intéressante de Constantinople en 1890 pour le compte

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Red Shadows

Robert E. Howard

The moonlight shimmered hazily, making silvery mists of illusion among the shadowy trees. A faint breeze whispered down the valley, bearing a shadow that was not of the moon-mist. A faint scent of smoke was apparent. The man whose long, swinging strides, unhurried yet unswerving, had carried him for many a mile since sunrise, stopped suddenly. A movement in the trees had caught his attention, and he moved silently toward the shadows, a hand resting lightly on the hilt of his long, slim rapier.

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Cleopatra. Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis

H. Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard relies on adventure and exotic concepts. This story unfolds in the era of the Ptolemaic era of ancient Egyptian history. The line of the dynasty defended by the priesthood of Isis is trying to survive in difficult circumstances. The main character Harmachis must overthrow Cleopatra, banish the Romans and return to Egypt its former status.

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The Solution of a Mystery

J.S. Fletcher

One of the main characters, Richard Redford, is charged with murder. His life was threatened with death if he did not confess. But he chose such a point of view that he would have nothing to say to anyone. His indecision to speak causes bewilderment to others. Should a hero accept death with honor or not broken promises?