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Elektra to królowa mykeńska, córka Agamemnona i Klitajmestry, oraz siostra Orestesa, Chrysotemis i Ifigenii. Pewnego dnia, pod jej nieobecność, jej ojciec zostaje zabity przez matkę Elektry i jej kochanka Ajgistosa. Elektra wraz ze swoim bratem Orestesem postanawia pomścić śmierć ojca. Historia głównej bohaterki była wykorzystywana w licznych utworach starożytnych, m.in. Eurypidesa, jak i współczesnych, np. Jeana-Paula Sartrea.


Детство (Dzieciństwo)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

Самой беззаботной и полной счастья порой в жизни человека считается детство. Именно ей посвящается рассказ Льва Толстого 201eДетство201d, который входит в известную трилогию писателя 201eДетство. Отрочество. Юность201d. Что может быть интереснее и прекраснее открытия мира детскими глазами? Именно они всегда широко открыты, очень внимательны и на редкость проницательны. Поэтому Лев Толстой взглянул вокруг глазами маленького дворянина Николеньки Иртеньева и еще раз показал чистоту и низменность чувств, искренность и ложь, красоту и уродство... Трилогия отчасти автобиографична: многие моменты напоминают детство самого автора, и, надо полагать, многие переживания маленького Николеньки писателю не пришлось придумывать.


Pan Lecoq

Émile Gaboriau

Jeden z pierwszych kryminałów w dziejach literatury. Jego akcja rozgrywa się w latach 60. XIX w. w Paryżu. Agenci śledczy zatrzymują mężczyznę, który przyznaje się do potrójnego morderstwa w owianym złą sławą szynku Pieprzniczka. Zostaje on zamknięty w więzieniu, ale gdy zdaje się, że sprawa została wyjaśniona, jeden z agentów zaczyna podważać słowa mężczyzny. Wkrótce pojawiają się kolejne ofiary. Rozpoczyna się śmiertelna gra z mordercą.


The Story of Sonny Sahib

Sara Jeannette Duncan

Kanpur has a marble angel, which is located in a very quiet garden and fenced off even from trees and flowers by a wall. The angel looks down, miserable sorrow stands next to her, that no one wants to touch her with words. People just come, look and silently leave. Sonni Sahibs father believed that everything he could learn during his lifetime about the fate of his wife and young son was written there.


Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat

Ernest Bramah

The Kai Lung books are really short-story collections, whose disparate, rambling tales are knitted together by framing narratives featuring the eponymous travelling storyteller. The third in Bramahs Kai Lung series of fantasy novels. Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat, like the others in the series consists of thinly connected stories related by Kai Lung, concerning the adventures of the storyteller and his lady love Hwa-Mei versus the wicked but ever-smooth Mandarin Shan Tien and his despicable accomplice Ming-Shu. Kai Lungs adventures are related with humor and irony, his shrewdness and wisdom conveyed in euphemisms, paradoxes and parables. Bramahs droll writing style went a long way toward making the Kai Lung series so popular. The Kai Lung books are easily Bramahs greatest achievement; theyre as worthy of their somewhat neglected place in the pantheon of British humour as the delightful comic trivia of Wodehouse.


Hira Singhs Tale. When India Came to Fight in Flanders

Talbot Mundy

This story continues the picturesque and interesting novels of Munda about Raj and the inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent. If you like to read the British thriller of the early 1900s, you will surely be content with this novel. As you read it, you will understand how Mundi relates to the ancient world of harlots, Greeks, Romans and Cleopatra.


Andivius Hedulio. Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire

Edward Lucas White

Edward Lucas White has written a number of historical novels, including Andivius Hedulio. Amazing story of a Roman during the reign of Commodus. This is an exciting adventure! You will feel that you are in ancient Rome.


Moby Dick. or The Whale

Herman Melville

A former schoolteacher famously called Ishmael hero of Moby Dick signs up as sailor on a whaling voyage to cure a bout of depression. On his way to find a ship in Nantucket, he meets Queequeg, a heavily tattooed South Sea Island harpooneer just returned from his latest whaling trip. Ishmael and Queequeg become best buds and roommates almost immediately. Together, they sign up for a voyage on the Pequod, which is just about to start on a three-year expedition to hunt sperm whales.