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To the Lighthouse

Virginia Woolf

An exquisite novel in which times of action are mixed and intertwined, and the summer spent by the wealthy Ramsey family on the Isle of Skye turns out to be a kind of British chronicle of lost time a fragile, almost idyllic time, doomed to be destroyed soon by the First World War. Children will grow up someone will survive and grow up, someone will lay their heads on the battlefields. Small failures and grievances will be forgotten. The old house will be abandoned, the garden will grow. But will the dream of a trip to a distant lighthouse come true even for one of Ramseys children? ..


The Old London Merchant. A Sketch

William Harrison Ainsworth

At that festival time, when the days are the shortest and the nights the longest, and when, therefore, it is the invariable practice of all intelligent men to turn night into day; when the ratio of business and pleasure is clearly in favor of the latter; when a magnificent carnival is held in London, and everything testifies to the predominance and influence of good humor.


Tom Sawyer Abroad

Mark Twain

The adventures of Tom Sawyer continue. This time, the fidget Tom decides to go abroad to get rich and become independent. Toms friends also dream about it, and he quickly gathers around him who want to keep him company. So, the boys go on a long journey...


Kirgiz. Powieść

Gustaw Zieliński

Kirgiz to romantyczna powieść poetycka, pełna nawiązań do takich dzieł jak mickiewiczowskie Sonety krymskie czy Maria Malczewskiego oraz twórczości Byrona, Puszkina czy Lermontowa. Stanowi ukazaną w orientalnym kostiumie apologię wolności oraz dychotomię miłości i zemsty. Gustaw Zieliński należał do drugiego pokolenia romantyków polskich i tzw. ukraińskiej szkoły poetów. Był uczestnikiem powstania listopadowego i zesłańcem syberyjskim.


The Face and the Doctor

Max Brand

The Face and the Doctor is another short story by Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) who was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary westerns under the pen name Max Brand. This story filled with excitement, suspense, good guys and bad, and plot twists aplenty! Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. Faust wrote more than 500 novels and over 400 short stories & novellas using twenty pseudonyms, including George Owen Baxter, George Challis, Evan Evans, John Frederick, Frederick Frost, David Manning & Peter Morland.


The Years

Virginia Woolf

The action of the novel Years, one of the most significant works of W. Woolf, takes place over fifty years from the 1880s to the mid 30s of the twentieth century. Victorian traditions are breaking down, cars and planes are appearing, the First World War is covering Europe... All this serves as the backdrop for the family saga the history of the Pargiter family: Colonel Abel Pargiter, his wife, lover, seven children, their wives, husbands, numerous relatives...


Wiersze. Wybór

Stanisław Wyspiański

Stanisław Wyspiański, nazywany czwartym polskim wieszczem, tworzył w epoce Młodej Polski. Sławę i uznanie przyniosła mu twórczość zarówno malarska, jak i literacka. Tworzył liczne dramaty, utrzymane w duchu romantycznym i patriotycznym, pod wieloma względami nowatorskie. Zebrane w tomie wiersze Wyspiańskiego pokazują jego mniej znane, liryczne oblicze.


Doctor Izard

Anna Katharine Green

Mary Earles mother passed away and then her father disappeared when she was very young. Now, after many years, being adult and not having her own money in her youth, she receives a rather large amount of money. Who wished this money and why? Of course, in this small town in Massachusetts there is a secret that happened many years ago!