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The Story of Sonny Sahib

Sara Jeannette Duncan

Kanpur has a marble angel, which is located in a very quiet garden and fenced off even from trees and flowers by a wall. The angel looks down, miserable sorrow stands next to her, that no one wants to touch her with words. People just come, look and silently leave. Sonni Sahibs father believed that everything he could learn during his lifetime about the fate of his wife and young son was written there.


Życiorys własny przestępcy

Urke Nachalnik

Urke Nachalnik, właśc. Icek Boruch Farbarowicz, to przedwojenny autor kryminałów pochodzenia żydowskiego. Związany był z przestępczym półświatkiem, skąd zaczerpnął swój pseudonim literacki. Podczas wieloletniego pobytu w więzieniu z powodzeniem przekuwał swoje gangsterskie doświadczenia na literaturę. Życiorys własny przestępcy z 1920 roku to powieść oparta na wątkach autobiograficznych. Znalazła ona kontynuację w tomie Żywe grobowce z 1934 roku. Pisarską karierę Nachalnika przerwał wybuch II wojny światowej.


Nineteen Eighty-Four

George Orwell

George Orwells novel 1984 is one of the best dystopian novels. Winston Smith, male, 39, works for the Ministry of Truth. Smiths job is to change the facts. If a person objectionable to the party appears, then you need to erase information about him, and rewrite some facts properly. Society must follow the laws of the Party and support its policy. The main character only pretends that his ideals coincide with the ideas in the party, but in fact he fiercely hates her politics.


Wiersze. Wybór

Stanisław Wyspiański

Stanisław Wyspiański, nazywany czwartym polskim wieszczem, tworzył w epoce Młodej Polski. Sławę i uznanie przyniosła mu twórczość zarówno malarska, jak i literacka. Tworzył liczne dramaty, utrzymane w duchu romantycznym i patriotycznym, pod wieloma względami nowatorskie. Zebrane w tomie wiersze Wyspiańskiego pokazują jego mniej znane, liryczne oblicze.


The Chainbearer. Or, The Littlepage Manuscripts

James Fenimore Cooper

This is a historical saga about the fate of three generations of the Littlepage family living in the New World. The novel tells about the people who heroically and bravely mastered the lands of the Wild West, as well as the tragic fate of the indigenous people of America the Indians. Under the onslaught of aliens and the advancing civilization, they had to give up their lands.


Privy Seal

Ford Madox Hueffer

Ford Madox Ford was a prolific English novelist and poet in the early 20th century. Ford wrote the best-selling novel The Good Soldier, as well as the Parades End series. Privy Seal is the second novel in the well-known Fifth Queen trilogy that recreates Tudor England in a masterful story of court intrigue, romance, and betrayal. Here Ford focuses on the figure of Thomas Cromwell, a powerful advisor to the King who comes to see Katharine as a rival whose good nature threatens his ambitious political agenda.


A Cabinet Secret

Guy Boothby

The city itself, climbing a hillside almost at the waters edge, was painted pale pink at sunset, and even the old Vesuvius, from the top of which a thin column of black smoke seemed a little less gloomy than usual. Because of heaven, the sky was a mass of golden and raspberry-colored, and this was reflected in the calm waters of the bay until the whole world turned into a real radiance. The evening could hardly be desired. And yet this is not the city, mountain or sunset that we must make, but the first movement of the conspiracy, which was ultimately destined to shake one of the greatest Empires that the Earth has ever seen.


Guerre et Paix

Ce livre appartient a la catégorie de léternel, car il traite de tout, de la vie et de la mort, de lamour et de lhonneur, du courage et de lhéroisme, de la gloire et de lhéroisme, de la guerre et de la paix. Le roman le plus célebre au monde dun écrivain de génie pour le troisieme siecle a obligé les lecteurs a faire preuve dempathie pour les héros. Un roman sur lâme russe, sur le mode de vie russe, les questions éternelles que chaque personne doit décider seule avec elle-meme. Ce roman vous permet de remonter de 200 ans dans le temps et de plonger dans la vie du peuple russe du début du XIXe siecle.