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The Insulted and the Injured

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The book contains several topics: the relationship between a man and a woman before marriage, the betrayal of loved ones and their forgiveness, fathers and children. As the life stories of two women are almost the same, as Ivan tried to prevent the same end for Natasha. The breaking lives of good people because of unclean ones on hand.


Monday or Tuesday

Virginia Woolf

A woman looks at the mark on the wall and ponders the whims of thoughts and opinions; a series of couples is captured by nostalgia for their past as they stroll among the vibrant colors of Kew Gardens; the heron flies high above cities and towns, lakes and mountains, and below life continues in all its abundance; and blue and green are given in words.


The Mystery Message. A Story of South American Adventure

T.C. Bridges

The early summer morning was warm and very quiet, and the only sound in the bare, barn-like room was the slow sucking of waves at the foot of the granite cliff on which it was built. On the table in the center of the room was a wireless device with five valves, the wires through which passed through the roof. Two thin cords dangled near the wires, the lower ends of which were within the reach of Jim Selvin, a tall, slender boy with a sharp face, who was sitting with headphones in his ears.


The CopyCat and Other Stories

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

This is an excellent collection of softly written short stories set in early 20th century New England. In all the first stories of the collection, the main characters are children. Many of these stories are about ordinary peoples lives and the ways they find a way out of a difficult life.


Marlow of the Mounted

T.C. Bridges

Keith Marlowe, who had just been trained at the Mounted Police Barracks, Regina, is heading to the country of Kuchin and the Rockies to gather white drug dealers. Keith has a long, painful journey, and many difficulties must be overcome before his mission is successfully completed.


The Outlaw

Max Brand

Young Larry Lynmouth had been the most fabulous outlaw of them all. Now he was determined to go straight. But going straight wasnt that easy-not with ugly leeches like Jay Cress around, who couldnt believe any man was fool enough to be honest. Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel The Outlaw. Packed with enough action, twists and turns to please even the most die-hard fans of the genre, the novel also addresses a wide range of important themes with insight and sensitivity. This classics appeal extends far beyond the core audience for Westerns give it to a yet-to-be-won-over friend or loved one, and soon theyll be clamoring for more.




Elektra to królowa mykeńska, córka Agamemnona i Klitajmestry, oraz siostra Orestesa, Chrysotemis i Ifigenii. Pewnego dnia, pod jej nieobecność, jej ojciec zostaje zabity przez matkę Elektry i jej kochanka Ajgistosa. Elektra wraz ze swoim bratem Orestesem postanawia pomścić śmierć ojca. Historia głównej bohaterki była wykorzystywana w licznych utworach starożytnych, m.in. Eurypidesa, jak i współczesnych, np. Jeana-Paula Sartrea.


Daniel Deronda

George Eliot

Crushed by a loveless marriage to the cruel and arrogant Grandcourt, Gwendolen Harleth seeks salvation in the deeply spiritual and altruistic Daniel Deronda. But Deronda, profoundly affected by the discovery of his Jewish ancestry, is ultimately too committed to his own cultural awakening to save Gwendolen from despair. George Eliots radical dual narrative constantly challenges all solutions and ensures that the novel is as controversial now, as when it first appeared.