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The Woman from Outside

Hulbert Footner, Hulbert Footner

A woman goes on a secret errand into the far Northwest. Before it is accomplished the usual characters come into the story Indians, mounted police, and the villain. Written by Hulbert Footner who was an Edmonton journalist and travelled the northwest before it was settled. Published in 1921, it is a fascinating eye-witness view of the times and attitudes of northern trappers and traders, including the colonial view of Native Peoples.


Guerre et Paix

Léon Tolsto

Ce livre appartient a la catégorie de léternel, car il traite de tout, de la vie et de la mort, de lamour et de lhonneur, du courage et de lhéroisme, de la gloire et de lhéroisme, de la guerre et de la paix. Le roman le plus célebre au monde dun écrivain de génie pour le troisieme siecle a obligé les lecteurs a faire preuve dempathie pour les héros. Un roman sur lâme russe, sur le mode de vie russe, les questions éternelles que chaque personne doit décider seule avec elle-meme. Ce roman vous permet de remonter de 200 ans dans le temps et de plonger dans la vie du peuple russe du début du XIXe siecle.


The Awakening and Selected Short Stories

Kate Chopin

Awakening is one of the greatest works in American literature. Brilliant beauty Edna Pontellier, together with her husband and two wonderful kids, spend the summer in the resort town of Grand Isle. Ednas unexpected meeting with Robert, a charming young man, suddenly changes the calm and measured life of a woman. Awakening was recognized only many years later.


The Eye of the Sun

Henry Bedford-Jones

More thrilling adventures from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones! This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History or perhaps Highlights of History would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out. Here, then, we see the Holy Family during the exile in Egypt.


Дядюшкин сон (Sen wujaszka). Из мордасовских летописей

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

В центре внимания хитрая особа Марья Александровна Москалева, мечтающая удачно выдать замуж дочь Зину, первую красавицу небольшого городка Мордасово. А тут и жених подворачивается, очень выгодный жених, того и гляди помрёт на днях, и богатство баснословное пропадёт. И в голове Марьи Николаевны зреет гениальный и коварный план. Повесть Федора Михайловича Достоевского (182120131881), написанная в Семипалатинске в 1859, оказалась первым произведением, с которым он 201eявился публике201d после десятилетнего перерыва, вызванного арестом и пребыванием в тюрьме и на каторге. Впервые опубликована в журнале 201eРусское слово201d.


The Collected Short Stories. MultiBook

David Wright OBrien

The Collected Short Stories is a collection of short adventure stories from pioneering American fantasy and science fiction writer David Wright OBrien (19181944). A nephew of Farnsworth Wright, editor of Weird Tales, OBrien was 22 years old when his first story Truth Is a Plague! appeared in the February 1940 issue of Amazing Stories. There were about forty stories and novels under his own name plus others under various pseudonyms, including John York Cabot, Bruce Dennis, Duncan Farnsworth, Richard Vardon and others. Some of OBriens work was space opera or other routine adventure, but many of his stories betray a strain of humor, not unlike Henry Kuttners at that time. OBrien was a sharp and creative writer who liked stories of madcap invention as well as adventure.



Prosper Mérimée

Nowela opowiada historię hiszpańskiego żołnierza José, którego miłość do pięknej Cyganki Carmen zwiodła na złą drogę. Aby zaskarbić sobie uczucie wybranki, bohater wikła się w środowisko przestępcze i posuwa się do niegodziwych działań. Stawia na szali własną karierę i reputację, tylko czy w ten sposób osiągnie cel? Utwór przesycony jest folklorem hiszpańskich Cyganów, który nadaje mu niepowtarzalny koloryt. Opowiadanie Prospera Mériméego rozsławiła opera Georgesa Bizeta pod tym samym tytułem. Po pierwszym wystawieniu, z uwagi na nowatorstwo formy, przyjęta z lekceważeniem, już po drugim podbiła światowe sceny operowe, stając się jedną z najsłynniejszych oper w historii.


Rogue River Feud

Zane Grey

Zane Gray had a hut on the Robber, and his affection and passion for this epic river make her the main theme of the book.It is the best writing about the Rogue that has been done before or since and poetically and descriptively traces the river from its birth below Crater Lake to its dispersal into the Pacific and then picks up a school of salmon and takes them all the way back up the river to spawn. Environmental organizations attempting to save Northwest salmon should be handing Rogue River Feud to anyone who will take a copy.