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Mastering Embedded Linux Programming takes you through the product cycle and gives you an in-depth description of the components and options that are available at each stage. You will begin by learning about toolchains, bootloaders, the Linux kernel, and how to configure a root filesystem to create a basic working device. You will then learn how to use the two most commonly used build systems, Buildroot and Yocto, to speed up and simplify the development process. Building on this solid base, the next section considers how to make best use of raw NAND/NOR flash memory and managed flash eMMC chips, including mechanisms for increasing the lifetime of the devices and to perform reliable in-field updates. Next, you need to consider what techniques are best suited to writing applications for your device. We will then see how functions are split between processes and the usage of POSIX threads, which have a big impact on the responsiveness and performance of the final device The closing sections look at the techniques available to developers for profiling and tracing applications and kernel code using perf and ftrace.
Object Oriented Programming is a very important aspect of modern programming languages. The basic principles of Object Oriented Programming are relatively easy to learn. Putting them together into working designs can be challenging.This book makes programming more of a pleasure than a chore using powerful Python 3 object-oriented features of Python 3. It clearly demonstrates the core OOP principles and how to correctly implement OOP in Python. Object Oriented Programming ranks high in importance among the many models Python supports. Yet, many programmers never bother learning the powerful features that make this language object oriented.The book teaches when and how OOP should be correctly applied. It emphasizes not only the simple syntax of OOP in Python, but also how to combine these objects into well-designed software.This book will introduce you to the terminology of the object-oriented paradigm, focusing on object-oriented design with step-by-step examples. It will take you from simple inheritance, one of the most useful tools in the object-oriented programmer's toolbox, all the way through to cooperative inheritance, one of the most complicated. You will be able to raise, handle, define, and manipulate exceptions.You will be able to integrate the object-oriented and the not-so-object-oriented aspects of Python. You will also be able to create maintainable applications by studying higher level design patterns. You'll learn the complexities of string and file manipulation, and how Python distinguishes between binary and textual data. Not one, but two very powerful automated testing systems will be introduced to you. You'll understand the joy of unit testing and just how easy they are to create. You'll even study higher level libraries such as database connectors and GUI toolkits and how they apply object-oriented principles.
The foundation for many modern programming languages such as C++, C#, JavaScript, and Go, C is widely used as a system programming language as well as for embedded systems and high-performance computing. With this book, you'll be able to get up to speed with C in no time.The book takes you through basic programming concepts and shows you how to implement them in the C programming language. Throughout the book, you’ll create and run programs that demonstrate essential C concepts, such as program structure with functions, control structures such as loops and conditional statements, and complex data structures. As you make progress, you’ll get to grips with in-code documentation, testing, and validation methods. This new edition expands upon the use of enumerations, arrays, and additional C features, and provides two working programs based on the code used in the book. What's more, this book uses the method of intentional failure, where you'll develop a working program and then purposely break it to see what happens, thereby learning how to recognize possible mistakes when they happen.By the end of this C programming book, you’ll have developed basic programming skills in C that can be easily applied to other programming languages and have gained a solid foundation for you to build on as a programmer.
Vinod Krishnan, Vinod Thatheri Krishnan
Oracle ADF is an end-to-end framework which makes application development simple by providing infrastructure services as well as visual and declarative development right away. Oracle ADF 11gR2 Development Beginner's Guide guides any user with programming skills to be able to quickly learn the options and ways to develop rich Internet applications using ADF 11gR2. Containing all the skills that a new user has to use to build an application in ADF 11gR2, this book is designed in such a way so that it enhances the practical feel of developing applications in ADF 11gR2. Starting with the installation and configuration of Oracle ADF 11g RD we will then work through topics such as working with the Model Layer and Model Data followed by displaying and binding the data. Later we will look at Navigations and Flows within applications as well as their layout, look, and feel. Oracle ADF 11g R2 Development Beginner's Guide will conclude with us looking at the security and deployment of the applications which have been created.
JavaScript is the most widely-used programming language for web development and that's not all! It has evolved over the years and is now being implemented in an array of environments from websites to robotics. Learning JavaScript will help you see the broader picture of web development.This book will take your imagination to new heights by teaching you how to work with JavaScript from scratch. It will introduce you to HTML and CSS to enhance the appearance of your applications. You’ll then use your skills to build on a cool Battleship game! From there, the book will introduce you to jQuery and show you how you can manipulate the DOM. You’ll get to play with some cool stuff using Canvas and will learn how to make use of Canvas to build a game on the lines of Pacman, only a whole lot cooler! Finally, it will show you a few tricks with OOP to make your code clean and will end with a few road maps on areas you can explore further.
Soledad Galli, Christoph Molnar
Streamline data preprocessing and feature engineering in your machine learning project with this third edition of the Python Feature Engineering Cookbook to make your data preparation more efficient.This guide addresses common challenges, such as imputing missing values and encoding categorical variables using practical solutions and open source Python libraries. You’ll learn advanced techniques for transforming numerical variables, discretizing variables, and dealing with outliers. Each chapter offers step-by-step instructions and real-world examples, helping you understand when and how to apply various transformations for well-prepared data.The book explores feature extraction from complex data types such as dates, times, and text. You’ll see how to create new features through mathematical operations and decision trees and use advanced tools like Featuretools and tsfresh to extract features from relational data and time series.By the end, you’ll be ready to build reproducible feature engineering pipelines that can be easily deployed into production, optimizing data preprocessing workflows and enhancing machine learning model performance.
Even though object-oriented software design enables more easily maintainable code, companies choose C++ as an OO language for its speed. Object-oriented programming in C++ is not automatic – it is crucial to understand OO concepts and how they map to both C++ language features and OOP techniques. Distinguishing your code by utilizing well-tested, creative solutions, which can be found in popular design patterns, is crucial in today’s marketplace. This book will help you to harness OOP in C++ to write better code.Starting with the essential C++ features, which serve as building blocks for the key chapters, this book focuses on explaining fundamental object-oriented concepts and shows you how to implement them in C++. With the help of practical code examples and diagrams, you’ll learn how and why things work. The book’s coverage furthers your C++ repertoire by including templates, exceptions, operator overloading, STL, and OO component testing. You’ll discover popular design patterns with in-depth examples and understand how to use them as effective programming solutions to solve recurring OOP problems.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to employ essential and advanced OOP concepts to create enduring and robust software.