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A Prayer for My Son

Hugh Walpole

This is the story of a sadist, in this case, a grandfather with excessive ego and a thirst for satisfying his sense of strength. The boys mother, his aunt, the boy himself become a victim of his madness, and the story gathers momentum until they are forced to flee from an environment that gives him his strength. This is a skillful build-up of atmosphere and tension.

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The Shrieking Pit

Arthur J. Rees

Another classic book of murder mystery and mayhem skillfully written with an in depth journey to find out who really did the evil deed and why. The Shrieking Pit is one of Arthur Reess earlier works. American private detective Grant Colwyn is on a leisurely holiday in a fashionable seaside hotel in Norfolk when one morning during breakfast the strange behavior of one of the other guests catches his attention. The young man later leaves the hotel without paying his bill, and turns up in a nearby hamlet in the Norfolk marshes where he takes lodgings at the village inn. The next day, another guest at the inn is found dead, and the young man is missing. Can Colwyn sort out the mystery and prove the young mans innocence one way or the other?

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Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge

Alexandre Dumas pere

Le roman Le chevalier de maison rouge fait partie dune série des romans dAleksandre Dumas de la Révolution française. Lhistoire, aventures, beaux ou mauvais sentiments, nobles hommes ou immondes humains nous entraînent dans la France de la terreur. La description dune terrible époque, quand Louis XVI a été guillotiné, Le Tribunal révolutionnaire institué et Marie-Antoinette, enfermée au temple, attend son proces. Et enfin le mystérieux Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, qui a décidé de tenter de sauver la prisonniere, car il est secretement amoureux de la reine.

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The Terror

Edgar Wallace

A dangerous gang of criminals is imprisoned after a daring robbery, although the ringleader who masterminded the crime disappears with the loot. Finally released after ten years behind bars, they are out for vengeance on the man who betrayed them, and the trail leads to a lonely house haunted by organ music and the specter of a hooded figure who prowls its dark corridors. But the police are on their tail also wanting to find out who was behind the robbery. Another breathtaking novel by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, King of the Modern Thriller.

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Jerry Todd and the Bob-Tailed Elephant

Leo Edwards

This is a fascinating story full of interesting new characters that will fill you with a giggle. Visiting Ashton on the day the elephant arrived, Reds parents hurried home when Aunt Pansy frantically told her that the gang was setting up a wild circus in the barn. The elephants predicament and amazing detective adventures combine to make this book one of the most exciting in the Jerry Todd series.

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The Outlaws of the Air

George Griffiths

George Griffiths is a lover of classic adventure novels. The Outlaws of the Air tells the story of the future of air battles and the creation of a utopian colony in the Pacific. Here, as always, there are many unusual things: Utopians, Anarchists, War Ships of the Air, ultra fast Sea Vessels and even the hokey-named Anarchite super-explosive. This story captures readers from the front pages.

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Poezje. Wybór

Cyprian Kamil Norwid

Norwid był poetą drugiego pokolenia romantyków. Miał bardzo silne poczucie zarówno przynależności pokoleniowej, jak i odrębności wobec swojej generacji. Doświadczenia losów generacji własnej i poprzedniej, a także przekonanie o ich zmarnowaniu i przemyślenia na ten temat zaważyły na twórczości poety. Była ona na tyle trudna do zrozumienia dla jemu współczesnych, że została szybko zapomniana po jego śmierci. Poezja Norwida została odkryta ponownie dopiero w okresie Młodej Polski, głównie za sprawą Zenona Przesmyckiego-Miriama. Cechą wyróżniającą wierszy Norwida, zebranych w tomie Poezje, jest jej głęboka intelektualna warstwa, dominująca nad emocjonalną. Norwid był poetą myślicielem czy też poetą filozofem, obdarzonym bystrym, analitycznym umysłem, patrzącym krytycznie na świat. Tematykę jego utworów stanowią głębokie rozważania na ważkie ówczesne tematy, będące przedmiotem publicznych dyskusji. Pisał m.in. o roli i miejscu człowieka w historii i ich wzajemnych zależnościach, o własnym wzorcu patrioty, o opozycji pojęć naród społeczeństwo, o swym rozumieniu Ojczyzny, a także o roli sztuki i artysty oraz swych poprzednikach, wielkich ludziach swej epoki. Interesujące go zagadnienia rozważał w ponadczasowym, uniwersalnym wymiarze.

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Rim O the World

B.M. Bower

B. M. Bowers novel Rim o the World introduces readers to a rough-and-tumble group of range riders who scrape out a living in the foreboding and unwelcoming region known as Black Rim Country. Packed with suspense, action, and romance, this is a must-read for Western fans of all ages. B. M. (Bertha Muzzy) Bower was the first woman to make a career of writing popular westerns. And what a career it was more than sixty novels published from 1904 to 1940, the year of her death, and still more posthumously. In the western orbit, Bower was and still is a star.