Wydawca: Packt Publishing
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PHP 7: Real World Application Development. Real World Application Development

Doug Bierer, Iltaf (Altaf) Hussain Gul, Branko Ajzele

Terraform Cookbook. Provision, run, and scale cloud architecture with real-world examples using Terraform - Second Edition

Mikael Krief, Armon Dadgar

Power Apps Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices. A step-by-step practical guide to developing robust Power Apps solutions

Andrea Pinillos, Tim Weinzapfel

Hands-On RESTful Web Services with Go. Develop elegant RESTful APIs with Golang for microservices and the cloud - Second Edition

Naren Yellavula

Before Machine Learning Volume 2 - Calculus for A.I. The Fundamental Mathematics for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Jorge Brasil

Node.js 6.x Blueprints. Maximize the potential of Node.js with real-world projects

Fernando Monteiro

OpenLayers Cookbook. The best method to learn the many ways OpenLayers can be used to render data on maps is to dive straight into these recipes. With a mix of basic and advanced techniques, it’s ideal for JavaScript novices and experts alike

Antonio Santiago Perez, Antonio Santiago

Becoming a Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Solution Architect. Implement industry-grade finance and supply chain solutions for successful enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Brent Dawson, Laurynas Merkelis