Publisher: 186

Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala. Practical Multithreading in Scala - Second Edition

Aleksandar Prokopec

The Law of the Land

Fred M. White

The Bull Moose

Ridgwell Cullum

Петербургские повести (Petersburskie opowiadania)

Николай Васильевич Гоголь, Nikołaj Wasiljewicz Gogol

Deep Learning Quick Reference. Useful hacks for training and optimizing deep neural networks with TensorFlow and Keras

Mike Bernico

The Tragedy of Coriolanus

William Shakespeare

Stróż krokodyla

Katrine Engberg

DevOps: Continuous Delivery, Integration, and Deployment with DevOps. Dive into the core DevOps strategies

Sricharan Vadapalli