Publisher: Packt Publishing
Founded in 2004 in Birmingham, UK, Packt's mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and information services to IT professionals. Working towards that vision, we have published over 6,500 books and videos so far, providing IT professionals with the actionable knowledge they need to get the job done - whether that's specific learning on an emerging technology or optimizing key skills in more established tools. As part of our mission, we have also awarded over $1,000,000 through our Open Source Project Royalty scheme, helping numerous projects become household names along the way.

Autodesk Inventor 2023 Cookbook. A guide to gaining advanced modeling and automation skills for design engineers through actionable recipes

Alexander Bordino

Advanced MySQL 8. Discover the full potential of MySQL and ensure high performance of your database

Eric Vanier, Birju Shah, Tejaswi Malepati

Learning PowerShell DSC. Get started with the fundamentals of PowerShell DSC and utilize its power to automate deployment and configuration of your servers

James Pogran

jQuery 1.4 Reference Guide. This book and eBook is a comprehensive exploration of the popular JavaScript library

Jonathan Chaffer, Karl Swedberg, jQuery Foundation

Android Game Programming by Example. Harness the power of the Android SDK by building three immersive and captivating games

John Horton

Liferay Beginner's Guide. Quick and easy techniques to build, deploy, and maintain your own Liferay portal with this book and

Caris Chan, Gaurav Barot, Mahipalsinh Rana, Samir Bhatt, ...

Three.js Cookbook. Over 80 shortcuts, solutions, and recipes that allow you to create the most stunning visualizations and 3D scenes using the Three.js library

Jos Dirksen

Node.js Design Patterns. Master best practices to build modular and scalable server-side web applications - Second Edition

Luciano Mammino, Mario Casciaro