Wydawca: 3

Windows Presentation Foundation 4.5 Cookbook. For C# developers, this book offers a fast route to getting more closely acquainted with the ins and outs of Windows Presentation Foundation. The recipe approach smoothes out the complexities and enhances learning

Pavel Yosifovich

Математика. 2 клас. Дидактичний матеріал (до підручн. Листопад Н.П.) НУШ

Галина Нечай


Анатолій Дністровий

Korpo Relacja

Katarzyna Wit-Formela

Czas wodnika

Mirosław Piotr Jabłoński

Amor i czaszka

Charles Baudelaire

Hus i husyci

Michał Glisczyński

SharePoint Architect's Planning Guide. Create reusable architecture and governance to support collaboration with SharePoint and Microsoft 365

Patrick Tucker