Verleger: 556

Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints. Master GUI programming in Tkinter as you design, implement, and deliver 10 real-world applications

Bhaskar Chaudhary

Lean management po polsku. O dobrych i złych praktykach

Tomasz Król


Jerzy Liebert

Microsoft Power Pages in Action. Accelerate your low-code journey with functional-rich web apps using Power Pages

Faisal Hussona

Mikołaj Kopernik. Nowe oblicze geniusza

Piotr Łopuszański

QlikView Essentials. Want to solve your Business Intelligence headaches? Learn how QlikView can help, and discover a powerful yet accessible BI solution that lets you harness your data

Chandraish Sinha

Лейтмотиви вальдорфської педагогіки. Від 3 до 9 років

Райнер Патцлафф, Тельзе Кальдер


George Gordon Byron