Wydawca: 9

Android 9 Development Cookbook. Over 100 recipes and solutions to solve the most common problems faced by Android developers - Third Edition

Rick Boyer

Nie śmieci. Wyrzucasz do kosza i co dalej?

Julia Wizowska

Pani na Kopicach

Gabriela Anna Kańtor

Czego "Faust“ narobił w pewnej aptece

Czego „Faust“ narobił w pewnej aptece

CHIŃSKI FENIKS. Paradoksy wschodzącego mocarstwa

Bogdan Góralczyk

Mastering Python Data Visualization. Generate effective results in a variety of visually appealing charts using the plotting packages in Python

Kirthi Raman, Sebastian Cheung, Kirthi Venkatraman

Domek na końcu świata

Danuta Noszczyńska

Adversarial AI Attacks, Mitigations, and Defense Strategies. A cybersecurity professional's guide to AI attacks, threat modeling, and securing AI with MLSecOps

John Sotiropoulos