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ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5. Full-stack web development with .NET Core and Angular

Valerio De Sanctis

Become fluent in both frontend and backend web development by combining the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 from project setup right through the deployment phase. Full-stack web development means being able to work on both the frontend and backend portions of an application. The frontend is the part that users will see or interact with, while the backend is the underlying engine, that handles the logical flow: server configuration, data storage and retrieval, database interactions, user authentication, and more. Use the ASP.NET Core MVC framework to implement the backend with API calls and server-side routing. Learn how to put the frontend together using top-notch Angular 5 features such as two-way binding, Observables, and Dependency Injection, build the Data Model with Entity Framework Core, style the frontend with CSS/LESS for a responsive and mobile-friendly UI, handle user input with Forms and Validators, explore different authentication techniques, including the support for third-party OAuth2 providers such as Facebook, and deploy the application using Windows Server, SQL Server, and the IIS/Kestrel reverse proxy.

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ASP.NET Core 2 and Vue.js. Full Stack Web Development with Vue, Vuex, and ASP.NET Core 2.0

Stuart Ratcliffe

This book will walk you through the process of developing an e-commerce application from start to finish, utilizing an ASP.NET Core web API and Vue.js Single-Page Application (SPA) frontend.We will build the application using a featureslice approach, whereby in each chapter we will add the required frontend and backend changes to complete an entire feature. In the early chapters, we’ll keep things fairly simple to get you started, but by the end of the book, you’ll be utilizing some advanced concepts, such as server-side rendering and continuous integration and deployment. You will learn how to set up and configure a modern development environment for building ASP.NET Core web APIs and Vue.js SPA frontends.You will also learn about how ASP.NET Core differs from its predecessors, and how we can utilize those changes to our benefit. Finally, you will learn the fundamentals of building modern frontend applications using Vue.js, as well as some of the more advanced concepts, which can help make you more productive in your own applications in the future.

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ASP.NET Core 2 Fundamentals. Build cross-platform apps and dynamic web services with this server-side web application framework

Onur Gumus, Mugilan T. S. Ragupathi

The book sets the stage with an introduction to web applications and helps you build an understanding of the tried-and-true MVC architecture. You learn all about views, from what is the Razor view engine to tagging helpers. You gain insight into what models are, how to bind them, and how to migrate database using the correct model. As you get comfortable with the world of ASP.NET, you learn about validation and routing. You also learn the advanced concepts, such as designing Rest Buy (a RESTful shopping cart application), creating entities for it, and creating EF context and migrations. By the time you are done reading the book, you will be able to optimally use ASP.NET to develop, unit test, and deploy applications like a pro.

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ASP.NET Core 2 High Performance. Learn the secrets of developing high performance web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core 2 on Windows, Mac, and Linux - Second Edition

James Singleton

The ASP.NET Core 2 framework is used to develop high-performance and cross-platform web applications. It is built on .NET Core 2 and includes significantly more framework APIs than version 1.This book addresses high-level performance improvement techniques. It starts by showing you how to locate and measure problems and then shows you how to solve some of the most common ones. Next, it shows you how to get started with ASP.NET Core 2 on Windows, Mac, Linux, and with Docker containers.The book illustrates what problems can occur as latency increases when deploying to a cloud infrastructure. It also shows you how to optimize C# code and choose the best data structures for the job. It covers new features in C# 6 and 7, along with parallel programming and distributed architectures.By the end of this book, you will be fixing latency issues and optimizing performance problems, but you will also know how this affects the complexity and maintenance of your application. Finally, we will explore a few highly advanced techniques for further optimization.

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ASP.NET Core 2 i Angular 5. Przewodnik dla Full-Stack Web Developera

Valerio De Sanctis

Framework ASP.NET Core odzwierciedla zmianę podejścia do technologii strony klienta: niezależność od platformy sprzętowej, łatwiejsze prowadzenie testów jednostkowych i rozbudowa tworzonych systemów. Kolejna wersja frameworka odzwierciedla dalszą ewolucję koncepcji: od aplikacji, które miały być reaktywne i responsywne, do progresywnej realizacji zadań. Również technologia strony serwera poczyniła postępy w zakresie stabilności i wydajności pracy, co w widoczny sposób przyczyniło się do radykalnych zmian kolejnych wersji Angulara. Poprzednie wersje ASP.NET Core i Angulara były znakomitą propozycją dla projektantów całościowych rozwiązań. Czy bezproblemowe stosowanie obu tych narzędzi będzie możliwe w przypadku ich najnowszych wersji? Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, w jaki sposób zrealizować kompleksowy projekt aplikacji internetowej, zapewniając efektywną pracę jej części klienckiej i serwerowej za pomocą frameworków ASP.NET Core 2 i Angular 5. Dowiesz się, jak zapewnić obsługę wywołań API oraz routingu po stronie serwera, czym jest dowiązanie dwukierunkowe, jak wykorzystać obiekty Observable i jak wstrzykiwać zależności. Nauczysz się stosować framework Entity Framework Core do tworzenia modelu danych, a framework Bootstrap i narzędzie LESS do nadania odpowiednich stylów. Poznasz różne techniki uwierzytelniania klientów, w tym protokół OAuth 2. Dowiesz się też, jak poprawnie skonfigurować mechanizm odwrotnego pośrednika miedzy serwerami IIS i Kestrel. W tej książce między innymi: Solidne wprowadzenie do frameworków i przygotowanie środowiska pracy Entity Framework Core i implementacja modelu danych Nowoczesne podejście do interfejsu graficznego Zaawansowane funkcje formularzy, w tym walidacja i weryfikacja danych Uwierzytelnianie i autoryzacja oraz praca z tokenami Wdrażanie aplikacji w środowisku produkcyjnym Nowoczesne aplikacje: oszałamiająca wydajność, wszechobecna prostota!

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ASP.NET Core 2.0. Wprowadzenie

Jason De Oliveira, Michel Bruchet

Framework ASP.NET Core 2.0 stanowi odpowiedź Microsoftu na potrzeby programistów, które z kolei zmieniają się wraz z rynkiem IT. Klienci wymagają od aplikacji zgodności z różnymi standardami, wysokiej efektywności i skalowalności, a czas wyprodukowania i wdrożenia nowego rozwiązania ma być jak najkrótszy. Do takiej pracy potrzeba narzędzi o odpowiedniej produktywności, rozszerzalności i elastyczności. Dzięki uwzględnieniu tych wyśrubowanych kryteriów Microsoft stworzył platformę ASP.NET Core pozwalającą na tworzenie, kompilację i uruchamianie aplikacji w dowolnym środowisku. Można też korzystać z zewnętrznych bibliotek i z najbardziej aktualnych wzorców projektowych. Opanowanie tego złożonego narzędzia pozwoli zająć programiście znakomitą pozycję wyjściową do tworzenia wydajnych i nowoczesnych aplikacji internetowych. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla programistów chcących budować nowoczesne aplikacje internetowe na platformie ASP.NET Core 2.0. W przystępny i zrozumiały sposób, na praktycznych przykładach wyjaśniono tu możliwości ASP.NET Core 2.0. Większość kluczowych funkcji została opisana z wykorzystaniem zwięzłych przykładów. Dzięki jasnym instrukcjom krok po kroku możliwe jest niemal natychmiastowe rozpoczęcie programowania. W książce omówiono tworzenie responsywnych aplikacji internetowych, stosowanie w praktyce modelu MVC, wdrażanie aplikacji z wykorzystaniem technologii chmury, a także monitorowanie pracy oprogramowania w środowisku produkcyjnym i reagowanie na pojawiające się problemy. W tej książce między innymi: Funkcjonalność i ograniczenia ASP.NET Core 2.0 oraz struktura i koncepcji aplikacji Przygotowanie i konfiguracja środowiska pracy Tworzenie aplikacji MVC i aplikacji Web API Praca z bazą danych z użyciem zaawansowanych funkcji programu Entity Framework Core 2 Zabezpieczanie aplikacji i jej testowanie Hosting i wdrażanie aplikacji lokalnie oraz w chmurze ASP.NET Core 2.0. Podejmij wyzwanie!

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ASP.NET Core 3 and React. Hands-On full stack web development using ASP.NET Core, React, and TypeScript 3

Carl Rippon

Microsoft's ASP.NET Core is a robust and high-performing cross-platform web API framework, and Facebook's React uses declarative JavaScript to drive a rich, interactive user experience on the client-side web. Together, they can be used to build full stack apps with enhanced security and scalability at each layer.This book will start by taking you through React and TypeScript components to build an intuitive single-page application. You’ll understand how to design scalable REST APIs that can integrate with a React-based frontend. You’ll get to grips with the latest features, popular patterns, and tools available in the React ecosystem, including function-based components, React Router, and Redux. The book shows how you can use TypeScript along with React to make the frontend robust and maintainable. You’ll then cover important .NET Core features such as API controllers, attribute routing, and model binding to help you build a sturdy backend. Additionally, you’ll explore API security with ASP.NET Core identity and authorization policies, and write reliable unit tests using both .NET Core and React before you deploy your app to the Azure cloud.By the end of the book, you’ll have gained all the knowledge you need to enhance your C# and JavaScript skills and build full stack, production-ready applications with ASP.NET Core and React.

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ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular. Full-stack web development with .NET 5 and Angular 11 - Fourth Edition

Valerio De Sanctis

Learning full-stack development calls for knowledge of both front-end and back-end web development. ASP.NET Core 5 and Angular, Fourth Edition will enhance your ability to create, debug, and deploy efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular. This revised edition includes coverage of the Angular routing module, expanded discussion on the Angular CLI, and detailed instructions for deploying apps on Azure, as well as both Windows and Linux.Taking care to explain and challenge design choices made throughout the text, Valerio teaches you how to build a data model with Entity Framework Core, alongside utilizing the Entity Core Fluent API and EntityTypeConfiguration class. You’ll learn how to fetch and display data and handle user input with Angular reactive forms and front-end and back-end validators for maximum effect.Later, you will perform advanced debugging and explore the unit testing features provided by xUnit.net (.NET 5) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. After adding authentication and authorization to your apps, you will explore progressive web applications (PWAs), learning about their technical requirements, testing, and converting SWAs to PWAs.By the end of this book, you will understand how to tie together the front end and back end to build and deploy secure and robust web applications.

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ASP.NET Core 5 and React. Full-stack web development using .NET 5, React 17, and TypeScript 4 - Second Edition

Carl Rippon

Microsoft’s .NET framework is a robust server-side framework, now even more powerful thanks to the recent unification of the Microsoft ecosystem with the .NET 5 framework. This updated second edition addresses these changes in the .NET framework and the latest release of React.The book starts by taking you through React and TypeScript components for building an intuitive single-page application and then shows you how to design scalable REST APIs that can integrate with a React-based frontend. Next, you’ll get to grips with the latest features, popular patterns, and tools available in the React ecosystem, including function-based components, React Router, and Redux. As you progress through the chapters, you'll learn how to use React with TypeScript to make the frontend robust and maintainable and cover key ASP.NET 5 features such as API controllers, attribute routing, and model binding to build a sturdy backend. In addition to this, you’ll explore API security with ASP.NET 5 identity and authorization policies and write reliable unit tests using both .NET and React, before deploying your app on Azure.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the knowledge you need to enhance your C# and JavaScript skills and build full-stack, production-ready applications with ASP.NET 5 and React.

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ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners. Kick-start your ASP.NET web development journey with the help of step-by-step tutorials and examples

Andreas Helland, Vincent Maverick Durano, Jeffrey Chilberto, Ed Price

ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners is a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to the framework. This condensed guide takes a practical and engaging approach to cover everything that you need to know to start using ASP.NET Core for building cloud-ready, modern web applications.The book starts with a brief introduction to the ASP.NET Core framework and highlights the new features in its latest release, ASP.NET Core 5. It then covers the improvements in cross-platform support, the view engines that will help you to understand web development, and the new frontend technologies available with Blazor for building interactive web UIs. As you advance, you’ll learn the fundamentals of the different frameworks and capabilities that ship with ASP.NET Core. You'll also get to grips with securing web apps with identity implementation, unit testing, and the latest in containers and cloud-native to deploy them to AWS and Microsoft Azure. Throughout the book, you’ll find clear and concise code samples that illustrate each concept along with the strategies and techniques that will help to develop scalable and robust web apps.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to leverage ASP.NET Core 5 to build and deploy dynamic websites and services in a variety of real-world scenarios.

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ASP.NET Core 5 Secure Coding Cookbook. Practical recipes for tackling vulnerabilities in your ASP.NET web applications

Roman Canlas, Ed Price

ASP.NET Core developers are often presented with security test results showing the vulnerabilities found in their web apps. While the report may provide some high-level fix suggestions, it does not specify the exact steps that you need to take to resolve or fix weaknesses discovered by these tests.In ASP.NET Secure Coding Cookbook, you’ll start by learning the fundamental concepts of secure coding and then gradually progress to identifying common web app vulnerabilities in code. As you progress, you’ll cover recipes for fixing security misconfigurations in ASP.NET Core web apps. The book further demonstrates how you can resolve different types of Cross-Site Scripting. A dedicated section also takes you through fixing miscellaneous vulnerabilities that are no longer in the OWASP Top 10 list. This book features a recipe-style format, with each recipe containing sample unsecure code that presents the problem and corresponding solutions to eliminate the security bug. You’ll be able to follow along with each step of the exercise and use the accompanying sample ASP.NET Core solution to practice writing secure code.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to identify unsecure code causing different security flaws in ASP.NET Core web apps and you’ll have gained hands-on experience in removing vulnerabilities and security defects from your code.

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ASP.NET Core 6 and Angular. Full-stack web development with ASP.NET 6 and Angular 13 - Fifth Edition

Valerio De Sanctis

Every full-stack ninja needs the tools to operate on front-end and back-end application development. This web app development book takes a hands-on, project-based approach to provide you with all the tools and techniques that web developers need to create, debug, and deploy efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular.The fifth edition has been updated to cover advanced topics such as Minimal APIs, Web APIs with GraphQL, real-time updates with SignalR, and new features in .NET 6 and Angular 13.You begin by building a data model with Entity Framework Core, alongside utilizing the Entity Core Fluent API and EntityTypeConfiguration class. You'll learn how to fetch and display data and handle user input with Angular reactive forms and front-end and back-end validators for maximum effect.Later, you will perform advanced debugging and explore the unit testing features provided by xUnit.net (.NET 6) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. After adding authentication and authorization to your apps, you will explore progressive web applications, learning about their technical requirements, testing processes, and how to convert a standard web application to a PWA.By the end of this web development book, you will understand how to tie together the front-end and back-end to build and deploy secure and robust web applications.

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ASP.NET Core 8 and Angular. Full-stack web development with ASP.NET Core 8 and Angular - Sixth Edition

Valerio De Sanctis

If you want to learn how to use ASP.NET Core with Angular effectively, this hands-on guide is for you.Improve the way you create, debug, and deploy web applications while keeping up to date with the latest developments in .NET 8 and modern Angular, including .NET Minimal APIs and the new Angular standalone API defaults.You’ll begin by setting up SQL Server 2022 and building a data model with Entity Framework Core. You’ll progress to fetching and displaying data, handling user input with Angular reactive forms, and implementing front-end and back-end validators for maximum effect. After that, you will perform advanced debugging and explore unit testing features with xUnit for .NET, and Jasmine and Karma for Angular. You’ll use Identity API endpoints in ASP.NET Core and functional route guards in Angular to add authentication and authorization to your apps. Finally, you’ll learn how to deploy to Windows, Linux, and Azure.By the end of this book, you will understand how to tie together the front-end and back-end to build and deploy secure and robust web applications.

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ASP.NET Core 9.0 Essentials. Explore the .NET Core web stack, including Razor Pages, Blazor, and MVC, to build cloud-ready apps

Albert S. Tanure

Build cutting-edge web applications using ASP.NET Core 9 with this comprehensive guide from Microsoft MVP Albert Tanure, a seasoned .NET expert with over 20 years of experience as a cloud solutions architect. Albert brings unparalleled expertise in building modern web applications to ASP.NET Core 9.0 Essentials to help you kickstart your journey on the right foot.Starting with the platform’s fundamental concepts, you’ll work through practical exercises to develop web applications with powerful UI frameworks, deliver flexible and scalable solutions through an API approach, and explore advanced topics such as customizing request flows and implementing robust security measures. You’ll get to grips with cloud-native practices to prepare your applications for cloud environments. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is your guide to building modern, secure, and adaptable web applications with ASP.NET Core.By the end of this book, you’ll be proficient in leveraging the advanced features of ASP.NET Core 9 to create cloud-ready web applications for diverse market segments.

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ASP.NET Core and Vue.js. Build real-world, scalable, full-stack applications using Vue.js 3, TypeScript, .NET 5, and Azure

Devlin Basilan Duldulao

Vue.js 3 is faster and smaller than the previous version, and TypeScript’s full support out of the box makes it a more maintainable and easier-to-use version of Vue.js. Then, there's ASP.NET Core 5, which is the fastest .NET web framework today. Together, Vue.js for the frontend and ASP.NET Core 5 for the backend make a powerful combination. This book follows a hands-on approach to implementing practical methodologies for building robust applications using ASP.NET Core 5 and Vue.js 3. The topics here are not deep dive and the book is intended for busy .NET developers who have limited time and want a quick implementation of a clean architecture with popular libraries.You’ll start by setting up your web app’s backend, guided by clean architecture, command query responsibility segregation (CQRS), mediator pattern, and Entity Framework Core 5. The book then shows you how to build the frontend application using best practices, state management with Vuex, Vuetify UI component libraries, Vuelidate for input validations, lazy loading with Vue Router, and JWT authentication. Later, you’ll focus on testing and deployment. All the tutorials in this book support Windows 10, macOS, and Linux users.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build an enterprise full-stack web app, use the most common npm packages for Vue.js and NuGet packages for ASP.NET Core, and deploy Vue.js and ASP.NET Core to Azure App Service using GitHub Actions.

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ASP.NET Core, Angular i Bootstrap. Kompletny przybornik front-end developera

Simone Chiaretta

Dobry webdeveloper to wszechstronny webdeveloper. Nie może poprzestawać na znajomości jednego języka i umiejętności korzystania z jednej, konkretnej technologii. Co więcej, rozpowszechnianie się jednostronicowych aplikacji internetowych (ang. Single Page Application, SPA) zaciera wyraźną do niedawna różnicę między pracą programisty back-endu a obowiązkami programisty front-endu. Programiści back-endu muszą dziś poznawać narzędzia do niedawna uznawane za typowe w przyborniku programisty front-endu, takie jak wybrane frameworki JavaScriptu. Powinni też nieźle sobie radzić z technologią CSS. Do tego muszą możliwie szybko zorientować się, które języki i frameworki najlepiej sprostają potrzebom konkretnego projektu. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla projektantów, którzy chcą poznać narzędzia do programowania front-endu i nauczyć się ich efektywnego użytkowania w połączeniu z ASP.NET Core MVC. Zawiera najlepsze praktyki tworzenia front-endu i praktyczną wiedzę dotyczącą programowania za pomocą ASP.NET Core MVC. Znalazła się tu również prezentacja najpopularniejszych frameworków i narzędzi służących do tworzenia front-endu, takich jak Angular, Bootstrap, NuGet, Bower, WebPack, Gulp i Azure, ponadto omówiono wprowadzone w Visual Studio 2017 nowe funkcje przeznaczone do tego celu. Przedstawiono także rozwiązania, które umożliwiają wykorzystywanie .NET Core na platformie macOS. Poszczególne koncepcje zostały zilustrowane przejrzystymi fragmentami przykładowego kodu. W tej książce między innymi: zwięzłe wprowadzenie do ASP.NET Core MVC praca z Angularem w Visual Studio Bootstrap i responsywność stron internetowych narzędzia i technologie przydatne do programowania front-endu zintegrowane podejście do etapów testowania, kompilowania i wdrażania aplikacji Znakomite frameworki, specjalne narzędzia - poznaj je wszystkie!