
The Vultures of Whapeton

Robert E. Howard

This is a good book of four Western stories. The title story, however, is the longest. The Vultures of Whapeton suffers from a protagonist who is just a bit too manly and effective to be believed. Everyone who meets Steve Corcoran seems to instantly know hell just prevail in any kind of gunfight, no matter how outnumbered he is -- and then, of course, Corcoran goes on to do use that.


The Wallet of Kai Lung

Ernest Bramah

The Wallet of Kai Lung is a collection of fantasy stories by Ernest Bramah in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. These tales of an unlikely but marvelous China are classic works of fantasy, with each story holding a story-within-a-story. Ernest Bramahs Kai Lung is a storyteller in an imagined China, telling tales of earnest examination candidates, corrupt mandarins, beautiful maidens, alchemical potions, grasping merchants, and assorted other stereotypes from the Western imagination of China. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse.


The Wanderers Necklace

H. Rider Haggard

The book is full of unforeseen incidents. At the heart of the story is a guy who is much more honest and bolder than he seems. And of course there is love. Love leads this story, love strengthens it, and also corrupts it in a cunning way. This is a power struggle, a story about kindness, true friendship, sacrifice, conspiracy, and so on.


The War in the Air

Herbert George Wells

Bert Smallways is the unlikely protagonist, a kind of Edwardian Mod, not interested in a steady career, always looking for a good time, riding his proto-scooter down to Brighton at the weekends. When Bert is accidentally scooped up by a German fleet, on its way to launch a surprise attack on the United States, he finds himself with a front row seat to the greatest war that has ever been the war in the air! This new war is to be a different sort of war than all the wars that came before it, unprecedented in its ferocity and destructiveness. The art of war has completely changed with the coming of airplanes, which the author very eloquently brings out. The War in the Air is a story of the awful devastation following a conflict between two first-class powers with the resources of the air at their command. It is one of the most brilliant and successful of Mr. Wellss studies in futurity.


The War of the Worlds

Herbert George Wells

One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, The War of the Worlds helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel. Thirty-five million miles into space, a species of Martians sets eyes on planet Earth. With their own planet doomed for destruction, the Martians prepare to invade. Their weapons are ready and their aim is ruthless. The war of the worlds is about to begin. The War of the Worlds describes the fictional 1895 invasion of Earth by aliens from Mars who use laser-like Heat-Rays, chemical weapons, and mechanical three-legged fighting machines that could potentially be viewed as precursors to the tank. After defeating the resistance the Martians devastate much of eastern England, including London... The novel demonstrates Wells typical pessimistic outlook on human nature and offers a good deal of criticism on society and peoples ignorance and vanity.


The War Terror

Arthur B. Reeve

The War Terror is a detective novel by Arthur B. Reeve (October 15, 1880 August 9, 1936), one of his Craig Kennedy series, often regarded as American Sherlock Holmes. Each story features a fascinating look at life in the early 20th century, and even includes some action along the way. A major spy operation is deployed in the heart of Europe in time of World War II. Detective Kennedy lands right in the middle of it and begins his face off with Nazi secret service. But threads of this operation lead across the Atlantics, back in the United States. Where from do the Hydras heads actually grow? Read this enthralling war thriller and find out!


The Warlord of Mars

Edgar Rice Burroughs

“The Warlord of Mars“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars.   The Warlord of Mars is a science fantasy novel, the third of the Barsoom series. It features the characters of John Carter and Carter's wife Dejah Thoris.  Full of swordplay and daring feats, the series is considered a classic example of 20th-century pulp fiction. The story is set on Mars, imagined as a dying planet with a harsh desert environment. This vision of Mars was based on the work of the astronomer Percival Lowell, whose ideas were widely popularized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  


The Warsaw Group Rytm (1922-32) and Modernist Classicism

Małgorzata Sears

The first monograph of the influential Polish group Rytm to be published in English, this book is a nuanced reconstruction of this forgotten interwar association of artists, and an original contribution to the ongoing debates on the new classicism in Europe. Engaging critically with both recent scholarly works, and early twentieth-century writing, on modernism, classicism, Maurice Denis, and Henri Bergson, it offers a reassessment of the critique of the concepts of decorativeness, style, and rhythm, and poses important questions about the broader historiography of the 1920s in Europe as a whole.   “The book provides a valuable and unique study of the group […]. [It] expands the modernist canon by reinstating Rytm, but it also makes a significant contribution to the ongoing debates concerning ‘modernist classicism’ in European art.”  Christina Lodder, Honorary Professor of Art History, University of Kent and Honorary Fellow, University of York   “Until recently, scholars have tended to downplay more aesthetically ‘traditional’ developments in Eastern European art, focusing almost exclusively on the avant-gardes. Sears’ excellent book is symptomatic of a shift away from such approaches today. She is a leading figure in a revisionist generation who emphasise continuity and hybridity over utopia and rupture.”  Klara Kemp-Welch, Reader in 20th Century Modernism, The Courtauld Institute of Art   Małgorzata Sears is an art historian and artist educated in Poland and the United Kingdom and based in London. She studied fine art in Cornwall (Falmouth) and art history in London (Courtauld Institute of Art), where she was awarded her doctorate and was a Visiting Lecturer. She specialises in Polish interwar art and has a wider interest in European modernism, especially its links to notions of Classicism.


The Wasps


Old Philokleon was so addicted to attending court hearings that his son Bdelikleon locked him in the house and stretched a net around the house. He wants to ensure a quiet life for his father, but Philokleon does not at all want peace. Hes a cocky, like a choir made up of his old friends, judges, and he likes to convict. The choir appears on the stage in wasp costumes and tries to help Philokleon slip away, but Bdelikleon prevents this.


The Wave

Monika Rutka

Czasami musimy robić złe rzeczy, aby przetrwać. Ale czy to oznacza, że jesteśmy złymi ludźmi? Brighton, Wielka Brytania, rok 1950 Młody weteran wojenny Herman Jones postanawia kontynuować służbę dla kraju i decyduje się wstąpić do brytyjskiej policji. W stawianiu pierwszych kroków na nowej ścieżce zawodowej może mu pomóc wpływowy znajomy ojca, Clarence Langford. Biznesmen zaprasza obu Jonesów na kolację do swojego domu, by pomówić o jego ewentualnym wsparciu. Tam Herman poznaje córki Clarence’a, Janette i Florence. Rozmowy układają się po myśli przyszłego stróża prawa. Wieczór zapowiada się przyjemnie. Wszystko się jednak zmienia, gdy do uszu mężczyzn dobiega krzyk żony gospodarza. W tamtym momencie jeszcze nie wiedziałem, że będę musiał podjąć najtrudniejszą decyzję w całym swoim życiu. Że to ja będę musiał zadecydować o losie młodej dziewczyny. Wtedy jeszcze nie wiedziałem, że od tej jednej decyzji zależy cała moja przyszłość.


The Waves

Virginia Woolf

The novel is about six friends who have known since childhood: Bernard, Louis, Neville, Susie, Ron and Ginny. After a few key episodes, their life appears from early childhood to the last days. As in most Virginia Woolf books, the plot as such is absent, it is entirely focused on the inner world of its characters, the flow of their thoughts and feelings, the whole story is an uncontrollable, bubbling flow, stream of thoughts, stream of life, stream of time.


The Way of an Eagle

Ethel M. Dell

The Way of an Eagle novel (1919) opens in India, as scapegrace Nick Ratcliffe rescues Muriel, the generals daughter, from dire peril. Between starvation and attack, death is almost certain. Nick is small, odd-looking, and unpredictable. But he has somehow won the generals unconditional confidence. Not so with Muriel. Repelled yet fascinated by his mockery and ferocity his way of an eagle she agrees to a betrothal, then breaks it off for clean-cut Blake Grange. Back in England, Muriel gradually learns the truth of her feelings and of Blakes. But when she returns to India Nick, now maimed in his countrys service, is nowhere to be seen until new peril strikes. True love prevails. This is an old-fashioned adventure/romance and its impossible to put down.


The Way of Jesus

World English Bible

Sprawdź, co ma do powiedzenia człowiek, który ok. 50 roku naszej ery został wyznawcą Jezusa, a następnie zebrał i spisał relacje naocznych świadków Jego życia, śmierci i zmartwychwstania. Jego opowieść - znana dziś jako Ewangelia Łukasza i będąca częścią Biblii - zmieniła życie milionów ludzi. Może zmienić także twoje! Tekst biblijny pochodzi z przekładu World English Bible (Wydanie 2014). ---------- ENGLISH Find out what was said by a man, who in 50 AD became a follower of Jesus and then collected and wrote down the accounts of eyewitnesses of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. His narrative - known today as the Gospel of Luke, a part of the Bible - has changed the lives of millions. It can also change yours! The Bible text is taken from the World English Bible (Version 2014), which is an update of the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Holy Bible.


The Way of the Spirit

H. Rider Haggard

This is another Haggard novel in which the characters lived their lives in anticipation of love after death. A history of pain, supernatural and love that survives death. In the book, the reader meets a young man named Rupert Ullershaw. When we first meet him, he is in a difficult situation, he enters into a love affair with the wife of his elder cousin, Lord Deven. However, this is not the love that he wanted to find and he goes in search of that one.


The Way of These Women

E. Phillips Oppenheim

England has not been invited to attend a conference of European nations in the Hague. Some think war is about to break out. The Vanished Messenger presents the international intrigue and conspiracy of the Powers against England to separate her from her colonies. Mr. John P. Dunster, an American, is traveling to the Hague with an important document that may prevent the outbreak of war when he mysteriously disappears after a train wreck in England. Richard Hamel is asked by the British government to attempt to solve the mystery of Dunsters disappearance and prevent the outbreak of war in Europe. Intriguing spy novel with a murder, espionage and dramatic denouement nicely plotted and fully developed characters.


The Way to Wealth

Banjamin Franklin

The Way to Wealth is an essay written by Benjamin Franklin. It is a compilation of advice that originally appeared in Poor Richard's Almanack. The advice is organized into a speech delivered by a character called Father Abraham to a group of individuals. The essay emphasizes principles related to work ethic and frugality, and many of the phrases quoted by Father Abraham remain recognizable and relevant today.


The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

Discover the timeless wisdom of Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" a captivating journey into the heart of economics that promises to enlighten and empower readers of all backgrounds. With eloquence and precision, Smith unravels the mysteries of wealth creation, unveiling the profound insights that continue to shape our modern world. Delve into the pages of this groundbreaking work to uncover the secrets of market dynamics, the power of specialization, and the transformative force of free trade. Whether you're a seasoned economist or a curious novice, "The Wealth of Nations" beckons with its promise of newfound understanding and invaluable knowledge. Embark on this enlightening voyage today and unlock the keys to prosperity and progress.


The Weight of the Crown

Fred M. White

The sudden dismissal of Jessie Harcourt in a fashion boutique brought her into shock. It was as if she had an affair with a prince and she forced his to kiss her. This angered her boss, Madame Malmaison. But is everything the way Malmaison says or she want to substitute her?


The Well-Beloved. A Sketch of a Temperament

Thomas Hardy

"The Well-Beloved" complete the series of Hardys great novels, repeating his favorite themes of mans eternal pursuit of excellence both in love and in art, and the ensuing suffering, Jocelyn Pearston, a famous sculptor, tries to create the image of his ideal woman - his imagined Beloved - in stone, just as he tries to find her in the flesh. Powerful symbolism marks this romantic fantasy, which Hardy firmly substantiated in reality with a characteristic authentic display of the location, the Slinger Islands or Portland.


The Wheel Spins

Ethel Lina White

Oldtown is a historic place where rich people live. The sisterhood also lives there. The group, known as the "Black Nuns", had healing powers. But in Oldtown, the killer works, and a series of murders plunged the inhabitants into blind, reckless horror.


The Wheels of Chance

Herbert George Wells

This novel is a great document illustrating the anticipation of comings of the 20th century. This early H.G. Wells tale is about a 20 year old man who has a job as a Drapers Assistant, a job which he is probably too old for. Loaded with poor self esteem and a second class status, poor Mr. Hoopdriver takes a ten day holiday. On this holiday he falls for a young socialite named Jessie who is rebelling against her stepmother and society. She soon falls prey to a married man that had designs on compromising her but the hero Mr. Hoopdriver comes like a knight in shining armor, to her rescue. The Wheels of Chance A Bicycling Idyll follows the adventures of a Drapers Assistant who, having brought an ancient bicycle, sets off on a 2 week tour of the countryside. And his world will never be the same again.


The Whisperer in Darkness

H.P. Lovecraft

The Whisperer in Darkness brings together the original Cthulhu Mythos stories of the legendary horror writer H.P. Lovecraft. An Arkham university professor is contacted by a farmer living in a remote part of Vermont, who claims to have evidence of aliens living in the hills and mining a mysterious metal. When local newspapers report strange things seen floating in rivers during a historic Vermont flood, Wilmarth becomes embroiled in a controversy about the reality and significance of the sightings, though he sides with the skeptics. After visiting, the professor becomes alarmed at the mysterious change in the behavior of the farmer, including his assertion that the aliens can extract a human brain and keep it alive in jar for eternity. Wilmarth uncovers old legends about monsters living in the uninhabited hills who abduct people who venture or settle too close to their territory.


The Whispering Outlaw

George Owen Baxter

Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable Western "The Whispering Outlaw". The Whisperer, a mysterious frontier bandit who never shows his face or speaks in his own voice, recruits a ragtag band of outlaws to assist him in a series of daring robberies designed to make them all rich. Who was this whispering outlaw who could so easily slip through the hand of the lawmen Kenworthy and even baffle the seasoned and brutal gunman Lew Borgen, whom he drew to his ranks? What dark vengeance choreographed the far-flung criminal schemes of such a mysterious and evil genius? Find out in Max Brands masterful classic Western "The Whispering Outlaw".


The White Cheyenne

Max Brand

Terry Rivers was the black sheep of an aristocratic Southern family. When he headed West, the Law was in hot pursuit. In Zander City he won respect with his whip, fists and gun. There he met the legendary Lost Wolf, a white man whod been raised by the savage Cheyennes. Lost Wolf had turned out so crazy that the Cheyennes wouldnt make him a chief even though he was their best fighter. Between this untamed white Indian and the runaway Southern aristocrat developed the strangest friendship in the history of the West! "The White Cheyenne" was written in 1925 Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) under his pseudonym Max Brand. Experience the West as only Max Brand could write it!