
vSphere High Performance Cookbook. A cookbook is the ideal way to learn a tool as complex as vSphere. Through experiencing the real-world recipes in this tutorial you'll gain deep insight into vSphere's unique attributes and reach a high level of proficiency

Prasenjit Sarkar, Prasenjit Sarkar

VMware vSphere is the key virtualization technology in today's market. vSphere is a complex tool and incorrect design and deployment can create performance-related problems. vSphere High Performance Cookbook is focused on solving those problems as well as providing best practices and performance-enhancing techniques.vSphere High Performance Cookbook offers a comprehensive understanding of the different components of vSphere and the interaction of these components with the physical layer which includes the CPU, memory, network, and storage. If you want to improve or troubleshoot vSphere performance then this book is for you!vSphere High Performance Cookbook will teach you how to tune and grow a VMware vSphere 5 infrastructure. This book focuses on tuning, optimizing, and scaling the infrastructure using the vSphere Client graphical user interface. This book will enable the reader with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to build and run a high-performing VMware vSphere virtual infrastructure.You will learn how to configure and manage ESXi CPU, memory, networking, and storage for sophisticated, enterprise-scale environments. You will also learn how to manage changes to the vSphere environment and optimize the performance of all vSphere components.This book also focuses on high value and often overlooked performance-related topics such as NUMA Aware CPU Scheduler, VMM Scheduler, Core Sharing, the Virtual Memory Reclamation technique, Checksum offloading, VM DirectPath I/O, queuing on storage array, command queuing, vCenter Server design, and virtual machine and application tuning.By the end of this book you will be able to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot operational faults and critical performance issues in vSphere.


vSphere High Performance Cookbook. Recipes to tune your vSphere for maximum performance - Second Edition

Kevin Elder, Christopher Kusek, Prasenjit Sarkar

vSphere is a mission-critical piece of software for many businesses. It is a complex tool, and incorrect design and deployment can create performance related issues that can negatively affect the business. This book is focused on solving these problems as well as providing best practices and performance-enhancing techniques. This edition is fully updated to include all the new features in version 6.5 as well as the latest tools and techniques to keep vSphere performing at its best.This book starts with interesting recipes, such as the interaction of vSphere 6.5 components with physical layers such as CPU, memory, and networking. Then we focus on DRS, resource control design, and vSphere cluster design. Next, you’ll learn about storage performance design and how it works with VMware vSphere 6.5. Moving on, you will learn about the two types of vCenter installation and the benefits of each. Lastly, the book covers performance tools that help you get the most out of your vSphere installation.By the end of this book, you will be able to identify, diagnose, and troubleshoot operational faults and critical performance issues in vSphere 6.5.


VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming. Get to grips with Programming Office 2007 using Visual Studio Tools for Office

Vivek Thangaswamy

With the arrival of Visual Studio Tools for Office 3.0 (VSTO), developers can now program Microsoft Office from the .NET framework. There are huge books in the market that give loads of unnecessary information but are of no real help to brand-new Office developers. Wouldn't it be great to have a precise book that simply covers the basics and introduces programming Office 2007 with VSTO using the latest version of Visual Studio? This is that book.VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming shows you how to write Office 2007 applications with Visual Studio Tools for Office 3.0. Learn how to automate tasks in InfoPath, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visio, and Project 2007 with greater programming power and flexibility than was available from the VBA language. With this book and the mastery of VSTO you will learn, Office will no longer be an application to you; it will be a platform for developing custom applications.VSTO 3 is the most recent version of VSTO, making use of Visual Studio 2008, and working with Office 2007. This book shows how VSTO puts Office automation into the hands of developers, allowing them to use the power of the .NET framework to automate Office applications thus increasing the speed of the applications, their security, and the opportunity to use other parts of the .NET Framework such as its data handling capabilities.This book builds a solid programming foundation in VSTO for brand-new Office developers. You will leave behind the world of VBA programming and take your first steps into the powerful and exciting world of using C# to create Office 2007 applications. Packed with examples and covering all the main Office applications, this book will have you creating fully featured Office extensions before you know it.


Vue CLI 3 Quick Start Guide. Build and maintain Vue.js applications quickly with the standard CLI

Ajdin Imsirovic

The sprawling landscape of various tools in JavaScript web development is becoming overwhelming. This book will show you how Vue CLI 3 can help you take back control of the tool chain. To that end, we'll begin by configuring webpack, utilizing HMR, and using single-file .vue components. We'll also use SCSS, ECMAScript, and TypeScript. We'll unit test with Jest and perform E2E testing with Cypress.This book will show you how to configure Vue CLI as your default way of building Vue projects. You'll discover the reasons behind using webpack, babel, eslint, and other modern JavaScript toolchain technologies. You'll learn about the inner workings of each through the lens of Vue CLI 3. We'll explore the extendibility of Vue CLI with the built-in settings, and various core and third-party plugins.Vue CLI helps you work with Vue components, routers, directives, and services in the Vue ecosystem. While learning these concepts, you'll examine the evolution of JavaScript. You'll learn about use of npm, IIFEs, modules in JavaScript, Common.js modules, task runners, npm scripts, module bundlers, and webpack. You'll get familiar with the reasons why Vue CLI 3 is set up the way it is. You'll also learn to perform linting with ESLint and Prettier.Towards the end, we'll introduce you to working with styles and SCSS. Finally, we'll show you how to deploy your very own Vue project on Github Pages.


Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development. Build responsive SPAs with Bootstrap 4, Vue.js 2, and Firebase

Olga Filipova

In this book, we will build a full stack web application right from scratch up to its deployment.We will start by building a small introduction application and then proceed to the creation of a fully functional, dynamic responsive web application called ProFitOro. In this application, we will build a Pomodoro timer combined with office workouts. Besides the Pomodoro timer and ProFitOro workouts will enable authentication and collaborative content management. We will explore topics such as Vue reactive data binding, reusable components, routing, and Vuex store along with its state, actions, mutations, and getters. We will create Vue applications using both webpack and Nuxt.js templates while exploring cool hot Nuxt.js features such as code splitting and server-side rendering. We will use Jest to test this application, and we will even revive some trigonometry from our secondary school! While developing the app, you will go through the new grid system of Bootstrap 4 along with Vue.js’ directives. We will connect Vuex store to the Firebase real-time database, data storage, and authentication APIs and use this data later inside the application’s reactive components. Finally, we will quickly deploy our application using the Firebase hosting mechanism.


Vue.js 2 Cookbook. Build modern, interactive web applications with Vue.js

Andrea Passaglia

Vue.js is an open source JavaScript library for building modern, interactive web applications. With a rapidly growing community and a strong ecosystem, Vue.js makes developing complex single page applications a breeze. Its component-based approach, intuitive API, blazing fast core, and compact size make Vue.js a great solution to craft your next front-end application.From basic to advanced recipes, this book arms you with practical solutions to common tasks when building an application using Vue. We start off by exploring the fundamentals of Vue.js: its reactivity system, data-binding syntax, and component-based architecture through practical examples. After that, we delve into integrating Webpack and Babel to enhance your development workflow using single file components. Finally, we take an in-depth look at Vuex for state management and Vue Router to route in your single page applications, and integrate a variety of technologies ranging from Node.js to Electron, and Socket.io to Firebase and HorizonDB.This book will provide you with the best practices as determined by the Vue.js community.


Vue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices. Build enterprise-ready, modular Vue.js applications with Vuex and Nuxt

Paul Halliday

Vue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices starts by comparing Vue.js with other frameworks and setting up the development environment for your application, and gradually moves on to writing and styling clean, maintainable, and reusable Vue.js components that can be used across your application. Further on, you'll look at common UI patterns, Vue form submission, and various modifiers such as lazy binding, number typecasting, and string trimming to create better UIs. You will also explore best practices for integrating HTTP into Vue.js applications to create an application with dynamic data. Routing is a vitally important part of any SPA, so you will focus on the vue-router and explore routing a user between multiple pages. Next, you'll also explore state management with Vuex, write testable code for your application, and create performant, server-side rendered applications with Nuxt. Toward the end, we'll look at common antipatterns to avoid, saving you from a lot of trial and error and development headaches.By the end of this book, you'll be on your way to becoming an expert Vue developer who can leverage design patterns to efficiently architect the design of your application and write clean and maintainable code.


Vue.js 2. Tworzenie reaktywnych aplikacji WWW

Olga Filipova

Vue.js jest jednym z najnowszych frameworków. Dzięki swojej prostocie i wszechstronności wzbudza ogromne zainteresowanie twórców aplikacji WWW. Służy do budowy efektywnych, reaktywnych, złożonych i skalowalnych aplikacji WWW, przy czym pozwala na korzystanie z komponentów wielokrotnego użytku. Framework Vue.js powstał jako narzędzie do szybkiego prototypowania, a teraz rozwija się i ewoluuje, dzięki czemu liczba dostępnych funkcji stale rośnie. Vue jest na tyle elastyczny i neutralny względem struktury aplikacji, że z całą pewnością można go uznać za framework wspierający budowę kompleksowych aplikacji WWW. Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, jak rozpocząć pracę z tym znakomitym narzędziem. Zrozumiesz, czym jest Vue.js, i sprawdzisz, jakie ma możliwości. Będziesz też mieć okazję do przetestowania ich podczas tworzenia kilku ciekawych aplikacji. W trakcie lektury kolejnych rozdziałów przekonasz się, jak wykorzystać potencjał Vue.js do tworzenia niezwykle wydajnych, reaktywnych interfejsów WWW. Nie musisz być przy tym wybitnym deweloperem. Dzięki tej książce poznasz wszystkie etapy budowania interaktywnej aplikacji WWW za pomocą Vue.js: od planowania struktury aż do pełnego wdrożenia! W książce między innymi: zarys budowy frameworku, jego instalacja i sposoby wykorzystywania system jednoplikowych komponentów oraz wiązanie danych architektura aplikacji w Vue.js korzystanie z istniejących wtyczek i tworzenie własnych testy i wdrażanie aplikacji Vue.js 2: nowe narzędzie, większe możliwości, najlepsze wdrożenia! Olga Filipova urodziła się w Kijowie. Dorastała w rodzinie fizyków, naukowców i profesorów. Ma duże doświadczenie jako programistka aplikacji WWW, szczególnie w zakresie języka JavaScript. Równocześnie od wielu lat rozwija swoje talenty dydaktyczne w dziedzinie technologii internetowych. Obecnie mieszka w Berlinie, gdzie pracuje jako lider zespołu w firmie Meetrics. Filipova ma męża Ruiego (również programistę), fantastyczną córkę Taissę, kota Patuscę i parę szynszyli o dźwięcznych imionach Barabashka i Cheburashka.


Vue.js 2 Web Development Projects. Learn Vue.js by building 6 web apps


Do you want to make your web application amazingly responsive? Are you unhappy with your app's performance and looking forward to trying out ways to make your app more powerful? Then Vue.js, a framework for building user interfaces, is a great choice, and this book is the ideal way to put it through its paces.This book's project-based approach will get you to build six stunning applications from scratch and gain valuable insights in Vue.js 2.5. You'll start by learning the basics of Vue.js and create your first web app using directives along with rich and attractive user experiences. You will learn about animations and interactivity by creating a browser-based game. Using the available tools and preprocessor, you will learn how to create multi-page apps with plugins. You will create highly efficient and performant functional components for your app. Next, you will create your own online store and optimize it. Finally, you will integrate Vue.js with the real-time Meteor library and create a dashboard showing real-time data.By the end of this book you will have enough skills and will have worked through enough examples of real Vue.js projects to create interactive professional web applications with Vue.js 2.5.


Vue.js 2. Wprowadzenie dla profesjonalistów

Adam Freeman

Vue.js jest frameworkiem, który służy do budowy nowoczesnych, reaktywnych i skalowanych aplikacji WWW, a przy tym ułatwia korzystanie z komponentów wielokrotnego użytku. Framework ten powstał jako narzędzie do szybkiego prototypowania, a teraz dynamicznie się rozwija i ewoluuje, dzięki czemu liczba dostępnych funkcji stale rośnie. Prostocie i wszechstronności zawdzięcza ogromne uznanie deweloperów. Z całą pewnością można go uznać za narzędzie niezbędne każdemu, kto buduje kompleksowe aplikacje WWW i pragnie utrzymywać wysokie standardy. Dzięki tej książce dowiesz się, czym jest Vue.js i jak rozpocząć z nim pracę, przekonasz się także, jakie ma możliwości. Nauczysz się budować dynamiczne aplikacje wykorzystujące właściwości nowoczesnych przeglądarek internetowych i urządzeń. Odkryjesz zalety wzorca MVC (model - widok - kontroler) i dowiesz się, jak zadziwiająco sprawnym językiem stał się JavaScript. Zapoznasz się z anatomią projektu Vue.js, z procesami kompilacji i transformacji oraz nabierzesz biegłości w posługiwaniu się zaawansowanymi funkcjami frameworka. Liczne przykłady pozwolą Ci na niemal natychmiastowe przetestowanie opisywanych zagadnień w praktyce. W rezultacie bardzo szybko będziesz przygotowany do tworzenia zaawansowanych, reaktywnych i dynamicznych aplikacji WWW! W książce między innymi: zarys budowy frameworka, jego instalacja i sposoby wykorzystania wzorzec MVC i architektura aplikacji w Vue.js 2 dynamiczne aplikacje WWW po stronie klienta korzystanie z usług REST rozszerzanie i modyfikowanie Vue.js w zależności od potrzeb Vue.js 2: zyskaj większe możliwości i pisz najlepsze aplikacje!


Vue.js 2.x by Example. Example-driven guide to build web apps with Vue.js for beginners

Mike Street

Vue.js is a frontend web framework which makes it easy to do just about anything, from displaying data up to creating full-blown web apps, and has become a leading tool for web developers. This book puts Vue.js into a real-world context, guiding you through example projects that helps you build Vue.js applications from scratch.With this book, you will learn how to use Vue.js by creating three Single Page web applications. Throughout this book, we will cover the usage of Vue, for building web interfaces, Vuex, an official Vue plugin which makes caching and storing data easier, and Vue-router, a plugin for creating routes and URLs for your application.Starting with a JSON dataset, the first part of the book covers Vue objects and how to utilize each one. This will be covered by exploring different ways of displaying data from a JSON dataset. We will then move on to manipulating the data with filters and search and creating dynamic values.Next, you will see how easy it is to integrate remote data into an application by learning how to use the Dropbox API to display your Dropbox contents in an applicationIn the final section, you will see how to build a product catalog and dynamic shopping cart using the Vue-router, giving you the building blocks of an e-commerce store.


Vue.js 3 By Example. Blueprints to learn Vue web development, full-stack development, and cross-platform development quickly

John Au-Yeung

With its huge ecosystem and wide adoption, Vue is one of the leading frameworks thanks to its ease of use when developing applications. However, it can get challenging for aspiring Vue.js developers to make sense of the ecosystem and build meaningful applications.This book will help you understand how you can leverage Vue effectively to develop impressive apps quickly using its latest version – Vue 3.0.The book takes an example-based approach to help you get to grips with the basics of Vue 3 and create a simple application by exploring features such as components and directives. You'll then enhance your app building skills by learning how to test the app with Jest and Vue Test Utils. As you advance, you'll understand how to write non-web apps with Vue 3, create cross-platform desktop apps with the Electron plugin, and build a multi-purpose mobile app with Vue and Ionic. You'll also be able to develop web apps with Vue 3 that interact well with GraphQL APIs. Finally, you'll build a chat app that performs real-time communication using Vue 3 and Laravel.By the end of this Vue.js book, you'll have developed the skills you need to build real-world apps using Vue 3 by working through a range of projects.


Vue.js 3 Cookbook. Discover actionable solutions for building modern web apps with the latest Vue features and TypeScript

Heitor Ramon Ribeiro

Vue.js is a progressive web framework for building professional user interfaces for your web applications. With Vue.js 3, the frontend framework is reinforced with architectural enhancements, new base languages, new render processes, and separated core components.The book starts with recipes for implementing Vue.js 3’s new features in your web development projects and migrating your existing Vue.js apps to the latest version. You will get up and running with TypeScript with Vue.js and find succinct solutions to common challenges and pitfalls faced in implementing components, derivatives, and animation, through to building plugins, adding state management, routing, and developing complete single-page applications (SPAs). As you advance, you'll discover recipes to help you integrate Vue.js apps with Nuxt.js in order to add server-side rendering capabilities to your SPAs. You'll then learn about the Vue.js ecosystem by exploring modern frameworks such as Quasar, Nuxt.js, Vuex, and Vuetify in your web projects. Finally, the book provides you with solutions for packaging and deploying your Vue.js apps.By the end of this Vue.js book, you'll be able to identify and solve challenges faced in building Vue.js applications and be able to adopt the Vue.js framework for frontend web projects of any scale.


Vue.js 3 Design Patterns and Best Practices. Develop scalable and robust applications with Vite, Pinia, and Vue Router

Pablo David Garaguso, Olaf Zander

If you’re familiar with the progressive Vue framework for creating responsive user interfaces, you’ll be impressed with its latest iteration, Vue 3, which introduces new concepts and approaches design patterns that are uncommon in other libraries or frameworks. By building on your foundational knowledge of Vue 3 and software engineering principles, this book will enable you to evaluate the trade-offs of different approaches to building robust applications.This book covers Vue 3 from the basics, including components and directives, and progressively moves on to more advanced topics such as routing, state management, web workers, and offline storage. Starting with a simple page, you’ll gradually build a fully functional multithreaded, offline, and installable progressive web application.By the time you finish reading this Vue book, not only will you have learned how to build applications, but you’ll also understand how to solve common problems efficiently by applying existing design patterns. With this knowledge, you’ll avoid reinventing the wheel for every project, saving time and creating software that’s adaptable to future changes.


Vue.js 3 for Beginners. Learn the essentials of Vue.js 3 and its ecosystem to build modern web applications

Simone Cuomo, Tracy Lee

Discover why Vue.js is a must-learn JavaScript framework for aspiring developers. If you’re a beginner fascinated by Vue.js and its potential, then this book will show you how the progressive and versatile framework can help you build performant applications. Written by an accomplished software architect with over 12 years of experience, Vue.js 3 for Beginners provides a solid foundation in Vue.js and guides you at every step to create a robust social media application, component by component.Starting with a clean canvas using plain HTML and CSS, you’ll learn new topics to build your application incrementally. Beyond the core features, you’ll explore crucial parts of the Vue.js ecosystem, such as state management with Pinia, routing with Vue Router, and testing with Vitest, and Cypress. The structured GitHub repository ensures a smooth transition from one chapter to the next, offering valuable insights into advanced topics, techniques, and resources. This book is designed to serve as a practical reference guide, allowing you to quickly revisit specific topics when needed.By the end of the book, you’ll have built a strong understanding of Vue.js and be ready to build simple applications effortlessly.


Vue.js Quick Start Guide. Learn how to build amazing and complex reactive web applications easily using Vue.js

Ajdin Imsirovic

Vue.js is the latest trending frontend framework. Simplicity, reactivity, and ?exibility are some of the key benefits that Vue offers to developers. This book will help you learn everything you need to know to build stunning reactive web apps with Vue.js 2 quickly and easily.This book will take you through the Vue 2 framework. You will start by learning the different Vue installation options: CDN, NPM, and Vue CLI. Then we will look at the core concepts of Vue: templates and components – ways to modularize Vue code. You will learn how to utilize directives, which are Vue-specific HTML attributes with additional features. Also, you will see how Vue uses a streamlined approach to development, with reusable methods, computed properties, and watchers, and how it controls state with the help of its data option.You will learn about the concepts of reactive programming in Vue, and how to understand communication between parent and child components. We will take a look at props and slots, working with CSS, filters, and mixins. We will also look at ways to add transitions and animations to Vue apps. Then you will extend Vue by building custom directives and your own plugins. Finally, you will learn about Vuex – a Vue plugin that allows us to centralize state, and also introduce Nuxt, which is a framework that builds on top of Vue and solves some issues of single-page applications. After learning about these components, you will be ready to build your own reactive web apps with Vue.js 2.


Vue.js: Understanding its Tools and Ecosystem. Take a crash course in the main concepts and syntax of the Vue.js library

Dave Berning

Vue.js is one of the top three “go-to” JavaScript frameworks and is used by organizations such as Nintendo, NASA, and Expedia. This book is primarily focused on the ecosystem of Vue.js and its development tools. Understanding the basics of the technology behind the Vue.js ecosystem will improve your skills and make you a better problem solver.The book begins with a brief overview of Vue.js. You’ll learn to work your way through the Vue command line interface CLI 3, and use the Vue Router library to navigate between the different views of your application. As you advance through the topics, you’ll explore the use of DevTools to improve the quality of your applications and how to implement server-side rendering in your application through the Nuxt.js framework. Toward the end of the book, you’ll read about the future of Vue.js and its growing popularity.After reading this book, you’ll be able to create industry-grade applications using Vue.js and its tools.


Vue.js w akcji

Erik Hanchett, Benjamin Listwon

Vue.js jest lekkim, nowoczesnym frameworkiem rozwijanym przez informatyków, projektantów, inżynierów i osoby, które zawodowo interesują się wrażeniami użytkowników. Służy do tworzenia reaktywnych i atrakcyjnych wizualnie klienckich aplikacji internetowych. Pozwala na budowanie zarówno dość prostych, jak i bardzo złożonych systemów. Udostępnia powiązania dwukierunkowe, reaktywny interfejs użytkownika oraz logiczną strukturę projektów. Vue.js umożliwia pisanie czytelnego i zwięzłego kodu. Tworzenie aplikacji z użyciem Vue w języku JavaScript i z biblioteką do zarządzania stanem Vuex jest czystą przyjemnością. Ta książka to praktyczny przewodnik po frameworku Vue.js przeznaczonym dla programistów zaznajomionych z JavaScriptem, HTML-em i CSS-em. Pozwala na szybkie poznanie tego narzędzia. Przedstawiono w niej zasady łatwego zarządzania stanem z użyciem biblioteki Vuex oraz techniki budowania niestandardowych dyrektyw. Poszczególne zagadnienia zilustrowano praktycznymi fragmentami kodu źródłowego. Aby umożliwić czytelnikom płynne przejście do tworzenia kompletnych systemów, kolejne tajniki Vue.js pokazano na przykładzie stopniowo rozwijanej aplikacji sklepu internetowego z koszykiem zakupowym, interfesjem magazynowym i modułem do zarządzania magazynem. W tej książce między innymi: podstawy Vue.js instancje Vue.js i budowa aplikacji model reaktywny, komponenty i trasowanie animacje, efekty przejść i inne możliwości frameworka modelowanie danych i testowanie aplikacji Vue.js. Napisz piękną aplikację!


Vuex Quick Start Guide. Centralized State Management for your Vue.js applications

Andrea Koutifaris

State management preserves the state of controls in a user interface. Vuex is a state management tool for Vue.js that makes the architecture easier to understand, maintain and evolve. This book is the easiest way to get started with Vuex to improve your Vue.js application architecture and overall user experience.Our book begins by explaining the problem that Vuex solves, and how it helps your applications. You will learn about the Vuex core concepts, including the Vuex store, changing application state, carrying out asynchronous operations and persisting state changes, all with an eye to scalability.You will learn how to test Vuex elements and Vue components with the Karma and Jasmine testing frameworks. You will see this in the context of a testing first approach, following the fundamentals of Test Driven Development. TDD will help you to identify which components need testing and how to test them. You will build a full Vuex application by creating the application components and services, and persist the state.Vuex comes with a plugin system that allows programmers to extend Vuex features. You will learn about some of the most powerful plugins, and make use of the built-in logger plugin. You write a custom Google Analytics plugin to send actions to its analytics API, and an Undo/Redo plugin.


Vulkan Cookbook. Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API—Vulkan

Pawel Lapinski

Vulkan is the next generation graphics API released by the Khronos group. It is expected to be the successor to OpenGL and OpenGL ES, which it shares some similarities with such as its cross-platform capabilities, programmed pipeline stages, or nomenclature. Vulkan is a low-level API that gives developers much more control over the hardware, but also adds new responsibilities such as explicit memory and resources management. With it, though, Vulkan is expected to be much faster.This book is your guide to understanding Vulkan through a series of recipes. We start off by teaching you how to create instances in Vulkan and choose the device on which operations will be performed. You will then explore more complex topics such as command buffers, resources and memory management, pipelines, GLSL shaders, render passes, and more. Gradually, the book moves on to teach you advanced rendering techniques, how to draw 3D scenes, and how to improve the performance of your applications.By the end of the book, you will be familiar with the latest advanced techniques implemented with the Vulkan API, which can be used on a wide range of platforms.


W 80 dni dookoła świata

Juliusz Verne

Utwór uznawany za jedną z najpopularniejszych powieści autorstwa Juliusza Verne'a. Stateczny Anglik Phileas Fogg aprobuje zakład, twierdząc, że uda mu się objechać świat w 80 dni. Suma, którą ma otrzymać, jeśli wygra, opiewa na 20.000 funtów szterlingów. Fogg zabiera w niezwykłą podróż służącego, Francuza, który trudnił się dotąd rozmaitymi profesjami. Niezwykły duet jest pilnie śledzony przez detektywa Fixa, który uważa, że Fogg ukradł pieniądze z banku w Londynie. Utwór został zekranizowany przez Francka Coraci w 2004 roku. Stał się hitem kinowym z Jackiem Chanem w roli Jana Obieżyświata.


W 80 dni dookoła świata

Jules Verne

" Trzymam zakład o dwadzieścia tysięcy funtów sterlingów z każdym, kto chce, iż odbędę podróż naokoło świata w 80 dniach, co czyni tysiąc dziewięćset dwadzieścia godzin, czyli piętnaście tysięcy dwieście minut. Czy zgadzacie się panowie? (...) Dziś wieczór potwierdził pan Fogg i, wyjąwszy kalendarzyk z kieszeni, dodał: ponieważ dziś mamy środę, drugiego października, powinienem wrócić do Londynu, do tego salonu, w sobotę dnia 21 grudnia, wieczorem o godzinie 8-mej minut 45; w przeciwnym razie 20 tysięcy funtów sterlingów, złożonych u braci Baring, należą do was, panowie. Oto czek! (...) Na twarzy jego przeciwników malowało się wzruszenie; nie przerażała ich wielkość sumy zakładowej, ale na myśl, iż przystali na tak nierówną walkę, odczuwali rodzaj skrupułu." (fragment) Tagi: klasyka, bestseller,


W 80 dni dookoła świata. Le tour du monde en 80 jours

Jules Verne

Jules Verne: W 80 dni dookoła świata. Le tour du monde en 80 jours. Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i francuskiej. Powieść przygodowa Juliusza Verne. Głównym bohaterem opowieści jest angielski dżentelmen Fileas Fogg, znany jako stateczny, bogaty acz skromny samotnik. Zaskoczeniem dla wszystkich jest zdarzenie, podczas którego zakłada się o 20.000 funtów szterlingów ze swoimi znajomymi z gry w wista, że objedzie świat wokoło w ciągu 80 dni. W podróż rusza z nowo najętym, francuskim służącym Passepartout (w przekładach polskich Obieżyświat). Po piętach depcze im angielski detektyw Fix, który jest przekonany, że to Fileas Fogg jest sprawcą kradzieży znacznej kwoty pieniędzy z londyńskiego banku... (http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/W_osiemdziesiąt_dni_dookoła_świata) Une vive discussion s'engage propos de cet article. Phileas Fogg parie 20 000 livres, la moitié de sa fortune, avec ses collgues du Reform Club qu'il réussira achever ce tour du monde en 80 jours. Il part immédiatement, emmenant avec lui Jean Passepartout, son nouveau valet de chambre. Il quitte Londres 20 h 45 le 2 octobre, et doit donc tre de retour son club au plus tard la mme heure, 80 jours aprs, soit le 21 décembre 1872 20 h 45 heure locale. Phileas Fogg est un maniaque de l'heure, qui aime agir de façon exacte et précise. Pour lui, l'imprévu n'existe pas . Mais le voyage va tre semé dembches et de contretemps. Le pari et le départ de Fogg font la une des journaux. La police se demande si Phileas Fogg est le fameux voleur qui vient de dévaliser la Banque d'Angleterre et qui chercherait s'échapper. L'inspecteur Fix part sa recherche, et ne cessera de le poursuivre dans tous les pays traversés. Phileas Fogg et Passepartout partent de Londres en train et utilisent ensuite différents moyens de transport... (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Tour_du_monde_en_quatre-vingts_jours)