Sztuczna inteligencja


Industrial Digital Transformation. Accelerate digital transformation with business optimization, AI, and Industry 4.0

Shyam Varan Nath, Ann Dunkin, Mahesh Chowdhary, Nital Patel

Digital transformation requires the ability to identify opportunities across industries and apply the right technologies and tools to achieve results. This audiobook is divided into two parts with the first covering what digital transformation is and why it is important. The second part focuses on how digital transformation works.After an introduction to digital transformation, you will explore the transformation journey in logical steps and understand how to build business cases and create productivity benefit statements. Next, you’ll delve into advanced topics relating to overcoming various challenges. Later, the audiobook will take you through case studies in both private and public sector organizations. You’ll explore private sector organizations such as industrial and hi-tech manufacturing in detail and get to grips with public sector organizations by learning how transformation can be achieved on a global scale and how the resident experience can be improved. In addition to this, you will understand the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning in digital transformation. Finally, you’ll discover how to create a playbook that can ensure success in digital transformation.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll be well-versed with industrial digital transformation and be able to apply your skills in the real world.


Kierunek metaverse. Jak wprowadzić technologie VR, AR i AI w twojej firmie

Andrzej Horoch

Pozycja obowiązkowa na półce każdej innowatorki i każdego innowatora. Zebrana w jednej książce niezbędna wiedza o potencjale metaverse napisana prostym językiem, pełnym humoru i dystansu. Przedsiębiorca, ekspert i wieloletni praktyk wdrażania innowacji VR, AR, AI inspiruje, obnaża mity i podaje fakty poparte doświadczeniem z realizacji projektów w dużych firmach. Andrzej Horoch odpowie na najważniejsze pytania: Czym jest metaverse i jak do niego wejść? Co potrafi wirtualna rzeczywistość? Które polskie firmy już inwestują w rozwiązania metaverse i jak to robią? Jak wykorzystać metaverse w biznesie? Jak dobrze przedstawić projekt metaverse przed zarządem? Co można zyskać? Od czego zacząć i czego unikać? To książka dla grona pasjonatek i pasjonatów, którzy mają odwagę stanąć na czele innowacji i zmieniać rzeczywistość wokół nas. Poprzez przykłady dostarczy ci konkretnych inspiracji i argumentów, dlaczego warto inwestować w wirtualne technologie i jak przekonać do nich decydentów w firmie. Dzięki niej zdobędziesz perspektywę potrzebną do obserwacji ewolucji technologii w otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, aby lepiej rozumieć zachodzące zmiany, które wpisane są w cykl życia każdej innowacji. Andrzej Horoch ̶ na co dzień wdraża innowacje w dużych organizacjach razem ze swoją firmą Współpracuje z Meta (dawniej Facebook). Jest przewodniczącym Komitetu ds. Metawersum w ramach Związku Cyfrowa Polska. Laureat polskich i międzynarodowych konkursów technologicznych, dzieli się doświadczeniem praktyka i pasjonata, przekazując rzetelną wiedzę o realizacji projektów od kuchni. Robi to w sposób barwny i nietuzinkowy, o czym bez wątpienia przekonacie się, czytając tę książkę.


Machine Learning Security Principles. Keep data, networks, users, and applications safe from prying eyes

John Paul Mueller, Rod Stephens

Businesses are leveraging the power of AI to make undertakings that used to be complicated and pricy much easier, faster, and cheaper. The first part of this audiobook will explore these processes in more depth, which will help you in understanding the role security plays in machine learning.As you progress to the second part, you’ll learn more about the environments where ML is commonly used and dive into the security threats that plague them using code, graphics, and real-world references.The next part of the audiobook will guide you through the process of detecting hacker behaviors in the modern computing environment, where fraud takes many forms in ML, from gaining sales through fake reviews to destroying an adversary’s reputation. Once you’ve understood hacker goals and detection techniques, you’ll learn about the ramifications of deep fakes, followed by mitigation strategies.This audiobook also takes you through best practices for embracing ethical data sourcing, which reduces the security risk associated with data. You’ll see how the simple act of removing personally identifiable information (PII) from a dataset lowers the risk of social engineering attacks.By the end of this machine learning audiobook, you'll have an increased awareness of the various attacks and the techniques to secure your ML systems effectively.


The AI Product Manager's Handbook. Develop a product that takes advantage of machine learning to solve AI problems

Irene Bratsis

Product managers working with artificial intelligence will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to applied AI. This audiobook covers everything you need to know to drive product development and growth in the AI industry. From understanding AI and machine learning to developing and launching AI products, it provides the strategies, techniques, and tools you need to succeed.The first part of the audiobook focuses on establishing a foundation of the concepts most relevant to maintaining AI pipelines. The next part focuses on building an AI-native product, and the final part guides you in integrating AI into existing products.You’ll learn about the types of AI, how to integrate AI into a product or business, and the infrastructure to support the exhaustive and ambitious endeavor of creating AI products or integrating AI into existing products. You’ll gain practical knowledge of managing AI product development processes, evaluating and optimizing AI models, and navigating complex ethical and legal considerations associated with AI products. With the help of real-world examples and case studies, you’ll stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of AI and ML.By the end of this audiobook, you’ll have understood how to navigate the world of AI from a product perspective.


The Kaggle Book. Data analysis and machine learning for competitive data science

Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron, Anthony Goldbloom

Millions of data enthusiasts from around the world compete on Kaggle, the most famous data science competition platform of them all. Participating in Kaggle competitions is a surefire way to improve your data analysis skills, network with an amazing community of data scientists, and gain valuable experience to help grow your career.The first audiobook of its kind, The Kaggle Book assembles in one place the techniques and skills you'll need for success in competitions, data science projects, and beyond. Two Kaggle Grandmasters walk you through modeling strategies you won't easily find elsewhere, and the knowledge they've accumulated along the way. As well as Kaggle-specific tips, you'll learn more general techniques for approaching tasks based on image, tabular, textual data, and reinforcement learning. You'll design better validation schemes and work more comfortably with different evaluation metrics.Whether you want to climb the ranks of Kaggle, build some more data science skills, or improve the accuracy of your existing models, this audiobook is for you.